Dating or Getting into a relationship with a EXOTIC DANCER?

@Tornadocock from what you write it is evident that she's just making money off you. If you are having good fun, go for it! Just dont expect anything serious and NEVER put emotions for her or you'll end up bankrupt and lonely.
I think in a way I benefitted from having a little more motivation to focus on my PE and now hopefully my weight loss. I lost like 30 lbs in the last 6 months. I would do an extra session just before going to see here, and I enjoyed her ride me in the back.

That's awesome, you got some pussy and motivation to better yourself. Win-Win. I say if you can afford it, and the pussy is that good, why ruin a good thing. Just dont get attached, she's not yours.
Well I know the first name she gave me was a fake name (summer) then some time later maybe when she felt safe to tell me that her real name. At first I thought it was just a fake name as well but then she showed me something she ordered online and her name was there on the order. I looked her up on facebook and there was her profile.
I know she doesn't have a pimp cause a pimp wouldn't let her leave after meeting with me. She had times where she came in just to see me. Because she had a birthday to go to or work the next morning I don't think she is planning on doing this much longer because there are no benefit plans or pension plans for working in the clubs. Now she just started a government job with the union and has benefits.
The way I see it, is been great motivation and ya pussy is always fun even if I can manipulate this more in my favor why not. ?
@Tornadocock from what you write it is evident that she's just making money off you. If you are having good fun, go for it! Just dont expect anything serious and NEVER put emotions for her or you'll end up bankrupt and lonely.
Thanks Jackxxx I appreciate all the input from you and lightning I'll definitely keep you posted on the situation as it progresses.
The way I see it, is been great motivation and ya pussy is always fun even if I can manipulate this more in my favor why not. ?

Thats the way to do it!! Little by little you go learning the game. Like for example those few times she went in just to see you, WRONG. She is not going in to see you, she is going in for quick fast secure cash. Each individual in the club for her has a money sign on top. Depending on how much they spend the money sign is bigger or smaller. Body, penis, nothing of that matter. What matter is money. Cold hard cash. American currency.

For you, or us, the only thing that matters in there is pussy. Everything else is just decoration and protocol for negotiation.
Bro she is playing you. Strippers always come in just for you on their day off :D

Strippers make fake social media accounts to make "special customers" feel privileged. My wife has fake social media accounts as well that I run.

I hope you are not spending all your hard earned money on her. It's sad to see this as my wife is the queen at manipulating guys with no club experience and getting their last dime when in the club. I feel really bad for regular working John's that get caught up because the money goes fast and then they go too.

Remember this is a profession and the dancer is providing a service.
There are RARE situations for example in the case of @Lightning in which he clicked chemically with a girl. It was the right girl, at the right time, at the right place.

But if you're going to the strip club with the intention of finding a stable GF or a wife, you're in for BIG trouble my brother.

I made several friends with strippers while I was a stripper too. There is a unique magic connection between strippers. If you're a stripper too, they completely open up to you like "we're a team" and they hang out with you, etc. I still keep in touch with many of them, although they have moved to other states. FL is just too nasty LOL
Bro she is playing you. Strippers always come in just for you on their day off :D

Strippers make fake social media accounts to make "special customers" feel privileged. My wife has fake social media accounts as well that I run.

I hope you are not spending all your hard earned money on her. It's sad to see this as my wife is the queen at manipulating guys with no club experience and getting their last dime when in the club. I feel really bad for regular working John's that get caught up because the money goes fast and then they go too.

Remember this is a profession and the dancer is providing a service.

Exactly I have friend from the outside world and they say "Oh I dont like strip clubs because these bitches are all about the money" and Im like "DUDE, that is her workplace. Thats is her income. That is how she pay bills and food. Do you think she will go there just to see on your lap warming up your penis??"
My wife is following this discussion as well and she was just saying there have been many men she met in the club that she would of totally dated outside the club but she always stood focused on getting paid.
Exactly I have friend from the outside world and they say "Oh I dont like strip clubs because these bitches are all about the money" and Im like "DUDE, that is her workplace. Thats is her income. That is how she pay bills and food. Do you think she will go there just to see on your lap warming up your penis??"
I got no disrespect for the trade, it comes with a stigma that has had a bad rap for decades. I get that it's a job and that how they pay the bills. I've seen guys think they are smart just trying to ass grab on girls and have no intention of getting a dance. When I was dating I got my ex and her 2 best friends a night at a male strip club I book them a table up front near the stage. We were dating for like 4 years. She was turning 22 or 23.
@Jackxxx I think dancers fucking in the club really messed up the game on so many levels.

On the dangerous side. Lets say a unexperienced and/or emotional virgin goes into said club, meets a dancer and she works her magic and makes him feel special. Then moves to the next level and starts performing extra services to make the customer feel like he is the only one getting this treatment because "he is different than the others".

Now this customer feels like this is really his girl and he becomes very emotionally attached. What happens after he blows all his hard earned money on her thinking they are going to go out one day and become something real to realize it was all an act and he was just another trick? I can see the possibility of the custimer going psycho on her like waiting late hours till club closes, follow her home and....

