I got some personal shit going on with me and I read somewhere that you most likely won't succeed if your feeling down and depressed most of the time. and trust me depressed is an understatement. I hope not to get a flame war for me posting this because that is the last thing I need but anyway, it's so hard to keep positive about anything really. I barely eat and I struggle to go to sleep. I end up falling asleep at like 10am and wake up at 6pm and I wake up and eat maybe twice. I know that is total starvation. right now I'm cutting and in the winter I'll be bulking but i know at the rate i'm eating i'm going to lose muscle and what is happening is not healthy. I want to start fresh tomorrow and get on track. But I guess what I want to know, with the serious depression i'm having, will this hold me back being in this mind state for real even If i start to get my eating habits on track again? Can i successfully get where I want to be with my mood being this way?
BigManPenis Enlargement;353094 said:
Can i successfully get where I want to be with my mood being this way?

That question right there is about as open ended as a guy can get...
Where DO you want to be? And just exactly what aspects of your life are you referring to?
Love life,
Penis Enlargement,
And I could go on and on and on, but depression is nothing to fuck around with- are you diagnosed as clinically depressed?- or are you just feeling depressed?

Can you point to a time or circumstance for its onset or did it just seem to creep up on you?

Sooooo....many questions and factors.

One piece of advice I'll give you is this; quite often we focus on the daily grind and truly believe ourselves to be accomplishing nothing and going nowhere-this is a lie. Because in today's complex society just maintaining your ground is an accomplishment in itself.
So here's a piece of simple sounding but fairly effective advice to help you recognize and "celebrate" your daily advancements:

Set yourself a daily goal that's both challenging and rewarding while being fairly easy to accomplish.
Something that would bring a little peace and joy into your life. And write it down in a journal, on a calendar, blog, or whatever, Write down not only your goal but how you accomplished it. How it enriched your life a little bit. What you might have learned from it...anything positive you can think of.

Then set aside a little extra time once a week or so and review your list; once you start establishing a track record of success then success will be the more prominent factor in your life rather than stagnation or reversion.

Simply put; we can accomplish out hopes and dreams we just need to figure out how and then give ourselves all the permission and all of the tools we need to do so.

Hope this helps, and keep us posted.

Good luck!
Max up here has given you trully great advice bro, i am a bodybuilder myself and i understand where you are comming from buddy, trust me, i've been depressed myself...i know how it can make you feel and the devastating results it can bring to one's life.

I'll just say this to you...go see a doctor, a psychologist or a psyquiatrist. They will evaluate your condition and prescribe something ( benzodyazepines (SP?) ) most likely. This will get you an equilibrium, mind wise, chemically-wise also. You will feel new on the inside, this will lead you to a better life and you will re-learn your whoile thought process in order to avoid self-pittfalls we so many times impose on ourselves.

Go to the gym, keep a delaided log, workout as if your were to compete in 12 months. Try to focus on the things you love in life and get better at it, in fact, be the best at it.

Eat...eat and then eat some more, clean diet, eliminate all junk and processed flowers and sugars and the nutrients alone will bring you out of this depression, you are under-nourished my friend, the brain needs some important nutrients for it to work well, you are endangering yourself living like this. Man up, eat, workout and Penis Enlargement. Also, you have to better your social life, enlarge your social circle in both quantity and quality.

I am your friend, my name is Mike and i am here to help, count on me and countless others here for the same kind of support.

Get back to us bro, get well,


A lot of people use "depressed" to mean sad, and that leads to confusion about the meaning of depression. You might even get dumbfucks saying things like "get off your ass" and "get over it." If you have real clinical depression, and it sounds like BathmatePenis Enlargement just might, you really can't just "get over it," and it can keep you from getting anything done.

Please seek treatment for this problem. If you do have a chemical imbalance, you'll be given medications to correct it. But whatever you do, don't self-medicate! Get professional help.

You posted in the bodybuilding forum, and you expressed concern about muscle loss from eating too little. I think depression and bodybuilding are two completely separate issues, and one of them is a hell of a lot more important than the other. Get professional help to deal with the depression first, and then concern yourself with bodybuilding.
Weightlifting can be therapeutic. When you have found professional help for the depression, you might want to mention if you have interest in bodybuilding and/or weightlifting. I know of people who have had physical activities (yoga, martial arts, sports, weightlifting) recommended to them by mental health professionals as something that could help in parallel with the therapy and/or medication.
Weightlifting or just doing cardio will lift your mood and it has been proven that lifting weights releases things in the body that make us more happy ... I feel great after a session, its like a rush ... when I was larger a year ago and pumped up from the mad sessions I was high as a MOFO afterwards ... it really gets you going.

My Psychiatrist told me that its vital I get my ass out to the gym regularly after my serious illness back in January as it will help and aid the recovery process.

Once you start mate you will feel really good and the whole process helps to release stress aswell plus you can meet new people in the gym, or if that isnt your thing just focus on enjoying the time and set yourself goals.
8InchMIKE;353114 said:
Go to the gym, keep a delaided log, workout as if your were to compete in 12 months. Try to focus on the things you love in life and get better at it, in fact, be the best at it.

Eat...eat and then eat some more, clean diet, eliminate all junk and processed flowers and sugars and the nutrients alone will bring you out of this depression, you are under-nourished my friend, the brain needs some important nutrients for it to work well, you are endangering yourself living like this. Man up, eat, workout and Penis Enlargement. Also, you have to better your social life, enlarge your social circle in both quantity and quality.
^^^this, keep working out and eating clean + keeping a detailed log...i went thru a bad break up and was pretty bummed out about it but i kept working out and i believe it helped me get out of that state of mind (depression)
theres a natural supplement called SAM-E

U can get it anywhere at like Walgreens, rite aid. I get mine from costco in a 3 month supply for $40

its worth the money. It changed my life. I went from beyond depression like u say to feeling the best in my life.

Ive taken medication my whole life and Ive been really sick from the meds and they always had side effects.

This is a natural supplement so u dont feel anything. And It takes the edge off of that saddness that clouds ur life.

Ill pm u about it
Get Stronger
Push yourself on every set of every workout. Try for more reps, and add weight when you can. By doing this, you are encouraging your body to hold on to as much muscle as possible; you are giving your body a reason to burn fat instead of muscle.
Dietary Supplement
No body can get bigger without more food and supplements, the bigger the weights the more the recovery time, and trying to be productive on a daily basis gets you on a slope.

When you realize, that more muscle needs more time, you cut back on regular training and get results!
Recovery time and eating proper is 70-80 percent!
Without that, even the brute will power fails!
You should try ditching refined carbs, grains and legumes. Grains and legumes contain gluten and high concentrations of mild toxins called lectins. These can cause a wide variety of health problems, both mental and physical. Remember, EVERY human being is allergic to grains and legumes to some degree ( seriously, agriculture has only been around for about 10,000 years. A couple hundred generations is not nearly enough for humans to have adapted to digesting grains which they very, very rarely-- if ever-- consumed prior to grain farming). Doing this greatly reduced the frequency and severity of my bouts of clinical depression. That and adding some SAM-e and 5-HTP have greatly improved my life. Antidepressants nearly killed me-- or nearly caused me to kill me. On them, when things were good it was fine but the lows were twice as bad. Only use psychiatric drugs as a last resort.
Yeah, working out is cool. Try and experiment with various forms of exercises. I see alot of people using kettlebells nowadays to gain a more stronger frame. Forgot to mention that each time you exercise, you release chemicals called: endorphins which make you feel much better. Kind of like a bio-drug, or high that gives off into the brain. Anyways, hope you get better and start eating. Nutrition is 90 percent of your body-building.