Merry Christmas


Jun 3, 2003
I would like to say Merry Christmas to all the peeps out there. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating this incredible date.

Happy Birthday Jesus!
Dashdeming said:
Marrey Christmas to you to DLD and to all the MOS peeps! You guys be safe!

Thanks DASH! It has been a bit of a lonely Christmas for me, being alone and all. But, I really have tried to keep the focus on what these next 2 days mean. I study all religions (as I do every subject) but this season is for a man who gave himself for others...we need to recognize and respect this. LATRIA! A beautiful thing!

Thanks for the wish! I wish all of us MOS guys could get together and celebrate this season together.


Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks again for the wonderful site, and all of the knowledge you have shared with us!

Be safe and God bless;)
Have a great Christmas Mike,

And everyone on MOS have great Christmas as well!

Take care and dont drink too much!!!
Cant wait to start Penis Enlargement in Jan!!!!!!!!
Painful Pleasur said:
Happy Chanaukah & Kwanza

Thank you for the reminder and the same to all celebrating your own relation to your Lord!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Xmas to all you awesome MoS people

may all your gains come true, those who still seek it

;) ;)
MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! to all belivers and to all that don't don't worry your holiday is comming up April 1st.;)
merry x mas u all and thx dld for this wealth of info here that is free for all to take advantage of here.
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