5) You will let your doctor convince you this stuff is a crock, and that all you are really doing is injuring yourself and any so called gains are merely a result of "scar tissue and bleeding" After all, there is no medical or scientific documentation from any studies anywhere that has ever been published proving Penis Enlargement works.....according to him anyway.
4) You will let someone convince you that wanting a bigger penis is not that important or selfish and that you should be happy with who you are and what you have.
3) You will convince yourself that Penis Enlargement does not work because, you "tried it" for 3 months and saw no results. When in fact, you were never really very committed to yourself or to making an honest attempt to make your goal a reallity.
2) You will never set aside enough time on a regular basis to do the Penis Enlargement required to see results and will keep letting "life" (T.V., excuses, lazyness, etc.) make you "too busy" for Penis Enlargement.
1) You will keep kidding yourself that you are "really trying hard" with Penis Enlargement when really, you cannot remember the last time you had a Penis Enlargement session that left you feeling like you got anything out of it.
This is in no way intended as a negative post. Just factual. The truth is most of you wont see the results you want because you wont do the most important part of Penis Enlargement...more important than reading, studying, and re-reading all the information on the forums, more important than trying to "get motivated", more important than crunching numbers and studying "theories" and trying to devise which method is the most efficient and least time consuming. You just will not do the WORK. That is the "catch" in Penis Enlargement. This stuff works but, only if YOU do. For most men, there is no easy way to make gains. This stuff takes time and consistent effort. Half hearted attempts will get you no where.
4) You will let someone convince you that wanting a bigger penis is not that important or selfish and that you should be happy with who you are and what you have.
3) You will convince yourself that Penis Enlargement does not work because, you "tried it" for 3 months and saw no results. When in fact, you were never really very committed to yourself or to making an honest attempt to make your goal a reallity.
2) You will never set aside enough time on a regular basis to do the Penis Enlargement required to see results and will keep letting "life" (T.V., excuses, lazyness, etc.) make you "too busy" for Penis Enlargement.
1) You will keep kidding yourself that you are "really trying hard" with Penis Enlargement when really, you cannot remember the last time you had a Penis Enlargement session that left you feeling like you got anything out of it.
This is in no way intended as a negative post. Just factual. The truth is most of you wont see the results you want because you wont do the most important part of Penis Enlargement...more important than reading, studying, and re-reading all the information on the forums, more important than trying to "get motivated", more important than crunching numbers and studying "theories" and trying to devise which method is the most efficient and least time consuming. You just will not do the WORK. That is the "catch" in Penis Enlargement. This stuff works but, only if YOU do. For most men, there is no easy way to make gains. This stuff takes time and consistent effort. Half hearted attempts will get you no where.