Hello, to all christain
I had an Idea to start a thread where we could all descuse questions,ansewers and, our walk with God and help eachother out and maybe even make some friends. While if there is anyone that wants to join me and fellowship with me please join even if your not a christain or relgious person.

thank u for reading this and may God bless u.

Forgiven :bouncesqu
forgiven said:
Hello, to all christain
I had an Idea to start a thread where we could all descuse questions,ansewers and, our walk with God and help eachother out and maybe even make some friends. While if there is anyone that wants to join me and fellowship with me please join even if your not a christain or relgious person.

thank u for reading this and may God bless u.

Forgiven :bouncesqu
Hi Forgiven, Be glad to join with you on some discussion and fellowship. Have a lot of history in Penis Enlargement. Been a Christian for a long time. Hope to encourage anyone who wants to talk about the things of the Lord. GS
I just cant figure out if this is spiritualy right with God. I look at adult entertainment, not for lust, for turn on for girth work. Is that wrong?
Supra said:
I just cant figure out if this is spiritualy right with God. I look at adult entertainment, not for lust, for turn on for girth work. Is that wrong?
adult entertainment is what I consider one of my biggest weaknesses (one sin is just as bad as another to Him, though). I do believe it is wrong, however, for no other reason than it encourages others to fall by perpetuating the industry. I also find it near impossible to view it and not imagine myself as the man engaged in a sex act with the woman. I don't parse any difference between getting turned on for girth work, or for sexual release. In either instance, I'm still thinking of having sex with someone not my wife.

Even if there were no written admonitions in the Scripture regarding the subject, if you believe God does not want you to do something, it is a sin for you if you do it. There's a passage in the epistles that spells that out more clearly, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
I'm in. Great idea.

Supra, what it boils down to is this: if Christ were in the room with you, would you feel ashamed looking at adult entertainment or would you feel comfortable with it? I've had a big problem with adult entertainment addiction in th past and I can't even go near the stuff now. I think it is wrong but you have to decide that for yourself.

9cyclops9 said:
I've had a big problem with adult entertainment addiction in th past and I can't even go near the stuff now.


If you don't mind me asking, how'd you break the cycle, and how do you manage to get and stay erect for girth work?
wants9 said:
If you don't mind me asking, how'd you break the cycle, and how do you manage to get and stay erect for girth work?
That's what I'd like to know.

Oh and BTW, count me in as well!
wants9, I just decided one day to stop. I don't really know how to explain it other than that. Sure I still slip up every once in a while, but I try my hardest not to. Another thing is my girlfriend. She knows I struggled with it in the past, and she expects me to stay accountable to her about adult entertainment. If I slip up, I tell her. She chews me out, but that's a lot of incentive not to do in as far as I'm concerned. She has also threatened not to marry me if I can't kick the habit haha.

As far as staying erect for girth work, I'm 18, so that probably has something to do with it. Another thing is, I just massage it back to erection in between each exercise. I do about 20-30 minutes of ulis, horse squeezes, dry jelqs, and uli horses and I just wait until it gets erect again before I start the next thing I do. So it may be easier to have some visual stimulation, but I prefer to stay away from that and put in the little extra amount of work it takes to stay erect.

Yeah, I imagine having a woman to answer to on the subject does help. Unfortunately, I'm without one of my own right now. It does really makes me understand the frequency of early marriage up until recently, aside from the lower lifespans.

I might try some generic viagra to help stay erect without visual stimulus. I've almost bought some in the past, but never quite got around to it.
im in.
its so funny how whenever christian guys get around each other the question of masturbation always comes up. for my entire life its the only thing ive gone back and forth on. its the one thing in my christian life that ive struggled with, not swearing, lying, stealing, cheating, and killing is easy to avoid, but we dont have hormones that specifically make us do any of those things.
i definitely consider pornography or nudity to be wrong to look at, i cant help but think of sex. honestly, i really dont even like it, its probably just my conscience, but part of me just thinks it gross (not that sex is gross or the naked female body is gross, i dont know it gives me a sick feeling to look at it)
nonnude pictures of women is what i usually go at it with, but i still dont know if its wrong. i mean i never think about having sex with the girl i just get arroused by simply looking at her and not trying to see more than whats there is how i do it, its more of an attraction than a fantasy, but i dont know its a tough question man
I think masturbation is ok, but no adult entertainment or lusting. You should all go and buy this book Wild at Heart. This book will explain all male christain issues and it is really a good personal growth helper. Also u should read Purpose Driven Life, this is the book that changed my life and it is a 40 day proccess that is awesome. check them out!!!
i mean i never think about having sex with the girl i just get arroused by simply looking at her
That is an interesting question. Does anyone have the original Greek/Aramaic of that passage in Matthew I linked to above? Knowing exactly what word(s) were translated as "lust" would probably help figure out if He meant active carnal desire, or also just a physical reaction.

