AdmiralLongDong;494231 said:
It really is a sili question. Do your P e and get a 8x6 and bang her solidly for an hour. It's what I do.

Thats it, simple!
Seeing as how I'm 8x6 and can last an hour already, guess it's a moot point. LOL

But I'd take option B. More girth = more pleasure for her. Those 10 min would be the best 10 she ever has!

I agree. I go with option B too. I will pound her mercilessly for that 10 minutes.
If you could only choose one what would it be?

Option A:
Length- 6 inchs
Girth- 5 inchs
Time you could last while having sex- hour and a half

Option B:
Length- 8 inchs
Girth - 6 inchs
Time you could last while having sex- 10 min

Ps. When I say "time you could last while having sex" I mean the time you can have sex until you cum.

Answer what one and why.
You can't choose both...
I would take option B

The main reason is to avoid girls faking screams and even orgasm, just to not hurt you.
My technique may be lacking sure, but being 5.3 inches erect rn, doesn't help either way :(
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