I am wondering why this is happening. Why it is responding to SSJ and gets expansion.
I am wondering why this is happening. Why it is responding to SSJ and gets expansion.
Very easy answer. Your penis is response to internal expansion over external expansion. External expansion is the vacuum pressure acting on your external and and internal tissues to draw the blood in. Since you can't get 100% erection for the blood to be drawn into the penis, the internal chambers cannot expand with greater efficiency. When doing SSJ, you're holding onto every bit of blood coming into the penis, and you keep forcing more blood into the penis during your SSJ to create a balloon from the inside. This allows the internal chamber to expand even more. When you use the pump, you're helping the expanded internal chambers to further expand along the way, or we called it gap cranking or gap making. You have to help it along by adding more blood as you can. You can only go so far with SSJ for internal expansion. You have to use the pump to push the limit for expansion that SSJ can't.

By spending the time to expand internally first with SSJ, your pumping session will help you further along. What pumping can't do, SSJ helps it further along. That is why Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine methods is superior to just pumping alone. 5x5x3 is far superior to just SSJ alone. 5x5x3 is an evolution of what had been practiced over two decades ago and it formed into a unique approach to efficiently optimize the expansion. Even the $20k machine is doing exactly what 5x5x3 is doing through very expensive equipment.
I would like to ask new questions today.
What if... What if I add to the 10x5x3 1 hour of fully occluded clamping that It blocks the pelvic floor from pressure feedback, allowing expansion without the negative side effects.
I know you are all against clamping, and you are right, but I am not talking about maximum cable clamping. I am talking about fully occluded clamping, which is different.
10x5x3 + 1 hour fully occluded clamping.
How does that sound @oldandlively @DLD @squirt_inducer_man
The Idea behind this is to force expansion to the 10x5x3 expansion
I would like to ask new questions today.
What if... What if I add to the 10x5x3 1 hour of fully occluded clamping that It blocks the pelvic floor from pressure feedback, allowing expansion without the negative side effects.
I know you are all against clamping, and you are right, but I am not talking about maximum cable clamping. I am talking about fully occluded clamping, which is different.
10x5x3 + 1 hour fully occluded clamping.
How does that sound @oldandlively @DLD @squirt_inducer_man
Give it a venture and see. This is your routine to tackle and observe since your body is responding different.
I am afraid if this is too much because i am thinking of using the expansion from 10x5x3 to the advantage of this not foc (fully occupied clamping).
Do you believe I should really give a shot ?
I am thinking of doing it each other day
I am afraid if this is too much because i am thinking of using the expansion from 10x5x3 to the advantage of this not foc (fully occupied clamping).
Do you believe I should really give a shot ?
I am thinking of doing it each other day
Rather than thinking, give it one try. Do not go too crazy on the pressure loads. Try at lower pressures, between 7inHg and 8inHg. I know your limit is 10inHg. But you are using a total of 10 minutes of SSJ and 5 minutes of pumping. If you see that it's working at that low level, stay there until you don't see any more. Then go up to 8inHg to 9inHg, and so on. Don't go crazy straight to 10inHg and 11inHg. Try one step at a time.
I am afraid if this is too much because i am thinking of using the expansion from 10x5x3 to the advantage of this not foc (fully occupied clamping).
Do you believe I should really give a shot ?
I am thinking of doing it each other day
Sounds good but if it is too much switch to a less intrusive workout
That this method I am saying can benefit me and my results based on your huge experience.
Definitely a massive good routine.
Definitely a massive good routine.
Tried to start it today but failed miserably. I had a good expansion (about 0.5') but when I tried to do "NOT fully occluded clamping" I got afraid because I am afraid if this will damage more my erection hardness. What do you believe @DLD have you tried something like this in the past?
Also do you know how can i Combat this discoloration thing? I hate it
Tried to start it today but failed miserably. I had a good expansion (about 0.5') but when I tried to do "NOT fully occluded clamping" I got afraid because I am afraid if this will damage more my erection hardness. What do you believe @DLD have you tried something like this in the past?
Well it may need less time and a shorter routine. Maybe cut routine in half and build up from there. Take you time! Praying for you ❤️
OK I will do 2day only 2 x 5 minutes sets of this clamping method after my 10x5x3
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For me the cum cocktail/ increasing semen is just a mental bonus to have. Knowing you taste great, and knowing you have more cum is just a big dick energy boost that gets me through my routine and sex. I'm not sure about it as far as gain but definitely helps pump you up to get you in the zone.
What do you mean by cum cocktail?
Do you know any product @squirt_inducer_man @DLD for discoloration of the penis?
The "clamping" somehow changed the colour of the penis completely.
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