Thanks for the book suggestions, forgiven. I'll be ordering some things from Amazon in a few weeks. I'll make a note to put those in the order.
wants9, 'lust' in the King James version of that verse is the Greek word, epithumeo, word number 1937 in the Strong's Concordance. This is the definition of epithumeo:

to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise)

You can see and search the entire concordance here: http://www.eliyah.com/lexicon.html

Hope that helped some.

forgiven said:
Hello, to all christain
I had an Idea to start a thread where we could all descuse questions,ansewers and, our walk with God and help eachother out and maybe even make some friends. While if there is anyone that wants to join me and fellowship with me please join even if your not a christain or relgious person.

thank u for reading this and may God bless u.

Forgiven :bouncesqu

hi forgiven,

re: fellowship

do you have the program paltalk? its a chat program. many use it now as a way to communicate being we are in that time the bible calls great tribulation, of false christs with signs and wonders. being that God has finished using the churchs like he did with the temples of Jesus's day. a room in the meet new friends section is ebible fellowship. rooms in the christianity section are the bible only, goodmessage.org, and micah the morashite.

Is the Church Dead? DOES GOD LOVE YOU?
corkscrew said:
...being we are in that time the bible calls great tribulation...
Whooo hooooo! A pre/mid/post trib debate! 'Scuse me for a sec while I grab some popcorn and jujubes.

First, it's good to have you on-board with the fellowship.

Secondly, and to throw out the first volley, why do you think we're mid-tribulation when there are still prophecies to come to pass heralding it's beginning, such as the last Temple in Jerusalem, the return of all Israel to it's God-given home (the shores of the Med to the Tigris river), the formulation of a new Roman empire, and the Anti-Christ coming out of that empire?
wants9 said:
Whooo hooooo! A pre/mid/post trib debate! 'Scuse me for a sec while I grab some popcorn and jujubes.

there is no debate. if you want to compare scripture with scripture to come to truth that is fine.

why do you think we're mid-tribulation when there are still prophecies to come to pass heralding it's beginning, such as the last Temple in Jerusalem, the return of all Israel to it's God-given home (the shores of the Med to the Tigris river), the formulation of a new Roman empire, and the Anti-Christ coming out of that empire?

jeremiah 7:4 Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, [are] these.

if you read jeremiah it has a lot to do with the destruction of israel and how it will be for the end time church as well.

jeremiah 7:9 Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;

7:10 And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?

Mat 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what [shall be] the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

the only holy place after the temples were the churches. but now that God has loosed satan for a little season at the very end, he says to flee out and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto luke 21:20-21.

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

perhaps look at one of the two links below which also talk about the end of the church age.

Is the Church Dead? DOES GOD LOVE YOU?
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I really don't think you can say there is no debate. This is one of the most hotly debated subjects in Christianity. And I also don't think you can say we are definitely in the tribulation, when I don't think the prophecies in the Bible are extremely clear. They aren't meant to be clear. Take the prophecies concerning Christ, for example. Jewish scholars of the day, well studied in the Scriptures and prophecy, most of them to the point that they had MEMORIZED every word of the Scriptures, thought that Christ would be a king here on earth. That is what the Scriptures read like. They were fulfilled differently than anybody ever expected. I really think all of the end times prophecies will be the same way. None of us can really say how it's going to happen, and we probably won't see it even if it thumps us on the nose.

My 2 cents anyway.

I really don't think you can say there is no debate. This is one of the most hotly debated subjects in Christianity.

i understand. but who are you learning the bible from, putting your trust in? your church, or another man? let God teach you. because if you read it carefully with Gods help we know that those other learnings cant be true, the resurrection of the believers and unbelievers are the last day, when he returns that is it. you will read this from the book of john 5:29, john6:39, 6:40, 6:44, 6:54, john 11:24, and john 12:48.

Take the prophecies concerning Christ, for example. Jewish scholars of the day, well studied in the Scriptures and prophecy, most of them to the point that they had MEMORIZED every word of the Scriptures, thought that Christ would be a king here on earth. That is what the Scriptures read like. They were fulfilled differently than anybody ever expected.

so if you're expecting some kind of kingdom to be set up like the jews did when he returns, the bible says no, it will be the last day. john 18:36, Jesus answered , my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that i should not be delivered to the jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

And I also don't think you can say we are definitely in the tribulation, when I don't think the prophecies in the Bible are extremely clear.

they are clear, ask God to open your understanding, he gives it to us in matthew 24, v21 so we can know and say, for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. v24, for there shall arise false christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

there are gospels featuring signs and wonders so much now. like speaking in tongues( rev 22:18 we arent to add, not to look for more from God), "miracles" of healing, women in the pulpit, prosperity gospels, falling backwards, and etc. etc.

