
Feb 14, 2006
Im 6'2, 160lbs on a good day. my metabolism is rediculously fast and no matter how much i eat, i just cant gain weight. I got university commin up this summer and im taking a physical education course so i want to be in shape and look big. Right now i hardly have an ounce of fat on me, but have really good muscle definition, i just need to expand it. I have a good workout routine, i just need some advice on what to eat and any supplements to take to add on the pounds. Ive tried a lot of supplements and nothing seemed to work except add water weight.
I usually have less problem gaining muscle but an extremely dificult time getting below about 15% body fat and usually between 16-19%. I think I'd rather be in your position than having to be challenged with cutting fat. But, maybe it is as some say: the grass is always greener on the other side. I just think it is easier to eat more than it is to eat less.

I guess if I were in your position, I'd increase whey protein intake by shakes and bars, add Nitric Oxide, add HGH, maybe or maybe not a bit of creatine, lift weights often in proper form but as heavy as I could find till failure with low weight high rep cool downs. I'd lift weights all week, but different sections of the body every day. Also probably good to add more complex carbs and some Omega 3 stuff.

Friends and I used to pile weights on bars and spot without the weight clamps on the end of the bars to hold the weights on; and every time we got to failure the spotter would take a little bit of weight off mid-rep and we'd keep going, and that seemed to help bulk up really quickly.

Really, if you can afford it and you are really serious, finding the most ripped trainer in your area who actually enjoys seeing results from his clients is the probably the best way to go.

Good luck.
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I swear by Muscle milk. I usually take a straight up whey protein a little bit before a workout and after. Then before bed I like to drink muscle milk due to the awesome taste and some of the protien that it contains obsorbes slower throughout the night.

Also when I took criotine regularly I gained about 5lbs of water weight that made me look more jacked then I actually was. When I stopped taking criotine I lost the water weight but the amount of weight I benched/squat/powerclean ect stayed the same.

Workout like you are trying to kill the muscle you are focusing on and load up on the protien and you will gain weight :D.
Aim to eat at least every 3 hours while awake even if you don't feel hungry,try and eat solid food whenever possible,make yourself high calorie drinks a couple of times a day,use skim milk as a base then add pretty much anything you can blend up,bananas soft fruit,peanut butter,oats,yoghut,honey,olive or flax oil,maltodextrin,activated barley.

Also don't be scared to included some junk food in your daily diet.
Go for high calorie food, but be careful, you don't want to kill yourself. LOL
Hey man.

I was in a smilar situation to you for a long time. I ate more than anyone I knew. Lifted like a body builder (man I wish I knew what I know now!) and drank whey shakes, ate bars, took creatine serium, ZMA blahdy blah.

The funny thing is...

I stopped all of that abruptly. Just to focus on skill development and enjoyment of my sports. I learned about the paleo diet. 6 months passed with out lifting a weight or drinking a protein shake, 3 of those months were eating paleo.


I gained 20 pounds of muscle and when I did get back under a bar I was stronger than before. It's important to remeber that the typical "weight gaining" programme works for enough people to make all people think it works. Body building style training doesnt work for everyone, just the few that make the many think it does.

Bottom line...

Every athlete I coach, without exception, sees far better results, weight normalisation (if your under weight - muscle gain / over weight - fat loss), strenght gains, health and performance gains by doing 2 simple things.
Eating paleo, training like crossfit. I'm the first to say that the people involved are not my kinda people, but the simple fact is... I'd rather be able to do 30 pull ups, sprint 100 in 11sec, and lift my body weight over my head - as well as excel in sports AND looked ripped, than look ripped from curls and whey shakes.

I just thought I'd give you the other side of the coin.

I eat the "paleo diet" aka "caveman diet", (mostly veggies, berries, fish, little dairy, supplemental oils, only "cheat" 1 day a week with grains, starches etc). I do it to lose fat. It has been working well. I've lost a total of about 20 lbs. I do not seem to have lost much if any muscle. Really not sure if this is what an ectomorph needs to pack on muscle though - but maybe.
If you can't gain weight then you're simply not eating enough... gaining or losing weight is really a simple math game. You figure out how much calories you need to sustain your current size (base metabolic rate) and eat more than that if you want to gain wieght or less than that if you want to lose weight. It's that simple.

Try writing down EVERYTHING you eat each day for a week and calculate how many calories you're eating per day. From past experience with helping people gain/lose weight, after they do the above... turns out that most people who complain they can't gain weight just aren't eating as much calories as they thought they did. Another thing to remember... the better or cleaner your diet is, the MORE you will have to eat. When trying to gain weight, you have to do as PA mentioned and eat some junk food as they help you to consume more calories. If you can't eat as much food as you need then you need to supplement your diet with high calorie shakes. It's much easy to drink your calories than to eat it.

Good luck bro...
PenilePersist said:
I eat the "paleo diet" aka "caveman diet", (mostly veggies, berries, fish, little dairy, supplemental oils, only "cheat" 1 day a week with grains, starches etc). I do it to lose fat. It has been working well. I've lost a total of about 20 lbs. I do not seem to have lost much if any muscle. Really not sure if this is what an ectomorph needs to pack on muscle though - but maybe.
It can work with ecto's but they just have to eat twice as much...
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