help me out....


Jul 29, 2005
i have a concern that hopefully someone has experienced and can help me work through....

I've been lifting for about 5 years, but I stopped this past year b/c of death in the family and other bullsh*t like that. I'm trying to get to where I was a year ago which was about 165, healthy and filled up pretty well...

Now the problem here is whenever I lift I get extremely dizzy after about 5 total sets... For example, yesterday I did deadlifts and I only did 185 when I could normally do 275 or there abouts b/c I felt as if I were going to black out... also, the first two sets were fine with 185, I did them 12 and 10 times without a problem, then I went to do the third set and I could hardly do 4 b/c I was afraid of passing out. Anyone ever experienced this before, b/c I sure as hell havent and its kind of troubling...

I've also been feeling a lot less cognitive recently and all that...

Info, I dont eat the best, but I never did before... sleep is usually 8 hours but I usually go to bed late, between 2 and 3...

Let me point out that its a feeling of confusion and close to or actually blacking out... its not just a tired feeling.. Also I had my blood pressure and heart rate monitored 3 days ago, and it was good, so its not that, and I had a heart EKG about 6 months ago, which came out negative....

I don't know man...are you sure your breathing properly? Also 10-12 reps is a lot for deadlifts....I don't do about 5 reps with a dead lift for power lifting but I guess thats a little different...Just be careful man because that sounds dangerous...see your doctor too just to be safe.
If it's only happening with deadlifts, I'd recommend doing fewer reps. This is a very involved lift, with tons of muscles involved. Your stabilizing muscles give out before your lower back and hamstrings do. Your body would rather make you black out than risk a serious injury, which is much more likely to happen with high-rep deads than with low-rep deads, even though you're using less weight. Try lower reps (around 5) and higher weight.
i had a similar problem but with football (soccer)
I took a year off and then when i started again i felt dizzy after running.

I found that when i went back, i expected my body to be in the same shape it was when i left, which it definately wasnt. So playing a 90 minute game at flat chat in centre midfield was challenging and i pushed my body too far.
Take it easy and get back into your routine slowly is the advice i would give you.
Let your body readjust.
I started working out again about 6 weeks ago after laying off for a year. I experienced the same effect, but it disappeared a few weeks into my program. So, like jubei said, take it slow and easy.

This is a wild guess, but are you experiencing any anxiety from the death in the family and the other BS you've had to endure? My mom died when I was 21, and shortly after her death I began to experience dizzy spells(confusion) and anxiety. Shortly after I addressed the anxiety the dizzy spells ceased.
yeah my grandfather died, and ive been under emotional stress, he was basically like my dad, also my mom's sick and we're low on money... a lot of crap is going on right now
Whats your diet like? what do you eat before a workout,could simply be blood sugar is low.
Emotional stress can do all kinds of neat stuff to your body. Of course there is no quick fix for emotional duress, but exercising can make you feel better and help clear the mind. The best you can do is to just be there for your family and take care of yourself. Sometimes just talking about what's going on can do wonders for clearing your mind.

Take it slow and easy in the gym. If you feel like you are just going through the motions, stop and really focus on what you are doing. Make sure you are eating and sleeping properly. If the anxiety continues, you might consider seeing the doc. That's what I finally did and it worked for me.
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