I have done
5x5x3, 5x5x5, and all kinds of dynamics. But didn't grow lately so i decided to try something new.
I have two problems with 5x5xX
1. I mostly find it hard to keep erection for 5 minutes doing
The moment i start doing
ssj the erection starts to subside while after 30sec it becomes ineffective.
I dont have problem to maintain erection while edging or masturbating but with this excercise i do. Hence reason number one i went towards clamping. Here there is something holding blood volume. While i clamped from time to time I do kind of
ssj, just more carefully while the clamp used as the grip hand and the other hand squize the head.
2. While i need to switch between pump and manual all the time, i need to be all the session in the bath room.
So just imagine every time taking laptop, power supply, headphones, heatpad, tape, pump and its gauaged air bulb, and a chair! To the bathroom. Get the whole setup ready.
sitting 90minutes on a chair inside the bathroom, with a laptop in front (for adult entertainment) that usually needs power (electricity and water close. Winning combo). Filling water to the pump carefully not to spray on the laptop. Holding the pump in one hand with water, while jerking off with the other to get erection, then pump. Finish.
Spill the water carefully. Get erect again. Start
ssj. Lose some erection. Jerk off again every 1-2mins.
Lastly get all the stuff back to its place.
Man, i think i need to get a medal for dedication.
With the new routine i just pump a bit in the shower, no extra equipment.
Then i go to my room, sit in my chair comfortly with my laptop and a clamp and thats it. It's 900% much easier.
Yes, i don't want to have comfort over gains. But i still seek for optimal routine for me.