Reoccuring thrombsed vein...


Aug 10, 2005
This has been bothering me and maybe someone can shed some light on this...

I never used to get thrombosed veins at all no matter how much I masturbated or how hard, but recently there is this one thrombosed lane right under the gland on the top side that keeps coming back basically every weekend, either from sex or from masturbation. Its the same one, same position that comes back every time. There is one spot on the vein that is really big, so even though it doesn't hurt to touch it, any kind of pressure on it causes discomfort.

Recently I did some intense Penis Enlargement and the vein has come out and has been out for about 4 days now...they usually come and go within a day or two. Is this something I should be worried about, I heard sometimes surgery is necessary to remove veins like these.

Any ideas? Also this is kind of a stupid question, but has anyone ever tried to pop it, to release the fluid out of it?
Apply heat and massage firmly (hot massages) to the vein area repeatedly. The vein will slightly soften and go down between sessions. The idea is to get blood moving around.

Afterwards, when it finally looks totally healed, IT'S NOT. That is why it keeps coming back. Give it two more weeks without any Penis Enlargement before restarting, and start slowly.

I never tried to pop it when I had it. And yes there is a surgical procedure where they remove the vein. I didn't like that idea either.
I have one also. So damn annoying. Hasn't conpletely healed even after laying off for a month but fuck it im gonna start clamping again... Ive traned through it before it just I was trying to get rid of it forever with this break. I dont think il ever get completely rid of it though.
I have a reoccuring vein on the top left side of my glans.Its annoying as i have taken over 6 months off from Penis Enlargement and it still comes back with relative pe.

So what i do now is massage the clot away every time it occures.I am now taking l-arginine with lysine and that seems to help a lot.but it never heals it just goes dormat like It is permently weak or what to do? hope it cures itself somehow and keep Penis Enlargement'ing?
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