Every male on the planet can benefit from our latest find. When a man turns 30 his natural testosterone levels begin to decrease. The older you get, the less testosterone your body produces. Testosterone levels in the average male range from 300-800. For bodybuilders, the downside of increasing testosterone levels with steroidal products (also including prohormones like MOneT) is that estrogen levels also increase (as well as liver toxicity with prohormones). Increased estrogen levels can cause gynoclomastia (bitch tits). So there were always a lot of disadvantages to increasing testosterone levels with extraneous sources such as steroids. Until now and this is NOT marketing hype.

Recently we got the results back from a 30-day clinical trial on our Novedex XT product, from Gaspari Nutrition www.gasparinutrition.com (also known as Novedex [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Xtreme[/words], same product, different packaging). This supplement increased testosterone levels up to 500% in the test subjects taking 4 pills per day and decreased estrogen (estradiol) levels by 50%. Additionally, no negative side effects were reported at all - this includes NO increase in blood pressure, NO change in blood sugar levels and NO noticable effect on good/bad cholesterol levels. The results of our clinical trial were so overwhelming that we are funding a nearly three month double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial at one of the nation's foremost universities specializing in sports nutrition - Baylor University.

Benefits of increased testosterone levels...........
- increased libido
- increased muscle def
- loss of body fat
- feeling of confidence
- energy boost
- overall feeling of well being

I have been taking the product for 3 weeks now. My strength and endurance have gone up quite a bit, my overall well being just feels a hell of a lot better. This is no marketing pitch, just sharing some facts that I thought might be beneficial to you - to every man. If the results of our long term study come back as expected, we intend to market this product to the entire nation, not just the sports nutrition industry.

Novedex [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Xtreme[/words] can be found at your local Vitamin Shoppe franchise. It will soon be available from GNC as well. It is also available from www.bodybuilding.com
This is no marketing pitch, just sharing some facts that I thought might be beneficial to you - to every man. If the results of our long term study come back as expected, we intend to market this product to the entire nation, not just the sports nutrition industry.

This is no marketing pitch.... If the results of OUR long term study... WE intend to market...

funny stuff.
Why don't you post the actual study instead of highlighting it for us??? Let us make the decision if your product is as good as your hype. I've never been a fan of your company as i think that any company that recommends the use of multiple methylated compounds in a single stack is irresponsible and isn't looking out for their clients best health interest.

If your product is as good as you claim, let us peer review your study...
Taking Novedex XT for a TEST Drive
By Bruce Kneller

First things first. I have a confession to make: when I patented the two unique anti-aromatase compounds found in Novedex XT, I knew this product would be really special. But until very recently, I didn’t fully grasp the scope of its potential in the supplement industry (funding research and getting real data on a product has a way of doing that). I also want to say that I am thankful for certain associations I have made in this industry. Rich Gaspari doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. While his competitors hide behind their computers and use smoke-and-mirror tactics to trick consumers into thinking their products are best, Gaspari Nutrition proves the worth of its products with hard science. Case in point - Novedex XT.

Here’s a shout out to all the haters who’ve been flaming me, this product, and Gaspari Nutrition on various bodybuilding forums: it’s time to pay the piper. We have data, and we’re ready to share it! In fact, we invite everyone to compare this data (and graphs) to other similar, but less impressive data (and graphs) on our competitors’ products. In the end, the conclusion is simple: Novedex XT is the safest, most effective testosterone boosting, estrogen inhibiting product on the planet.

Gaspari Nutrition commissioned a well-known, independent clinical research lab located within a medical center to run a four-week, open-label, proof-of-concept, pilot trial. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of consuming Novedex XTä on basal (resting) levels of testosterone and estrogen. A secondary purpose was to ascertain the safety of Novedex XTä supplementation using standard clinical markers of safety (i.e., comprehensive blood chemistry panels).

