Other physical self help and improvement progarms.


Jan 25, 2008
Hi, Im minsko new to the mos forums, (glad i found it). Just ordered that super starter pack as well.

im wondering, because i do think pe enlargement works. Muslce building definitely works.
does other programs such as..

Height increase by stretching work...?

I used to wear glasses and I trained my eyes to go without them through a vision improvement program my friend gave me i thought it was incredible...

Other programs i have done are focusing exercises (mental help)

Some Im goign to look into are thing such as memory and speed reading.
Tell me what you all think!
i can go through a deck of cards one time and remember each card in order from memory training.

kevin trudeau is a good teacher for it. just buy a book.

speed reading - yes it works but i am no pro. effective note making and creating for memory is the key to learning from a book in my opinion. i dont care how fast i can read and forget it.

good luck with your Penis Enlargement!
how is your memory overall though? speaking about short term and long term..?
i did drugs once and had photographic memory for afew weeks it was awesome
it is good - memory training is mainly to help you create ways to more effectively store new information. there is still an energy and time cost to store of course - it is just less and more efficient.

peg numbers are the first thing i would learn... the basic system of how to create 1-100 into images based on sounds

1 t/d (tie)
2 n (noah)

12 tin (t and n)

21 net (n and t)

etc etc...

then you can peg images on these numbers and recall is so much easier.
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