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      DD85 replied to the thread Tried water pumping for first time.
      It is a comfort sleeve that mine came with.
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      DD85 replied to the thread Tried water pumping for first time.
      What is different about the mityvac wet/dry vs a standard vac pump? I have the brass vac pump that works fine. Just figured I'd try...
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      Guys, so I've been pumping with air off and on for a while. I decided to try a water pump. I bought the x30 with the pump ball. I...
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      DD85 replied to the thread Newbie with questions.
      DLD, yes I can tell the kegels help. I had been asking my wife for that for a long time. She finally agreed and it definitely helps...
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      DD85 replied to the thread Newbie with questions.
      Thanks to all of you guys. I will have to implement more of the ssj routine as well. I still struggle to get hard on demand sometimes...
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      DD85 replied to the thread Newbie with questions.
      So when I started playing around with pumping, I would only pump up to pressure and stay there for the duration of the session unless I...
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      DD85 replied to the thread Newbie with questions.
      I don't notice any edema until after I come out of the pump. Sometimes it even takes a few minutes before I notice any bubbles. They...
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      DD85 replied to the thread Newbie with questions.
      I also forgot to mention that in the pump I can get up to 7" in length. My base girth starts to completely fill the tube for about the...
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      DD85 replied to the thread Newbie with questions.
      Hey guys. It's been a while since I've posted anything. So as mentioned in my earlier posts, my main goal is girth work and if I get...
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