Very simply, the researchers took a handful of guys with normal testosterone levels and had them take the recommended dose of Novedex XT every night before they went to bed. Subjects were required to maintain their normal training and dietary habits during the study, and weren’t allowed to take any other supplements. Blood samples were taken pre, and at weekly intervals (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks) to document any changes in androgens (total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone, measured via radioimmunoassay) and estrogen (estradiol, measured via immunochemiluminometric assay). Pre (week 0) and post (week 4) blood samples were also taken to measure changes in blood lipids (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), liver function (ALT, AST, bilirubin), and kidney function (creatinine, BUN). All blood samples were analyzed in duplicate by one of the largest independent clinical research laboratories in the world, Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp).

From the very first dose, things started to happen quickly. Total and bioavailable testosterone increased by over 50 and 100%, respectively, after the first week. Even more impressive was the greater than 50% reduction in circulating estradiol! As the weeks passed, these differences were magnified, and by the three-week mark, total testosterone had increased by more than 200%, bioavailable testosterone increased by almost 450%, and estradiol had decreased by 67%! Take a look at the following graphs for details regarding the hormonal changes during the course of the study.

Pre (week 0) Post (week 4)

Total Cholesterol (mg/dl) 165 174
HDL (mg/dl) 55 56
LDL (mg/dl) 93 99
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 88 93
ALT (IU/L) 31 33
AST (IU/L) 28 26
Bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.5 0.7
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.1 1.0
BUN (mg/dl) 16 17

Note: all safety variables remained within normal clinical limits for all subjects.

Results don’t get much easier to interpret than this. Novedex XTä has the double-barrel effect of jacking total and bioavailable testosterone while simultaneously crippling estradiol. And it does it right out of the gate (i.e., within a few weeks). When was the last time you could get these kind of effects from a safe, naturally occurring combination of compounds? The answer is never.

Let’s put this in perspective with a quick comparison to what we know about other legal testosterone boosters and anti-estrogens:

· Tribulis terrestris: increases total testosterone by 40-50% for a few hours at best. No anti-aromatase activity.

· Eurycoma longifolia: increases free testosterone up to 60%, but takes four weeks to do it. No anti-aromatase activity.

· Category leading anti-aromatase: increases total testosterone up to 188% and free testosterone up to 226% within three weeks. Little, if any, anti-aromatase activity, based on blood measurements of estradiol.

· Novedex XTä: increases total testosterone by 211% and bioavailable testosterone* (free T + weakly bound T) by 449% within three weeks. Potent anti-aromatase activity, i.e., decreases circulating estradiol by 67% within two weeks.

We’re glad you asked that question. Rather than rest on our collective asses, Gaspari Nutrition has already agreed to take the next logical step in the research process: fund a placebo-controlled, double-blind study at one of the premier sports nutrition laboratories in the country. This independent university trial will document the effects of supplementing with Novedex XTä during an eight-week training period. Subjects will consist of healthy, resistance-trained men between the ages of 21-45 years. This time, we are pulling out all the stops to document the power and safety of Novedex XTä. Researchers will measure anthropometric variables (total body weight, percent body fat, fat mass, fat-free mass via DEXA), hemodynamic variables (heart rate, blood pressure, rate pressure product), serum hormone variables (total and free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, estrione, estrone, sex hormone binding globulin, leutinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, IGF-1, cortisol) and serum and urinary clinical marker variables (prostate specific antigen, glucose, total protein, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, BUN/creatinine ratio, uric acid, AST, ALT, CK, LDH, GGT, albumin, globulin, sodium, chloride, calcium, carbon dioxide, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell counts, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils).

Obviously, we’re serious about this. And you be should too. Once you ditch all the marketing hype, the science speaks for itself. Novedex XT is clearly in a class by itself…

Note: Bioavailable testosterone = free testosterone + weakly (albumin-bound) testosterone. The rapid dissociation of “weakly bound” testosterone from albumin results in the availability of essentially all albumin-bound testosterone for steroid receptor interaction. In contrast, bioavailable T does not include SHBG-bound testosterone, because the SHBG-bound fraction is biologically inactive due to the high binding affinity of SHBG for testosterone. See the following reference for details:

