Just ask yourself what she would do if you treated her how she treats you and you broke something of hers that is very expensive and she used all the time. Would she take it as calmly as you? If not, it means that she thinks of herself as more important than you and it isn't an equal relationship. More like a slave master relationship.

Acromegaly disappeared from the forum. She might have something to do with that. I recall some years ago, she logged into acro account and made a post asking members here to talk to acro so he can stop PE.

Who knows, maybe he ended up stopping PE for her. He got to 7 inches girth though.
Good grief. 7in is definitely a snake under the sheet. My wife is horrified as I plan on going beyond my 6.3in personal goal. 7in is in the territory of Thor vs little fairy. 7+ is like Goliath vs little fairy. Some ladies like their King Kong for their hyper expanded caverns.
Good grief. 7in is definitely a snake under the sheet. My wife is horrified as I plan on going beyond my 6.3in personal goal. 7in is in the territory of Thor vs little fairy. 7+ is like Goliath vs little fairy. Some ladies like their King Kong for their hyper expanded caverns.
In girth or length?
I live with three girls and they know I am the boss and they better not touch my stuff, much less break it or they will be replaced with a new girl.
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I live with three girls and they know I am the boss and they better not touch my stuff, much less break it or they will be replaced with a new girl.
wait how she did it? i tried destroying my bathmate hercules with a hammer and it didnt even make a dent
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