8x6 doesn't have that "long" look

After a short pumping session today I edged for a bit and measured at a good solid 8x6 bpel x mid shaft... and it's big for sure, huge even, but at that girth and length, the girth takes away from looking long.

I'm thinking I'd need to get to at least 8.5, maybe 9 bpel to look "long" at a 6" girth.

Is this just some dick dysmorphia going on here, or do any of you who are close to or already at 8x6 agree?
emceemonkey;613255 said:
After a short pumping session today I edged for a bit and measured at a good solid 8x6 bpel x mid shaft... and it's big for sure, huge even, but at that girth and length, the girth takes away from looking long.

I'm thinking I'd need to get to at least 8.5, maybe 9 bpel to look "long" at a 6" girth.

Is this just some dick dysmorphia going on here, or do any of you who are close to or already at 8x6 agree?
I guess it depends what look you want. If what your saying too much girth makes you look shorter then that would mean too much length would make you look thinner. I would say it doesn't matter just be as big as you can or want in both directions
What's the difference between your bone pressed and non bone pressed measurements? You might need to be 8" NBP to be happy lol
emceemonkey;613255 said:
Is this just some dick dysmorphia going on here, or do any of you who are close to or already at 8x6 agree?

I don't think so, I think we all have our own idea of what "looks" long or what "looks" thick. Self preference will go towards what your goals are. 8 x 6 may not appear long to some men due to the thickness so it would make sense for those men to drop the girth work and hit length work harder to get more length.
yeah it would depend on what your nbp length is. i think if you were 8.5nbp x 6 there would be no doubt that you would look long
emceemonkey;613457 said:
Hadn't thought about that, but yeah, I have a large head on mine too.

proportions are gonna make a big difference with how big it looks. you could have two 8x6 dicks side by side, but one may look much bigger. different head sizes, girth distribution, width, depth, curvature. all distort size perception
Totally agree that a sizable girth does give the illusion of a shorter length. I can recall many women telling me that my size was 'deceptive' with regards to my length. I didn't and still don't see it (most guys never do with their own cock), but that's was a consensus among them. For me, I want another 1-2 inches to achieve the 'look' that I want.
jordey;613413 said:
yeah it would depend on what your nbp length is. i think if you were 8.5nbp x 6 there would be no doubt that you would look long

When I was at that size, lengthwise, much of it was buried in my fat pad so it did not look impressive, it was only after I lost my fat pad that things started to look impressive to me. By that point I had already broke 10" and with the weight loss I looked like a monster.
After a short pumping session today I edged for a bit and measured at a good solid 8x6 bpel x mid shaft... and it's big for sure, huge even, but at that girth and length, the girth takes away from looking long.

I'm thinking I'd need to get to at least 8.5, maybe 9 bpel to look "long" at a 6" girth.

Is this just some dick dysmorphia going on here, or do any of you who are close to or already at 8x6 agree?

9 x 7 is the ideal size for me. The thing about PE is that, the bigger you get, the more size you seek. PE is very addictive.
I don't think so, I think we all have our own idea of what "looks" long or what "looks" thick. Self preference will go towards what your goals are. 8 x 6 may not appear long to some men due to the thickness so it would make sense for those men to drop the girth work and hit length work harder to get more length.
Good tip, thanks for that
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