
Jun 5, 2003


  • dld_test.jpg
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So when will we officially see this testimonal posted at MOS? I think it'd convince even the skeptics that this stuff really works, haha.
WaxN said:

Look at the member count on the graphic of the old MoS board!
Omg! Oh man that's crazy. I remember when the site looked like that. Well...minus the guy with the cock wrapped around his neck haha.
Hey, guess he had a sense of humor back then. Now he's too busy claiming you're a con artist.
penguinsfan said:
Hey, guess he had a sense of humor back then. Now he's too busy claiming you're a con artist.

Another one in the Society to Discredit DLD:D
I think WaxN started a hude thread at T's place to try to discredit DLD. It was of course wildly popular. He uses the name Wadzilla on T's.
Man Im glad this forum don't look like that no more. Those colours are so damn depressing and looks budget. Who knows maybe in a year this site will look even more attractive than it already does now.
ROFLMAO lol at that fuckin stick thing on the screenshot top of diz thread lol it reminds me of those fuck heads in Iraq who keep takeing innocents hostage, damn doesnt it look like a target..... lol maybe he has something ELSE on his mind?? hahaha makes you wonder, really does.....what else do people like this do in their spare time.....jeez, I cant really see much.
9cyclops9 said:
I think WaxN started a hude thread at T's place to try to discredit DLD. It was of course wildly popular. He uses the name Wadzilla on T's.

Yeah he started a size study on DLD. And picked apart every last one of his pics. Hell I don't believe Wad has 6 inches of girth, he says he does but he only has on pic to look at. All I gotta say about him is he has a few issues mentaly and that is why he is the way he is! :)
It's a shame. I found him to be a likeable guy as I reflect on some of the old threads.
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