I am down

I am down

  • You get depressed alot about the girth

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • You get depressed alot about the length

    Votes: 23 28.4%
  • You hate some �naked person� during this time

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Get depressed easy over seeing bigger males in �naked people movies�

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • Get depressed over seeing sexy starlets getting thrilled by a bigger man

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Feel like killing someone

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Get Suicidel

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Turn to drink/drugs

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • You Feel ALL the above

    Votes: 17 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Today has been hard.
I have gotten into yet another bout of depression and paranoia.
I am convinced my penis is small.
I feel so pathetic and useless, that my peing has been wasted.
I know deepdown I have great girth, but my length I am SO down on, I feel so fucked up.

I saw some �naked people movies�, lexington steel of all was in some I looked on at that bean stalk with such envy.
Peter North shot load after load onto 3 sluts faces, I was like I wish.
I just feel so down, and pissed off.
I was headbanging [I do when am pissed off] to some heavy-shit before and I never been as intense, I threw stuff around the room and broke a chair even.
I was like wishing the female actresses I Saw in the films to catch aids and die.
I am facing not just a physical batte with npe/pe but also a mental one.

Anyone-else in the same/similer bota? any advice? opinions?
Red how many �naked people movies� stars have a fuckin 7+ Girth?
Red, This is a very normal part of Penis Enlargement. It really sucks but most of us go through it. I can compare myself to someone half my size and believe they are bigger than me...HOW? Well the mind is very powerful when it comes to self view. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a disease that haunt body conscience people. For myself sometimes it becomes impossible to see my penis as anything but small. I can sit and laterally stare at it for hours and not see it's true size. I look at __________ and I know my measurements are longer than him but I still do not believe it. This is all part of a vicious cycle that runs in our brains sort of like tapes. When we see a penis the tape runs and we think ours is small. When we see someones penis online the tape runs and tells us we are less than. This tape that runs in our minds is very similar to the same thing that happens to people with anorexia nervosa. No matter how many times they look at themselves in the mirror they still think they are fat. Even if they weight 80lbs soaking wet the image reflected to them is of a fat person. As I said the mind is very powerful. But this can work both ways and you need to harness the power of your mind in a positive way. I f you have not read these two threads in their entirety do so. They will explain what you are going through and what you can do to change it:

Do You suffer with Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Is Everything Really What it Seems?
Hope you are feeling better now Red. As you know I have recently been experiencing major depression as well. I found out too late that the diet I was on (Atkins Low Carb) is a major contributor to messing with the chemicals in the brain that contribute to depression. I stopped the diet about a month ago and am doing lots better now. I joined a gym this week to get in better shape and so I won't gain back anything that I lost on the diet.
I hope you lot are ok now, nothing worse than trying to Penis Enlargement when your depressed.
I try to block out all things that would or could make me feel inadequate in size! I know that it takes time and dedication and an optimistic approach to succeed at NPenis Enlargement.I am aware of the incredible sizes of some of the people in the �naked people movies� industry, but when you hear of the success of people like DLD, Bigger, SWM, Redzulu, and others that have gained, you know that it is possible to achieve your goals, if your willing to do the time. As far as having a tape spinning around in my head defeating my optimism and making me feel small, i have reprogrammed it to play "Failure is not an option, only success, and what ever i will have to do, I shall, as there is no obstacles that can keep me from achieving my increases, except death, and I'm not so sure about that" We are all undergoing a metamorphosis in our penises and minds daily, and all of us have chosen the same path to climb the mountain of enlargement. It is tough, but it is also worth ever tough gain along the way!! So keep your chins up and don't get down, as one day we will all be at the top of the mountain, the BIG MOUNTAIN!!!!!!!

Put me down for BOTH length and girth. Not happy with either. Hopefully that will change.
Recently [past few weeeks] I have been on a higher note....no bad feelings at all like when I posted this.

I am positive again....until...........................................

So I hope this now lasts for awhile....its going great at the moment.

But I still WISH My length was better.
O well it'll come with ma hard work.
Whenever you feel depressed about the size of your penis, read these words - YOU ARE HUGE!
It's the truth ;)
yea, the you are huge thing works really well if a girl tells you that. i got a girl i talk to online to tell me that at random times, its really funny and a self esteem boost.
i hate seeing a big 11 inch cock in �naked people movies�. makes me feel tiny.
Good to know you're feeling a bit better Red. Hang in there buddy. ;)

I don't know whether having a massive girth makes it harder to gain length or anything, or vice versa. But I seem to remember DLD saying when he was about 9.5-10" in length, he brought his girth up to about 7" or above to avoid the 'pencil dick' thing, and then carried on with length. And he's gained loads since then
(Apologies if that was a load of bull DLD).
Sometimes I look at my dick in the mirror and I don't think it's got any bigger in relation to my body at all. But then I measure it and I swear the ruler must be lying. I'm sure it's natural.

Besides, this would hardly be worth it if it was easy would it? :p

I can't remember who said this but I know it was a world-class athlete, I'm not sure if every word it right either, but I figure it's a good quote for now:

"Anyone can start something and go with it for a while. The champions, the people who become truly great are those who continue when it stops being fun. When you have to force yourself through it, and when you stick with it through the darkest times; that's when you'll come out the other side ten times what you were."

I'd probably feel down right now if I measured myself, but I'm not going to. I'm sure this is a temporary dip that you have to go through.


I'm more pissed off 'cos I have no-one to use my dick on. But I'm convinced that's gonna change soon.

In the meantime Red, put me down for some girth lessons man. ;)
I hate to see someone that didn`t do Penis Enlargement and is bigger than me. It`s just not fair. Why does he get to have the big cock and I the small one? I shouldn`t be Penis Enlargementing. I should just have a big dick. This sucks
Newsflash...life isn't fair. We all know this, and that is why most of us are doing Penis Enlargement, because we want to improve on what genetics gave us. It's true that there are some people who are born huge, and I would love to have been one of those people, but I can guarantee you this: once I reach that 8x6 landmark I'll have an appreciation for my penis and myself as a whole that the person who hit the genetic lottery can't even begin to comprehend.

It's all of our imperfections and minor faults that make us individuals, otherwise we'd be a mindless flock of clones dragging about with no real purpose. Stop complaining about your size and do something about it... We're blessed enough to have stumbled across Penis Enlargement while millions upon millions of other men are still left in the dark. We know that we can improve our size, they've been drilled into believing that there is no hope for them. Be thankful that you found Penis Enlargementing and make the most out of it.

Best of luck to all of ya!
We're blessed enough to have stumbled across Penis Enlargement while millions upon millions of other men are still left in the dark.
Yeah.. I guess I should be thankfull about that... But I still don`t think that I deserved a smaller cock. And don`t think that all I do everyday is complain about my cock. I AM doing something about it. Guess you figured me all wrong. Please read this thread I just started. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3702
I figured you were doing something about, otherwise you wouldn't be here on a Penis Enlargement forum. I replied to your other topic, you might want to read it if you get the chance.
This poll pretty much concludes that we are insecure about our size and hence thats part of the reasons we came here to seek info and make it larger.
Most who took the poll get down about their length followed by girth and in third came the hybrid of emotions and feelings, whihc could indicate some underlineing issues with those who replied to that, i.e bad relationship in the past, bitterness to woman, jelousy even.
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