little fella, I just got mad at what he said its not bad if you are dating a girl that has messed with a black guy but if she was saying he was 12 inches and all this other shit to your face she is making you mad on purpose and fucking with you so dont worry about it just keep fucking her but also cheat on her.
12.5x9 dildo.. lmfao that is retarded. i would'nt feel comftorble with any girl that used that. not because of my own insecurities but because thats plain dirty. size-queeen slut behaviour.. no offense to your girl but that is certainly not normal
9 inches is the size of a babies head. i know women don't enjoy giving birth. so shes is fucking with you
I know I'm adding to this a year after the fact.

1st almost never fight over or behind a woman. The only real reason to fight behind a woman is if she is with you and someone assaulted her. Other than that, its a power game on her behalf.

The little dick comment or comments about an unreal size cock, are meant to erode your confidence. Some women ( insecure in my opinion ) need to feel they have a upper hand over they're male. The dick insecurity is a quick and easy trigger for them.

Never give them this power, and help her to get over her insecurities so she's not trying to bash your ego.

Your fine, I would like they say, walk around proud. When its time to fuck, pound her out really good and make sure she always come.

Maybe even turn back on your charm and pick you up a few one nighters for yourself.
I think it's best to keep Pe a secret from most women. I also think it's best not to ask how big the biggest was.

FYI not all girls want big ones. I have known girls who had smaller vaginas. They describe having a big one as a bad experience. Most women I have talked to say that small doesn't work. Average and above is fine.

Every girl who has had more than her share of penis will have huge cock stories. They also have tiny cock stories, "is it in yet?" Next time ask her about those.

I think she was just tired of watching you do your Penis Enlargement and she was messing with you. Women don't realize that dick size comments are about as bad as weight and or boob size comments for them.

No matter how big it is, if you don't know how to kiss her and treat her like she is sopmething special, it'll never be big enough. Try more foreplay and less screwing and you'll suddenly overhear her bragging to her girlfriends about how good you are.

Relax guy.
She is keying in on the fact that you have a deep insecurity. She likes you... wants to be with you... and you are fucking it up by doing the one great thing that pushes a woman away. You are showing you are a weak man.

Either leave her and find a woman who will massage your ego, or get over it.

I have not had the comment, but I have had 1000's of poor remarks, designed to erode my confidence. After a while, no matter how strong you are mentally, its an accumulation of blows. It will reduce you?

Why should you withstand it? When you could be with someone who treats you a hell of a lot better? Respects you? Likes you?

Flip the shoe on the other foot. Put your ass in her face, all the time, in front of her friends. Gang friends up on her, see how she likes it and how she looks in a couple of months. Tell her she can't suck or even fuck right, wait she doesn't fuck she just lay there.

I personally believe its best for men to understand what their dealing with, and for them to decide how they expect to be treated, and vice-versa.
Even though I'm gay, the same kind of small minded shit creeps in for male-male people as well. I'm only doing Penis Enlargement for my own self image though; I want a huge cock and I want to please my partner as much as possible.

I agree with the other posters here - doing it for any... *ANY* other reason leads to badness of a large magnitude. It shouldn't be a game. Yes, its an impetus, but its bad for your mentality.

Of course this situation has probably dissapeared by now considering how old this post is, but I think its important to note in case anyone else views this... I believe Penis Enlargement should be done for you - not just for you, ONLY for you. If your doing it because someone else asked you to or is giving you pressure, that's a form of manipulation and is grossly wrong on so many levels.
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