Well-known member
I would like all those who own and used a captains wrench to give feedback on it and also if anyone from the UK is willing to make one for a cheap price for me.
I like the Capitan wrench. I hang 10 - 15 pound on it easy. made it for around 10 or 15 dollars (US). I'm sure there are more professional products out there but if you are starting out i think its a great place to start.
I made one last week and started hanging for the first time about 4 days ago. So far, it's working very well and can really feel the stretch in my suspensory ligaments (although I do have some questions about optimal positioning of the weights and legs). The one issue I have, at least the one that comes to mind, is that the vinyl strap pulls down and compresses the glans when I hang over my thigh. I'll try and work out a brace for that tonight. All-in-all, not a big deal.

I'm hanging 5lbs from it as I type. I'll probably advance to a bib once I get closer to 10lbs, since I've read at least one report that the winch starts slipping around that weight.
By the way I used erasers fort he grips. Hold like a charm I am currently hanging 25 pounds with no slippage or discomfort. Also I think the type of wrap you use and how much has a large effect on the fit, comfort, and slippage.
bjohnson123 said:
What kind of wrap do you use?

I use a strip from a paper towel, first, then a piece of [words=]ACE bandage[/words] around that. The reason for the paper towel is that the [words=]ACE[/words] adheres to my skin when it's under pressure and it feels like I'm ripping off a band-aid when I remove it.
I either use [words=]ace[/words] wrap or a strip for ma cotton tee-shirt. The thing is i use alot of it. I get a good padding going, about .5-.75 inch thick. What this does is bunch up around the head of the penis when the weights are added. I do not wrap tightly, just any normal snugish wrap is what i find is best. This acts as a cushion protecting the glands and allows for a rather comfortable hang, for me anyway.

Depending on the girth of your flaccid penis, you will probably have to modify the wrench to accommodate the extra wrap.