I guess I'll cheapen myself by joining in this conversation too.

The only thing this incident proves is how fucked up our society really is. I'm sure people know that there are much more important things to get upset about, but people choose to go crazy over bullshit like this because it's easier than feigning outrage for more worthy happenings in the world. There are so many more important things wrong with the world to be in an uproar about, yet people glom onto something like this because it's easier. Society is in denial. It's either that, or the idiots have seized control.

It also shows that these big corporations responsible for the breast-rippage have absolutely NO BALLS. Like MTV for example...they're supposed to be so fucking cutting edge... they are a bunch of fucking pussies! That whole entire bullshit spectacle was planned from day one, and now no one will take responsibility for it. So, they make Janet Jackson put out this fake-ass house nigger apology because the soul-less, dickless execs at MTV have no principles. Would Madonna apologize?

I think their plan worked perfectly. The media is playing you like a violin, only it's a LOT easier. (Playing the violin is hard)

These networks and corporate companies are the machine. Stop feeding the fucking machine!!!

Oh yeah, and think of the children! Actually, STOP thinking of them! Most kids are fucking stupid anyway and don't know jack shit. This isn't about the corruption of America's youth....that's already happened. These are ADULTS who are so fucking damaged because they saw Janet's ugly tit during halftime.

You know society is fucked when people are in an uproar about a breast when TV is a non-stop merry go round of gun-shooting violence. For some reason, it's okay to let your kids watch people getting blown away, or punched out, or crash cars and kill cops, yet a breast...OH NO! A breast... part of the HUMAN body will just fuck our kids up.

I don't care either way. I think TV should be MORE violent. It should be a sesspool of violence, drug use and illicit sex. Maybe then something worth watching will be on. I'm just trying to show you the comparison of what people think is worse. It's ridiculous.

Maybe we need a few more planes smashed into our cities to wake people the fuck up so they can stop whining. You would think people's eyes would've opened after a few planes smashed them to pieces, but America went RIGHT BACK TO SLEEP.
i found it amusing that it was SOOO horrible for everyone to see (apparently... i didnt mind :)) but they still continue to play it over and over on tv... what's the go!?!
Americans are very hung up about things like this. I was watching SHOCK VIDEO on HBO last night and other countries are so relaxed on sexuality. Commercials and even prime time shows integrate sexuality on levels that would appall the US. It is quite sad actually that so many people are made to feel so ashamed of their sexuality in this country.

Turns out that those bullets at the super Bowl of Janets have become the MOST searched thing on the Internet......EVER, Surpassing Paris Hilton, Pam, Sex you name it.
On most search engines it beats Britney X80.
Shame her Brother is a WACKO hehehe.
doublelongdaddy said:
Americans are very hung up about things like this. I was watching SHOCK VIDEO on HBO last night and other countries are so relaxed on sexuality. Commercials and even prime time shows integrate sexuality on levels that would appall the US. It is quite sad actually that so many people are made to feel so ashamed of their sexuality in this country.


I saw that too. Shit, they even have ejaculation contests on TV in other countries. I halfway agree with you. bUT, I think there should be a reasonable level of appropriateness, but it should pretty much be self-monitored. I understood that there was some uproar, but Powell was actually considering revoking Viacom's right to broadcast. Crazy. Now all these American Indian groups have filed official complaints with the FCC, FBI,etc saying that Andre 3000 was obscene and racist at the Grammys. As John Stossel would say: Give Me a Break.
HAHAHAHAHA Ya seen the TV over here in the UK? yes it used to be like that of the USA, but its MAD now .. alsorts of shit is on as commercials.
One is of a girl sat on a washer, its going full speed and she bounces up and down and moans and I mean MOANS ,, ya know why? yes things like that these days here are common, ESPenis EnlargementCIALLY commercials over little things that seem to have SEX on the brain and also alot of SIZE jokes and things thrown about, or women holding long things in a commercial like a shampoo one, and she stares at this LONG and THICK shampoo bottle with ecstacy in thee eyes ....yee haa, the people here are horny as hell and I blame the TV, we have the highest teen and under-teen pregnancy rate in the whole of Europe....now whats that saying.
The news won't fucking stop playing it.

And why is it that when Madonna kissed Brittany Spears AND Christina Agulierra they only talked about her kissing Brittany??? She kissed both! That was cheesy too.

