5 reasons why you wont succeed at PE....



5) You will let your doctor convince you this stuff is a crock, and that all you are really doing is injuring yourself and any so called gains are merely a result of "scar tissue and bleeding" After all, there is no medical or scientific documentation from any studies anywhere that has ever been published proving Penis Enlargement works.....according to him anyway.

4) You will let someone convince you that wanting a bigger penis is not that important or selfish and that you should be happy with who you are and what you have.

3) You will convince yourself that Penis Enlargement does not work because, you "tried it" for 3 months and saw no results. When in fact, you were never really very committed to yourself or to making an honest attempt to make your goal a reallity.

2) You will never set aside enough time on a regular basis to do the Penis Enlargement required to see results and will keep letting "life" (T.V., excuses, lazyness, etc.) make you "too busy" for Penis Enlargement.

1) You will keep kidding yourself that you are "really trying hard" with Penis Enlargement when really, you cannot remember the last time you had a Penis Enlargement session that left you feeling like you got anything out of it.

This is in no way intended as a negative post. Just factual. The truth is most of you wont see the results you want because you wont do the most important part of Penis Enlargement...more important than reading, studying, and re-reading all the information on the forums, more important than trying to "get motivated", more important than crunching numbers and studying "theories" and trying to devise which method is the most efficient and least time consuming. You just will not do the WORK. That is the "catch" in Penis Enlargement. This stuff works but, only if YOU do. For most men, there is no easy way to make gains. This stuff takes time and consistent effort. Half hearted attempts will get you no where.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
5) You will let your doctor convince you this stuff is a crock, and that all you are really doing is injuring yourself and any so called gains are merely a result of "scar tissue and bleeding" After all, there is no medical or scientific documentation from any studies anywhere that has ever been published proving Penis Enlargement works.....according to him anyway.

err, this worries me a little, if doctors are saying its scar tissue, what are you saying it is? i mean, has anyone looked at what a NPenis Enlargement'ed dick is actually made of?

Originally posted by stillwantmore
You just will not do the WORK. That is the "catch" in Penis Enlargement.

i think thats why most people fail at most of the things in life. they get settled, instead of trying for what they want. successful people are successful in pretty much all aspects of their life for this reason. they are go-getters.
if any new or old pe'er gets down or needs to focus this thread should be sent to them as a reminder...well done still.....
well said, i do agree with all of the above. it all comes down to dedication, true desire, accepting the challenge and seeing it through. i"ll bet that most of us fit into #2... if i, a self employed businessman and farm owner with all its responsibility and demands on time can manage to squeak out 20-30 minutes a day for myself, imagine what i could do if i led a normal life. as in life.... you get out of it what you put into it.
5.) I don't really trust Doctors, after all they're only practicing.
4.) If that's the case then why do I work out, or why am I going
to school. I'll tell you to improve myself image.
3.) Is it really a goal if I'm not willing to make a commitment to it
and make reality. 2.5"+ length gains in a year=.625" per 3 mo.
2.) I do Penis Enlargement while watching T.V. or doing homework or cleaning the
the house/chores, hell I'm doing Penis Enlargement as I'm typing this.
1.) I can still feel the workout from yesterday. and damn it feels
it feels good.

2 1/2 years ago i fell into the #2 first and then because of that #3 made me quit !!, wont fall for that this time though :) .

Excellent post Still.
ok for starters just so I know how long should a full routine from warm up to relax/finished be? I'm new to Penis Enlargement and hopefully this isn't a dumb question. and say if a routine take 30mins-1hr is it fine to break it up? say 15-20 minutes throughout the day 3-4 times? or will it cut back on gains? and what is your opinions on hangers or is there stealthy devices you can wear all day to aid in gains?

- Loco
Originally posted by crazyJLK
err, this worries me a little, if doctors are saying its scar tissue, what are you saying it is? i mean, has anyone looked at what a NPenis Enlargement'ed dick is actually made of?

Presumably Penis Enlargement comes about the same way other body parts are stretched, like lips, earlobes etc. I don't believe the mechanism in these cases is scar tissue. Granted the penis is a lot more complicated with ligs, nerves, arteries, veins etc. but in the end it all just cells and they all seem to have the same protection mechanism. Even bones react to stress, not by becoming longer but by thickening.
Originally posted by loco
ok for starters just so I know how long should a full routine from warm up to relax/finished be? I'm new to Penis Enlargement and hopefully this isn't a dumb question. and say if a routine take 30mins-1hr is it fine to break it up? say 15-20 minutes throughout the day 3-4 times? or will it cut back on gains? and what is your opinions on hangers or is there stealthy devices you can wear all day to aid in gains?

- Loco

OK for starters welcome to the forums. A good place to start would be the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. Take it easy for a while and get used to the exercises.

It is perfectly fine to break up the exercises. I do my routine scattered all thru the day. Then at night i use a hanger.

Use the search button to look for anything you need to know. If you don't find an answer don't hesitate to ask. Were all here to help each other.

As for the stealth pe. I have tried several types of all day stretchers, but they are too much bother to have to take off every 20-30 min to fully restore circulation. I'm always experimenting so if i find anything that works well i'll let ya know.
stillwantmore;14501 said:
5) You will let your doctor convince you this stuff is a crock, and that all you are really doing is injuring yourself and any so called gains are merely a result of "scar tissue and bleeding" After all, there is no medical or scientific documentation from any studies anywhere that has ever been published proving Penis Enlargement works.....according to him anyway.

4) You will let someone convince you that wanting a bigger penis is not that important or selfish and that you should be happy with who you are and what you have.

3) You will convince yourself that Penis Enlargement does not work because, you "tried it" for 3 months and saw no results. When in fact, you were never really very committed to yourself or to making an honest attempt to make your goal a reallity.

2) You will never set aside enough time on a regular basis to do the Penis Enlargement required to see results and will keep letting "life" (T.V., excuses, lazyness, etc.) make you "too busy" for Penis Enlargement.

1) You will keep kidding yourself that you are "really trying hard" with Penis Enlargement when really, you cannot remember the last time you had a Penis Enlargement session that left you feeling like you got anything out of it.

This is in no way intended as a negative post. Just factual. The truth is most of you wont see the results you want because you wont do the most important part of Penis Enlargement...more important than reading, studying, and re-reading all the information on the forums, more important than trying to "get motivated", more important than crunching numbers and studying "theories" and trying to devise which method is the most efficient and least time consuming. You just will not do the WORK. That is the "catch" in Penis Enlargement. This stuff works but, only if YOU do. For most men, there is no easy way to make gains. This stuff takes time and consistent effort. Half hearted attempts will get you no where.

Gone are the days when men stretch with their hands for 3 months and see no result. We now stretch with devices. I will never ask any doctor on the face of this earth about PE, most of them are ignorant. In all you listed, I only paid attention to point number 2. There are days when I will be very busy, but I have vowed never to let such days stop me from training. These 5 points listed by you are very meaningful and worth the read
huge-girth;758665 said:
Gone are the days when men stretch with their hands for 3 months and see no result. We now stretch with devices. I will never ask any doctor on the face of this earth about PE, most of them are ignorant. In all you listed, I only paid attention to point number 2. There are days when I will be very busy, but I have vowed never to let such days stop me from training. These 5 points listed by you are very meaningful and worth the read

Great post from many years ago. New life today!