Welcome to MOS, Gimmiethegirth


Jun 3, 2003
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @Gimmiethegirth, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
Hi There DLD,

Thanks glad to hear here!


I’m in need of some help, I’ve been doing PE half heartedly for about 2 years so not really any gains at all. Until recently I’ve started again. I have a deadline of about 3 & half months to make some length and girth gains(more importantly girth). Reasons for the deadline (a girl haha)

I recently purchased a size genetics extender & Bathmate and have been following a routine from “good looking
loser” I’m only 3 weeks in.

Am 10mins Bathmate
Enter The SizeGenetics, wear for 6-7 hrs throughout work (this can sometimes be painful and the head often turns a dark purple)
Pm Bathmate
Wear Bathmate for 2 more hours

I’ll be purchasing a VLC Tugger for more comfort, and a SiliSleeve and ring for healing.

My question is, is there a better quicker smarter routine to use or anything I should add to the routine I’ve seen a lot about SSJ’s but I have no idea how to do those even by reading the description?

Would appreciate any guidance :)
Hey there @Gimmiethegirth !

First of all, your deadline; don't stress about it, how big are you now? Sex is more than size of your penis, you know that! ;) Being good at cunnilingus is a damn good thing, being able to do some massaging as well helps. In my small experience it's a great deal about trust and having your partner relaxed.

Your routine threw me off at "wear Bathmate for 2 more hours", I suspect it's the Size Genetics.

I would go for the 5x5x3 routine with BM sessions, where you pump for five minutes, do Slow Squash Jelqs for five minutes, repeated three times.
You can find the SSJ video following this link: MoS videos and audio files, learn and gain!

VLC Tugger and Silisleeves sounds like a great idea! Especially the sleeves can help you with the extender and also to heal while elongated. The discomfort you experience with SG could be a thing in the past with the sleeves. I would aim for slight discomfort but not soreness. Trust the lower tension as @lowe has said in the chat and I agree, at times doing certain PE exercises with lower tension can produce better results than hamming it up with huge forces.

You surely have the tools for gaining! Now put your heart into the workouts and you shall gain! Never give up!
And most of all, as I stated in first of all, don't stress about it ... Anxiety is the key for bad experiences! I know it.
Hi @Gimmiethegirth !
I think you need to set reasonable expectatives in such a short time.
If you heard good looking loser, his words are: this is a marathon, not a speed race.

I don´t think setting a deadline is not adequate mindset to grow.
That said, under my experience,(and if your name honors your goals,) 3 months can give you 1 cm girth, if you clamp.
Just my opinion.
Hi There DLD,

Thanks glad to hear here!


I’m in need of some help, I’ve been doing PE half heartedly for about 2 years so not really any gains at all. Until recently I’ve started again. I have a deadline of about 3 & half months to make some length and girth gains(more importantly girth). Reasons for the deadline (a girl haha)

I recently purchased a size genetics extender & Bathmate and have been following a routine from “good looking
loser” I’m only 3 weeks in.

Am 10mins Bathmate
Enter The SizeGenetics, wear for 6-7 hrs throughout work (this can sometimes be painful and the head often turns a dark purple)
Pm Bathmate
Wear Bathmate for 2 more hours

I’ll be purchasing a VLC Tugger for more comfort, and a SiliSleeve and ring for healing.

My question is, is there a better quicker smarter routine to use or anything I should add to the routine I’ve seen a lot about SSJ’s but I have no idea how to do those even by reading the description?

Would appreciate any guidance :)

Yes there is a much better work out it was called SRT and it will bring gains faster than any other work out as the concentrates on very specific healing and gaining traits. You have the equipment you need to do it so I suggest you read through it and come back and ask any questions you may have.
Thanks man I’ll read it over tonight.

One problem I am Having is blow flow, I struggle to stay in a 70-100% erection for Jelqing or excercises that require me to be in that state for a period of time.

Any advice would be great.

Hey there @Gimmiethegirth !

First of all, your deadline; don't stress about it, how big are you now? Sex is more than size of your penis, you know that! ;) Being good at cunnilingus is a damn good thing, being able to do some massaging as well helps. In my small experience it's a great deal about trust and having your partner relaxed.

Your routine threw me off at "wear Bathmate for 2 more hours", I suspect it's the Size Genetics.