They aren't meant to be clear.

yeah, God sealed up the understanding, remember daniel 12:9, and he said, go thy way daniel: for the words closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
so now that God is revealing these things about the end of the church age the great tribulation time, we have understanding. it wasnt Gods timetable for us to know till now.

"christianity" will not have the answers you're looking for. remember God has left the churches and congregations, he has taken himself out of the way(mis translation should be midst), 2 thessolonians 2, and has given them up to uncleaness, romans 1:23-25. be it subtle incorrect doctrines or open sodom and gomorah activity. but God promises he will have a people for himself and he saved lot out of it, so too in rev 7:v9, v14. come out of her my people.

Is the Church Dead? DOES GOD LOVE YOU?
Hm...you miss my point. The Jewish scholars in those days also thought it was very clear, that God had revealed to them that certain things would happen. It's the same way now. Do you think you can really know what God is going to do in the future? Are you putting yourself higher than Him, saying that you already have it figured out? You'd better rethink.

Also, I didn't say I was expecting anything to happen. You once again missed my point. It is the future. A future at which God has hinted about, but not been clear about. One day, after it happens, the prophecies will make perfect sense. Not until then. The Pharisees and such thought they had it figured out, much like you think you do. Now we see exactly what the prophecies concerning Christ meant. But it wasn't until after it happened that it became clear.

You said "It wasn't God's timetable for us to know until now." Once again, do you REALLY think you have figured out God's timetable and his plan? You're putting yourself above Him again.

Remember the passage that says "It will come like a thief in the night." When a 'thief in the night' comes, you don't know what hit you until after it's over. Same with these prophecies.

I don't see in II Thessalonians 2 where it says that God has left the church, and that doesn't sound like anything that's in the Bible anywhere. Maybe you could give me the specific verse you're talking about. And Romans 1:23-25 is not talking about the church. It is talking about people who have rejected God for other gods. You took that way out of context, IMO.

9cyclops9 said:
Hm...you miss my point. The Jewish scholars in those days also thought it was very clear, that God had revealed to them that certain things would happen. It's the same way now. Do you think you can really know what God is going to do in the future? Are you putting yourself higher than Him, saying that you already have it figured out? You'd better rethink.

Also, I didn't say I was expecting anything to happen. You once again missed my point. It is the future. A future at which God has hinted about, but not been clear about. One day, after it happens, the prophecies will make perfect sense. Not until then. The Pharisees and such thought they had it figured out, much like you think you do. Now we see exactly what the prophecies concerning Christ meant. But it wasn't until after it happened that it became clear.

You said "It wasn't God's timetable for us to know until now." Once again, do you REALLY think you have figured out God's timetable and his plan? You're putting yourself above Him again.

Remember the passage that says "It will come like a thief in the night." When a 'thief in the night' comes, you don't know what hit you until after it's over. Same with these prophecies.

I don't see in II Thessalonians 2 where it says that God has left the church, and that doesn't sound like anything that's in the Bible anywhere. Maybe you could give me the specific verse you're talking about. And Romans 1:23-25 is not talking about the church. It is talking about people who have rejected God for other gods. You took that way out of context, IMO.

Remember the passage that says "It will come like a thief in the night." When a 'thief in the night' comes, you don't know what hit you until after it's over. Same with these prophecies.

yeah, people think that all is well in their churches, but it is not as the bible says, so when he comes back it will be like a thief to them. but the bible says if we are believers and of the light, it will not overtake us as a thief.

I don't see in II Thessalonians 2 where it says that God has left the church, and that doesn't sound like anything that's in the Bible anywhere. Maybe you could give me the specific verse you're talking about.

ok, 2 thessalonians 2:7

And Romans 1:23-25 is not talking about the church. It is talking about people who have rejected God for other gods.

who in the old testament does that remind you of? does it relate to the people of God in the new testament? how so? show me a verse.

Is the Church Dead? DOES GOD LOVE YOU?
corkscrew said:
yeah, people think that all is well in their churches, but it is not as the bible says, so when he comes back it will be like a thief to them. but the bible says if we are believers and of the light, it will not overtake us as a thief.

And what makes you think that you are any more 'in the know' than anyone else? What makes you think almost EVERYONE else is being decieved, and you are not?

