Tried 20:4 diet?

It's not really healthy to be at 8% body fat. They say 15% is the golden number. But that's hard as well. Most people out there (not all) take drugs to be able to get that low. Look at Instagram like 80% or like 95% of all the guys that post selfies on themselves with no shirt on, are enhanced by some drugs.

They will destroy their heart and circulatory system by anabolic steroids ...and other shit.

These days, many people don't want to put in the work to get result. They are all after short cuts. I will never rely on any drug to enhance my body. Not me.
These days, many people don't want to put in the work to get result. They are all after short cuts. I will never rely on any drug to enhance my body. Not me.
Yes that is true. I see so many small young men out there lifting over 250 kilogram (551 ponds) like it was nothing. They are on something destructive for their body. And they do like 5 reps of that weight. That's insanity. We where not created to do that, not for long at least.

Indeed many people are after shortcuts.
I'm joining you soon. I want my fat pad to reduce so much come 17th of July when I want to measure.
That sounds awesome.
There is a little adjustment to do this. Don't go in to hard in the beginning. Make the fasting period longer and longer.
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This is one example of what I'm eating. The pills are just my supplements.
I have also experience that I save money, since I do not eat food that doesn't do anything good for me ("empty calories").

Be careful to eat to much spinach. I ate a whole bag of it, and my stomach was all messes up.
Can you explain what you meant when you said I shouldn't do it hard at the beginning?
Maybe it will be difficult to adjust to that many fasting hours immediately if you are not used to it. But there should not be any danger in doing so.
Maybe it will be difficult to adjust to that many fasting hours immediately if you are not used to it. But there should not be any danger in doing so.

I can adjust pretty well. All I need to do is not to stress myself or over work my body during the fasting hours.
I can adjust pretty well. All I need to do is not to stress myself or over work my body during the fasting hours.
When you are tuned to this you can even work your body really hard during the hours you are fasting. You will have more stable energy, that is if you decrease your carbohydrate intake.
When you are tuned to this you can even work your body really hard during the hours you are fasting. You will have more stable energy, that is if you decrease your carbohydrate intake.

Thanks. I will be more conscience of carbs
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