Pardridge WM. Transport of protein-bound hormones into tissues in vivo. Endocr Rev 1981 2(1):103-123.
The study is by Bruce Kneller?!?!?! Now you just lost all credibility... Gaspari/Kneller are known throughout the BB industry as a bunch of bullshitters. Have you posted this at Avant's board?? or AM?? or BB.com?? or Anabolic Review??? Instead you post it on a Penis Enlargement board, i'm sure with the hopes that people aren't aware of Gaspari/Kneller's reputation and will just believe you hook, line, and sinker.
unless someone else really does a doubleblind placebo controlled study , I'm with sikkdog on this one hrhrhr
get him man !
sikdogg said:
The study is by Bruce Kneller?!?!?! Now you just lost all credibility... Gaspari/Kneller are known throughout the BB industry as a bunch of bullshitters. Have you posted this at Avant's board?? or AM?? or BB.com?? or Anabolic Review??? Instead you post it on a Penis Enlargement board, i'm sure with the hopes that people aren't aware of Gaspari/Kneller's reputation and will just believe you hook, line, and sinker.

Dont believe everything you read. Patrick Arnold has been slamming Bruce because they do not like each other. Kneller/Gaspari's product is putting a dent in ErgoPharm's 6-OXO sales. Are you an industry expert or something? Bullshitters dont spend six figures to fund a placebo-controlled, double-blind study at one of the premier sports nutrition laboratories in the country - Baylor University just for the hell of it. Gaspari Nutrition was the buzz of the show at the Arnold as an up and coming company. When this product is one of the best selling supplements in the industry, dont say that I didnt try to tell you first. And if you read bb.com or avant, you'll notice that Bruce Kneller sent a bottle of the testosterone booster to someone named Dio, who had his test levels checked before using the product and after 2 weeks of using the product. Dio's test levels increased from 350 to 1009 in just 2 weeks. No bullshit, read it for yourself on bb.com and read the entire thread before you come back here with your words of wisdom http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=404135&page=1&pp=30

Note: Kilo's ATTACK is the same as Gaspari's Novedex XT.
Bro it's not just Pat Arnold that's been slamming kneller/Gaspari (although i know all about Pat Arnold and how he can be a self righteous asshole)... go to a few other boards. I do like to read opposing arguments as it gives everyone food for thought.

I just read Dio's thread in BB.com and i must say i'm impressed. It does show alot of promise... it would have been nice to see what Dio's lipid profile looked like and also what his bloodwork/test/lipid looked like 2 weeks after. I'm very surprised that Gaspari Nutrition has actually come out with a new product that works. In the past, Gaspari Nutrition just jumped on the latest bandwagon to make a buck or two. Case in point was their release of Methyl-one and Methyl-D products, they jumped on that bandwagon a year after it was first intoduced by LegalGear. Bottomline, is that Gaspari has never been a cutting edge company and just copied whatever product was hot at the moment. This is a welcome change...
Interesting read, Im still somewhat leary. So many Bull Shit products have come and gone that it leaves me skeptical. I hope it works, we will see.
When I get my hands on the results of the double blind 8-weeks study being done at Baylor University, I'll post them here and you can see for yourself. Gaspari Nutrtion is an up and coming company, no doubt. Try SuperPump250 for preworkout performance, you will not find a better NO type of product on the market. Its loaded with BCAA's too. SuperPump250 jacks me up, gives me a better pump, provides mental focus and endurance.
very interesting, keep us informed.
Will the prices stay level liek they are now or rise once the trials are over?
They are like £25 ATM which is very cheap, but is that because its in the testing phase?
UnFuknPerro said:
When I get my hands on the results of the double blind 8-weeks study being done at Baylor University, I'll post them here and you can see for yourself.
Looking forward to reading it...

...Try SuperPump250 for preworkout performance, you will not find a better NO type of product on the market. Its loaded with BCAA's too. SuperPump250 jacks me up, gives me a better pump, provides mental focus and endurance.
Looking at the ingredients, i see that they loaded it with two different types of Arginine and two different Creatines. I can see how that could be beneficial. I can also see how it provides mental focus/endurance as there's alot of stimulators in it.

What really bothers me is this... the container says serving size is one scoop and each container has 40 servings so it should last 40 days, not bad... but the recommended dose is 2-3 scoops. This is a little deceiving as first glance it may look cost effective, but if you actually follow the dosing recommendations then the container will only last between 13-20 days instead of the 40 days that one would think. Just shady in my book...
What really bothers me is this... the container says serving size is one scoop and each container has 40 servings so it should last 40 days, not bad... but the recommended dose is 2-3 scoops. This is a little deceiving as first glance it may look cost effective, but if you actually follow the dosing recommendations then the container will only last between 13-20 days instead of the 40 days that one would think. Just shady in my book...