Not to mention from a dancers side, fucking in the club really fucked up the game for other dancers that don't fuck. There are allot of good women that dance for the art (pole dancers), make money to pay bills, etc. So now they have to compete against other dancers giving blow jobs for the price of couch dances as it has become the new standard.

My wife says, now a days customers are very blunt asking her when she dances how far is she going to go for said dollars. She has to make the them think they are going to get something extra to tell them in the end, this is where it stops. So she has to be very careful on who she does that to as some customers will get very aggressive after they drop a few hundred on her for table dances and stage thinking its going to be full service in the end.

It is a high risk business for very unstable income. Theres nights dancers come home owing the house money and yes there are good nights too where they come home with a months worth of income.
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@Lightning Im pretty sure it happens all the time that a customer becomes a stalker lol
In fact, sadly enough, there have been strippers killed by jealous psycho guys. A few years ago I used to watch all the time the TV show forensic files. I LOVE that show. And in many of them was about the story of a stripper who disappeared or mysteriously died. Dont recall happening in big urban areas seem to be a more rural small town issue.

Of course girls fucking killed the business. All you see these days is cuban and venezuelan girls fucking for pennies. Unless you go to Eleven where all the girls there escort but they are HIGH paid. ALL the girls I knew, 100% of them either stopped dancing or moved to another state due to the same issue.
@Lightning Im pretty sure it happens all the time that a customer becomes a stalker :D
In fact, sadly enough, there have been strippers killed by jealous psycho guys. A few years ago I used to watch all the time the TV show forensic files. I LOVE that show. And in many of them was about the story of a stripper who disappeared or mysteriously died. Dont recall happening in big urban areas seem to be a more rural small town issue.

Of course girls fucking killed the business. All you see these days is cuban and venezuelan girls fucking for pennies. Unless you go to Eleven where all the girls there escort but they are HIGH paid. ALL the girls I knew, 100% of them either stopped dancing or moved to another state due to the same issue.
That is saying women don't get abusing in any other form of life or career, wasn't a �naked people movies� star almost beaten to death by her UFC boyfriend when he had a case of roid-rage
@Lightning Im pretty sure it happens all the time that a customer becomes a stalker :D
In fact, sadly enough, there have been strippers killed by jealous psycho guys. A few years ago I used to watch all the time the TV show forensic files. I LOVE that show. And in many of them was about the story of a stripper who disappeared or mysteriously died. Dont recall happening in big urban areas seem to be a more rural small town issue.

Of course girls fucking killed the business. All you see these days is cuban and venezuelan girls fucking for pennies. Unless you go to Eleven where all the girls there escort but they are HIGH paid. ALL the girls I knew, 100% of them either stopped dancing or moved to another state due to the same issue.
That is saying women don't get abusing in any other form of life or career, wasn't a �naked people movies� star almost beaten to death by her UFC boyfriend when he had a case of roid-rage

True but dancers interact with many men nightly selling them a dream. So there would be higher chance of multiple stalkers. It's just a high risk job but the money can be real good for the risk
@Tornadocock from what you write it is evident that she's just making money off you. If you are having good fun, go for it! Just dont expect anything serious and NEVER put emotions for her or you'll end up bankrupt and lonely.

So very true! I was involved with three different strip clubs when I was younger. I would do the hiring of girls for the club I was partnered in and I came across a lot of different women. Then I would see these women working in the clubs and I would watch their games. Very slick indeed! I saw plenty of people drop so much money on hopes of getting laid when the girl was going home to her boyfriend afterwards. I got out of that business years ago I never really looked back. I never got played because I knew the rules but I watched so many people get played it was sad. And I was the first one to introduce Lightning to a strip bar. I took them there on his 21st ? birthday (rock)
That is saying women don't get abusing in any other form of life or career, wasn't a �naked people movies� star almost beaten to death by her UFC boyfriend when he had a case of roid-rage

Yes that was Christy Mack. Thats a different issue though. What @Lightning is mentioning is the exposure of strippers to so many random strangers that are unknown. All clients at a strip club can look like saints, all dressed up, clean, but you dont know who is who in reality. You can have terrorists, illegal aliens, drug dealers, pedophiles, serial killers, etc all in the same crowd. Thats the danger. AND THATS HOW IT IS. The worst of the worst of society frequent strip clubs. You dont see them in actin thats why it doesn't "look" like.

In the case of Christy Mack, that was the man she chose to be hers. Many of these girls due to their past, they are attracted actually to the "bad boy" type. The "abusive, rough, violent" look. That "gangster" type of guy. But many times that prototype of man is not really a man, is a scarecrow and a criminal. But these girls dont know better. They either grew up without a father or grew up to an abusive/alcoholic/drug addict father.
Do any of them [these women] move off this path? or are they victims of cause and effect? always living this potential deadly, and abusive lifestyle.
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