These performers are doing the stupidest shit to get attention, but here's the problem....IT'S WORKING. That's why the mediocre are rich and famous in this country. It's too fucking easy.
Very true Godsize. Talentless hacks with a nack for appealing to the media's shock value are definately reaping the rewards in the form of huge sums of money. It's pathetic.
Yes it is, a recent celebrity reality TV show from the UK just ended, named ''I'm a , celebrity get me out of here'' its based in a Jungle - Australia and for 2 weeks about 10 celebritys have to survive like .... well primitive campers and only eat beans and rice.
Anyways some of it was good but some of um were COMPLETLY fake people only doing it for attention and to get more fame, Like the model and HUGE fake tittied Jordan [look her up] , also the singer Peter Andre ... they all smoked the pipe and played the game ...... I say its bad, same as what Britney did with Madonna and twiggy LOL, but I cant blame them, money rules and talks , once ya taste it ya want MORE and MORE .... guess they want more fame which will = more money in time.

Also I gotta comment on a post way back in this thread by Spectrum about the USA being more uptight than EVEN the British....Hydromaxmm I have to say us Brits aint uptight, all that ya see on the TV is BULLSHIT, all that posh sweet talking HAHAHAH is fake bullshit, ya couldnt understand most of us over here man , we talk very different especially from the North.
We aint uptight or snobby nosed, thats more down South in the POSH areas, also in the North in the POSH areas....not the REAL brits, I get abit tired LOL of hearing people think were kinda uptight and snobby.
Like I said our TV is pretty filthy so I cant say we arent laid back to sex.

Just had to make this point clear so no more go thinking we all uptight LOL,
Even if sex restrictions arent as tight in the UK, as we discussed before, the speech restrictions are pretty bad.

Also, I read the Sun ( and look at the Page 3 pics,too. Hot chicks, for sure) so im familiar with all those Peter Andre/Jordan issues. I also have noticed some very interesting linguistic differences and well as styles that indicate the philosophical difference between UK and US. I think a lot of it has to do with the existence of Monarchy. Its more the "spirit" of philosophy I refer to rather than application, since the US has never lived up to its great promise IMO, but the spirit is there.

We have already discussed these issues some about the TV Host over there who was forced to resign or fired and invesitgated just for stating reasonable opinions on terorists. The latest wackos to me are now Canadians. Whenver I hear one of these idiots in the US talk about how much they look up to Canada's systems, I want to smack them. ( No disrespect to Canadians, the British or anyone else). What I am referring to is the recent outrage over the "racism" of Conan O'Brien. Give me a fucking break, he was basically doing Toronto a favor after the whole SARS thing. Now he does a bit of comedy and is now a racist?

So my point is: I understand the sentiment about the tit, but I think outrage is misplaced on both sides. If you think it is more imprtant to be allowed to show a tit than state rational opinions without being attacked... Well, I mean some of these countries you lookup to may allow nudity, but their censorship of intelligent and meaningful thought is much worse.
Yes I agree man.

Just I was saying be careful all not to put us all in one basket LOL as alot of us in the UK are common as muck and dont give a flying fuck.

As for Kilroy that guy who said blah blah bllaha about terroists and stepped down from his post, well I agreed with him to a certain extent BUT he went over the top cos he condemed ALL arabs as terrorosts which is wrong.

The media over here has been touted as the WORST in the world for wrecking lives and being hard on people, I agree .... the UK media are BASTARDS and dont care who they hurt, more so than many other countires, they have alot of leeway over here ... except when calling the Monarchy LOL that old bitch sat on her throne.

As for the tit thing and what went on, in Canada or the USA ... I dunno the stroy on this ... but all I know is over here if a nipple was shown it would be discussed in the paper ... FOR ONE DAY than its as they say YESTERDAYS news heheheh.

O yes I forgot I reckon the reason the UK has such strict speech rules is simple .... its Britian , it has to be different in some way, hence we drive on wrong side of road, like Cyprus and Gibralter hehehe.
Also theirs ALOT of ethnic people here, the UK owned alot of the globe at one point so speech rightfully so has to be controlled, and yes I know the USA has a massive ethnic thing too, but remember we are as big as a state in the USA, add that we have the same if not more nationalitys here with a blend of alsorts going on , in the mixer ya can see in some ways WHO speech is controlled, like the words Paki being BANNED here, well I dunno about the USA but here we have whole towns with just mainly one nation in it, Bradford and Leeds has ALOT of Indians and Pakistanis ther so yes that law is good here cos if someone went their saying Paki paki paki they would be DEAD.

Hope this just feeds you up abit LOL and makes you some more aware of the situation here.

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