hello i am a fitness instructor in england,doing 30 minutes of cardio is good everyday but doing that you would be working your lungs alot more and just ther basi muscles of that cardio excercise you do yes it will tone you up,but not as much as circuit training,doing cardio like running or riding youd have to do a hell of alot to get some quick gains in tone,it still tones yer and burns fat but not as easy,doing 30 minutes of cardio a day is not enough to burn fat ,the body burns calories of what you have eaten up untill about 30 minutes which then it starts entering you naturall fat reserves so you would need to do about 45 minutes or more to get any benifit but you havent got time,so i wouls suggest acicuit training workout,its far more enjoying and you dont need any equipment in mosy excercises or you could use things round the house like you chair for tricep dips or decline incline pressups which you would put your feet on ,,,circuit training is quick and i gaurenttee you dont need to do loads of it before you tone you could do a set routine in the morning,in 20 minutes and do that everyday as you would improve on your excercises the good thing isd you can do more because youre capable of doin them faster and you would only be getting better rather than havin to do more than 20 minutes,,i swear you do this for a month and you put the effort in you will notice a great difference in tone and you will feel alot better remember no pain no gain learn to love it,,,it is your freind,,,do this for a month and let me know how you get on you will tone and you will lose
weight depending on if you are over
weight then you will lose itr alrthough it is timed below the fat burning zone the excercises r intense and you will lose,,if you are skinny you will put shape on and tone,,,,
2 minutes pressups straight arm
3 minutes situps,, hands in collarbones all the way to you nees try and use some
weight on your feet or put them under a couch
2 minutes tuck jumps stanfdin on a flat area jump and bring your knees to your chest off the ground hard excercisee great one and works my favourite
2 inutes tricep dips using a chair or raised surface behind you put u arms behind you flat on surface nd do like a pressup but the other way round face up kee legs straight
3 minutes crunches lieng down with your bottom back center at the floor you raise your legs and touch you toes with only you back on the floor some skill is recuired but you will get better with practice i found these hard at 1st because i had long legs and had trouble with balance but great excercise
2 butterfly jumps like a tuff jump you l be exhausted off tha but these are easier its a jump but you wave you arms both and you legs as fa to the side as you can when you jump
notice these excercise go in turn arms stoma ch and legs you will be working all the major musles and the smaller ones good combination if you unsure of the excercise ask soemone you know they should know dnt forget to do a little warmup before few strecthes jog on the spot basic stuff and a good strecth 30 seconds on each major muscle afterwards this should take you 20 minutes and its quite intense but youll feel great after doin this it mite be hard at first but push your self and do it you le get used to it and you will notice good gains after a month