Good point
sikdogg said:
What really bothers me is this... the container says serving size is one scoop and each container has 40 servings so it should last 40 days, not bad... but the recommended dose is 2-3 scoops. This is a little deceiving as first glance it may look cost effective, but if you actually follow the dosing recommendations then the container will only last between 13-20 days instead of the 40 days that one would think. Just shady in my book...

I'm going to answer a few questions here, 2 scoops is recommended but I'll say this. I'm a big guy and about a scoop to scoop and a half is all I need to jack me up. I've taken 2 scoops before, but it wasnt necessary. I get amp'd up on 1 - 1-1/2, with the caffeine and other stimulants you'd be flying on 3 scoops. I dont know anyone that uses more than 2 and most of the guys using a full 2 scoops are hardcore bodybuilders.

To answer the question on Novedex XT pricing, no the price is NOT going to go up after the study is completed. With the government, FTC and FDA cracking down on the supplement industry and its claims, we need to have the necessary information to back up our claims with a study that is suitable for publishing in a medical journal. Gaspari Nutrition is going above and beyond the call of duty to justify the benefits of Novedex XT. GNC does not pick up just any brand unless they are safe products backed by research. Let me tell ya, its not easy to get your products into a retailer with over 4000 locations. There is some food for thought.

Gaspari is launching IntraPro Whey, both the chocolate and vanilla have quality protein complexs, mix easy in a shaker without clumping and taste great with just water. Gaspari Nutrition is up and coming, you heard it here first.
jakb said:

Since you are in the industry and eluded to the fact that FTC and FDA are coming down on supplements, I am wondering if you have any more insight in to this thread.


Chances are CODEX is not going to go through. Its one of the most rediculous things to make its way through the Bush Admin. Wiping out the entire supplement and vitamin industry is absolutely ludacris! People cannot afford prescriptions as it is and to think that you'd have to go to a doctor to get a prescription written for Vitamin C over 200mg is crazy!!! There are billions of dollars at stake and the major drug companies (also major political contributors) are pushing for it 'cuz they have the most to gain. As if this government worrying about steroids isnt enough, this proposal just cant happen. No way! Think of vitamin stores as you know them, gone! I just dont see it happening and I've discussed it with some people that have been around the industry for quite a while. Visit www.usfa.biz for more info and breaking news.
Novadex will soon be banned..i can garauntee it. Androstenedione, now DHEA is being threatened, Ergopharm removed 7-Oxo (another aromatase inhibitor) from the market...it won't be long before this "Novadex" (probably a slightly-altered version of Nolvadex) is pulled.
It probabaly will be... who knows when though....

Novedex isn't an altered version of Nolvadex. It is a strong AI where Nolva is a SERM so it's actually closer to something like letro and dex than nolva. The name may be similar but they have no relation if what i know of the active compounds in Novedex is correct.
This looks very interesting. I've tried several things (excluding prohormones) to increase testosterone, but I'm always afraid of the after effects (what it converts to). My libido seems low compared to most guys, and if I had the time and money, I would get my test levels checked. But I may just try this out and see what happens. Anyone else care to comment?
Research on NovedexXT is to be published in the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTSNUTRITION CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2(1):1-30, 2005 found here on page 28 of 29 http://www.sportsnutritionsociety.org/site/pdf/JISSN-2-1-1-30-05.pdf

Gaspari Nutrition is being commended by the industry, backing up their claims with proven research. The results of the study from Baylor University will rock the industry! The ability to raise testosterone levels over 400% while decreasing estrogen levels by over 50% with little to NO REPORTED side effects is simply amazing. Finally a company that has taken the extra steps to ensure consumers that are purchasing a valid, research backed supplement... that works! Not many other companies can back their claims with research.
I will stick to my viagra,and hey it keeps my blood pressure down,although viagra/cialis do require that you have libido.I seem to maintain a high libido through vitamin and mineral supplements.