Also, 2 Thess. 2:7 sounds to me like it is talking about Satan. Notice the lowercase h in the word "he." It is not talking about God being removed from our midst.

The verse in Romans sounds very much like Sodom and Gomorrah and other pagan nations. And it sounds very much like people that do the same thing today. It does NOT, however, sound like God has given over His church as a whole to uncleanness and the like.

You said "It wasn't God's timetable for us to know until now." Once again, do you REALLY think you have figured out God's timetable and his plan? You're putting yourself above Him again.

as an aside 9cyclops9, God actually wrote in the bible the calendar of history. isnt it amazing? he used the patriarchs birth ages and death ages along with their sons or grandsons ages. but no, God did not have me find it out, the study was done by familyradio. 1988 was the 13,000 year
aniversary of creation. http://www.familyradio.com/graphical/literature/calendar/calendar_contents.html
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9cyclops9 said:
Also, 2 Thess. 2:7 sounds to me like it is talking about Satan. Notice the lowercase h in the word "he." It is not talking about God being removed from our midst.


well its talking about God revealing satan. only God can let the iniquity go on, and then reveal him by removing himself. to be taken out of the midst is language of where two or three are gathered in my name, there am i in the midst. when he says hes taking himself out of the midst, it is a very bad place to be.
Hm...13000 years, eh? I beg to differ. I'll read that link later, but here's something you might find interesting.


The first video in the series, you can download it for free and watch it. This points to the earth being about 6000 years old. And if you add up the dates in the Bible, that's much closer to being accurate.

I assume that link is similar to the book "88 Reasons for the Rapture in '88." I saw no rapture in 1988, and I don't believe there will be one in the sense that many extremely conservative Christians think. Once again, I don't think we have ANY way of knowing exactly how God is going to do anything. It's His will after all, and His mind. We as humans cannot grasp it. To think that you can is to put yourself above Him.

And anyway, what it boils down to is this: I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. I believe that I have good reason for believing what I do. And you feel the same about your beliefs. In other words, neither of us will convince the other person. And the bottom line is this: the stance we take on this issue is not essential to our salvation. If what I believe as far as the end times prophecies is in fact not correct, I'm not going to burn because of it. Same with you. What matters is Who we put our faith in. I put mine in Christ, and so do you. We are brothers in Christ no matter who may be 'right' or 'wrong' in this argument. And as brothers in Christ, we should not be having this argument, because as I said, it doesn't matter.


wants9, how was the popcorn?
Once again, I don't think we have ANY way of knowing exactly how God is going to do anything. It's His will after all, and His mind. We as humans cannot grasp it. To think that you can is to put yourself above Him.

i know, he has to reveal it, its his word.

thats why we read in amos 3:7, Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
And so have I. Don't be so self-righteous that you think you know everything there is to know about Scriptures, prophecy and the like. You don't.

I'm not arguing with YOUR interpretation any more, because it is not getting any of us anywhere.

isnt God amazing? who would have thought that there would be bible learning at a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]penis health[/words] site? or who wouldnt have thought there would be bible learning at a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]penis health[/words] site? hes working out in the world more then ever.
I was thinking that yesterday. Really it was the last place I expected this to happen haha. But I was really excited when it did.

It really is foolish to try to figure out God or His plan entirely. Satan "thought" he was smarter than God and rebelled and look what happened to him. 2nd Peter 3 says that a day is with the Lord as a thousand years. God designed it this way. You will never know how old the earth is or a lot of the other "secret" things of God. Duh, thats where Faith comes in. If we could figure it all out why would we need God. Give God a little credit , His master plan was and is briliant.
But I think a lot of non-Christians think that we Christians have "blind faith." And I don't think God wants that for us at all. Sure, some things we just have to take on faith, but there are things we can KNOW and such. Otherwise, how would we be able to show the non-believers that Christianity is right?

Of course, the non-believer would have to have an open mind and be willing to admit he was wrong. Otherwise he wouldn't even hear what we are saying.
I understand your point 9,but some things are reserved for God and God alone. You (nor I) will be able to convince a non believer than christianity is right. Example, if I had a slice of apple pie with ice cream on top. You could tell me all day how good it was (or how right it was), but until I tasted it for myself I would never know.

I am sure you have heard the old saying...you can lead a horse to water , but you can't make him drink. Thats not entirely true. "IF" you put enough salt in his food HE WILL DRINK. How does that apply to christianity? The Bible says "Ye are the salt of the earth". "IF" we are salty christians, non believers will want what we have. The Bible also says that if the salt has lost its savor ( or saltiness) it is good for nothing.

Don't get me wrong bro, I am on your side.