I would go for the 5x5x3 routine with BM sessions, where you pump for five minutes, do Slow Squash Jelqs for five minutes, repeated three times.
You can find the SSJ video following this link: MoS videos and audio files, learn and gain!

VLC Tugger and Silisleeves sounds like a great idea! Especially the sleeves can help you with the extender and also to heal while elongated. The discomfort you experience with SG could be a thing in the past with the sleeves. I would aim for slight discomfort but not soreness. Trust the lower tension as @lowe has said in the chat and I agree, at times doing certain PE exercises with lower tension can produce better results than hamming it up with huge forces.

You surely have the tools for gaining! Now put your heart into the workouts and you shall gain! Never give up!
And most of all, as I stated in first of all, don't stress about it ... Anxiety is the key for bad experiences! I know it.

Thanks for the reply my guy! I’m trying to find the SSJ video can cannot see it ?

All sound advice appreciate the love, the deadline I know is unrealistic I know wishful thinking more than anything else!
hey gimmiethegirth. what´s your current size and goal?
Are you sure that girl needs more?
Thanks for the reply my guy! I’m trying to find the SSJ video can cannot see it ?

All sound advice appreciate the love, the deadline I know is unrealistic I know wishful thinking more than anything else!

You can find the SSJ video following this link: MoS videos and audio files, learn and gain!
On the right, go down the list, Slow Squash Jelq.

Just get to it, do exercises and gain more strength. Certain gains could come with the timeframe you told us about, but more so it's best to be confident. Confidence can easily add inch or two. ;)
hey gimmiethegirth. what´s your current size and goal?
Are you sure that girl needs more?
Hey man, atm current size is 6’5 inch erect length and 5’ girth

It’s perfectly adequate just wanted to pack on a few extra centimetres when I visits
Hey man, atm current size is 6’5 inch erect length and 5’ girth

It’s perfectly adequate just wanted to pack on a few extra centimetres when I visits

You’re in the right place to do that! You’re exactly the size I was when I started it. If you’re just looking for a little bit of growth you’ll be able find it very quickly here. SRT all day!
You’re in the right place to do that! You’re exactly the size I was when I started it. If you’re just looking for a little bit of growth you’ll be able find it very quickly here. SRT all day!

Hey DLD,

those SSJ’s give me such a pimp it’s last for a whole day!

Had two questions....

The Silisleevs, what sizes do you think should I purchase?

Also the vlc Tugger, says it won’t work if the head is the incorrect size, if I continue with girth work etc my head is surely going to increase no?

As I’m from Australia ?? it’s abit if pain in the arse with shipping so I wang to get it right.

@DLD will chime in as soon as possible.

In the meantime, glad to hear that the SSJ's work for you! It is a great exercise, but at times can take a bit of time to get a hang of it. I know that I sure had some issues but boom, when I got it down, oh yes!

If you have any devices, extenders etc., the shorter sleeve kit is a good option.
But for pumping it's best to go for the longer sleeve kits. Or you could do a combo of one short and one longer.

I just know VLC by name, checked the products briefly just a moment ago.
Head size is one of the difficult parts in PE to gain and it might change so much, unless you really do exercises that put a lot of strain on the head.
So your current size should be the viable indicator for the size of the unit.

I can totally sympathize (I've typoed that word so many times :D ) about the shipping! I live far away from you in Finland and sometimes shipping to here can also be problematic. I can't imagine how it might be in Australia, as it is such a big country!
I thought your name was really cool before I read that you're Australian.

But now I realize that @Gimmiethegirth is the most incredible screenname ever, because I'm hearing it in my head with an Australian accent. Very well done.

And fwiw, I'm from California, so you can imagine StonerWithABoner spoken with a Cali surfer dude accent. :D

Welcome to MoS!
Wow everybody answers I don’t have to do shit! LOL that’s what you have to love about the brotherhood there are so many pros year!
Wow everybody answers I don’t have to do shit! LOL that’s what you have to love about the brotherhood there are so many pros year!

Question brotherhood, I’m struggling to keep erection above 80% for ssj’s Sometimes it can take up two 1:30hrs to complete a girth session, anytips ive got cialis but don’t wana starting knocking them back as they are expensive
Have you tried a cock ring at the base? think about using one, get erect as you can with that on, and remember to kegel often to force the expansion.
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