+1 DLD on those both being excellent posts
There are other things you can do to help that along too.
I don't want to say "clamping" every single time I post, lol, seems like that lately .. but perfusion pressure during your exercises can help with fullness and EQ, as long as you don't do use so much time or intensity that the exercises themselves (not being completely healed/supercompensated afterwards) aren't what's holding you back. And that's for any type of PE, if you're doing more exercises than you can completely heal from, then it can cause you a lower EQ until you change your program and/or nutrition and let your healing catch up.
Anyway, as an imperfect analogy, when most people breathe in air to their lungs they'll breathe in for 3 to 5 seconds and then repeat the process. But the lungs are really enormous and if you take a giant long breath in you'll find that you can breathe in for more like 12 or even 15 seconds with crazy amounts of air fitting in there and filling up parts of the lungs that most people never use.
The penis isn't quite like that .. but the idea of extra perfusion is there. Using pressure from ULI's or a bit of Clamping, or really -anything- that increases internal pressure of the blood perfusion into the farthest deepest tissues can increase the ability for improved/complete hardness later on during regular erections.
If you're
-already- doing mechanical/manual increases to internal pressure during your exercises, then consider whether you might be doing so much of it that you're not recovering completely and it's knocking a bit off your 100% EQ.
If you're
-not- doing mechanical/manual increases to internal pressure during your exercises, then definitely try it .. but start slowly and ask questions because several types of girth/pressure exercises written about around here are way-advanced and you can get hurt doing them wrong or too enthusiastically.
Also I can't believe no one else said this yet .. find a cock-ring that you like, which fits without being too tight during erection, just enough of a fit so that you can tell it's doing
something when you're erect. Might not seem like much at first but after a few minutes of being erect in it you'll see the 100 to 110% size you're talking about, while the easy occlusion of the unit should make it ok to wear for looong periods of time. This isn't necessarily an increase in EQ (while
not wearing the ring), but it'd be a sweet, obvious, and usable increase in Size.
I can also achieve this size when i do a strong keegel when i'm 100% erect. It's like i can get my penis 0.1 - 0.2 bigger with a keegel
I'll leave this thought with you too: Kegels
are great for expanding the head of an already erect penis. It's possible to use this during sex to fantastic effect. If your chick/any particular random chick is really responsive in her anterior fornix/deep spot or along the front line, then .. while she's orgasming .. plant yourself where you can rock on the right area and kegel your glans bigger. That seemingly simple thing can trigger off multiple orgasms for her, for what is essentially zero extra effort on your part. Just doing it once and holding it bigger can do the trick (and you'll have like an instant to figure this out). If there's not an
obvious extra response then go ahead and do it repeatedly. Both of these increase the pressure and feeling of fullness she's receiving, the second one can also seem like you are orgasming too. For the chick, it's as if they're pretty or sexy enough to have caused/earned your babybutter .. which (unless she's scared of pregnancy or an anti-bodyfluids psycho or whatever) she's naturally DNA-wired to like. So then there's elements of completion, satisfaction, pride, an extra shot of dopamine release, and a subtle positive
expectation of improved mood from what the male's hormones do to her body. Doesn't work on everybody, but for those that it does it's a big gain in fun (and your renown) for just a few well-timed kegels.