Mar 22, 2007
I've got: Bigger Penis - Rapid Growth With Mind Over Body - Wendi Friesen.mp3 file.
It was of great help to me, I got much more than I could ever expect. If anyone need it just e-mail me: In the subject field put "hypnosis"
I will send the file absolutely free.
Nick K.
Well, before using this audio, I was checkin my penis size every time after doing the exercises and had no result.
Since I'm using the audio, my attitude changed a lot. I didn't measure it for about 12 weeks, just enjoyed the exercises. During this weeks also I have had several cases of night dreams where my penis was growing rapidly.
By now I have over 1.7 inches longer. It feels rather strange :blush:
Did you do any physical Penis Enlargement during that time period of 12 weeks?
I have been using some meditation lately as a form of Penis Enlargement. I am eager to use this. Meditation works in all aspects of life and it is something everyone should learn to incorporate..
The link doesn´t work.

Could anyone please upload this once again?

"The link doesn´t work.

Could anyone please upload this once again?

Thanks!" [2]
nasdaq_666;368718 said:
I would like also a working link pls :)

Looks like this guy was banned....from his claims I can see why. I am not saying that psychological means will not bring gains (many know I am a huge advocate for mental Penis Enlargement) but 2" with no exercise sounds far fetched.
doublelongdaddy;368719 said:
Looks like this guy was banned....from his claims I can see why. I am not saying that psychological means will not bring gains (many know I am a huge advocate for mental Penis Enlargement) but 2" with no exercise sounds far fetched.

he said he did do exercises. he enjoyed them instead of seeing them as work (which makes Penis Enlargement waaay better) and it helped his gains
dmoney101;368737 said:
he said he did do exercises. he enjoyed them instead of seeing them as work (which makes Penis Enlargement waaay better) and it helped his gains

My bad! I retract my statement gentleman:)
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