nice late session!
1 hour stretching left with vacuum stretcherWhat do you mean by one hour left?
1 hour stretching left with vacuum stretcher
Morning session
Vacuum stretcher
1 hour stretching to left side
30-seconds x 1 each
Straight Down to the Left
Straight Down to the Center
Straight Down to the Right
25 rotations
30-seconds x 1
Straight Out to the Left
Straight Out to the Center
Straight Out to the Right
25 rotations
30-seconds x 1
Straight Up to the Left
Straight Up to the Center
Straight Up to the Right
25 rotations
Vacuum stretcher
1 hour stretching to right side
Yesterday evening
2.5 hours Vacuum stretcher
20 minutes pump session
I think I’m going to wait to measure until end of August.
Been slacking it so need to get on track.
Great thread with a lot of good knowledge in it. Following!LengthGirthRoutine
5 minutes warm up shower
Hardcore water pump stretches (HWPS)
Down 30 sec x 1
Out 30 sec x 1
Up 30 sec x 1
30 tugs
Wondering if even a small workout adds up to gains.
20 min pyramid hang like
10 min hanging 3>6.75 lbs
5 minutes bundles
10 min hanging 8>3 lbs
ADS 30 min
-Hardcore water pump stretches (HWPS)
5 minute warm up shower
Down 30 sec x 3
Out 30 sec x 3
Up 30 sec x 3
30 tugs x 3
Testical Massage & Stretch
Light scrotum stretch down while hand pulled penis upward x 60
Kicking ass!LengthRoutine
10 Warm up heating pad
-LengthMaster (LM)
attach LM 5 minute
20 minute A Y stretches
22 min pyramid hang like
10 min hanging 3>6.75 lbs
5 minutes bundles
12 min hanging 8>3 lbs
ADS 30 min
-Hardcore water pump stretches (HWPS)
5 minute warm up shower
Down 30 sec x 3
Out 30 sec x 3
Up 30 sec x 3
30 tugs x 3
Depens on a lot of factors. Like what model you using etc. You need to test it out a lot like wearing it non stop for 8+ hours daytime first or set alarms during first nights. That being said, I have not come up with a good method for my self so I'm off PE during sleep. Some people manage to do it though. Feels risky if it constricts blood in any way in my opinion.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend