Another girlfriend size issue -- turning hate/jealousy into motivation?


Sep 28, 2009
Hi guys,

My girlfriend and I have been on-and-off for a few years. She had a couple of boyfriends in the interim. I knew the first one was larger than me, but she told me she didn't like it or him and he never made her cum. This made me feel pretty good.

Later, I found out that her last BF was even larger (Costco shaving cream large). Another time I asked, "what is the most times you've cum during sex?" She said it was 5, with her last BF. I asked her how, and she just said "large".

I'm trying to use this as motivation for me to get bigger and not feel hurt or angry at her (what has she done wrong after all), but I can't deny that it is messing with my head a lot. I mean, does she still think about his dick when I'm fucking her, does she wish I was his size, is she always comparing, were the orgasms from him much better? I've come close to talking to her about it but I fear it wouldn't do any good as I know she loves me a lot and wouldn't want to hurt me so she might pull the truth a little bit, and that would make me more paranoid. Why is my ego so fragile around this issue? :(
I wouldn't let it bother me. If she wanted to be with that guy she'd be with him and not you. If you haven't already purchased a Bathmate, get one- problem solved.
Lesson: Dont ask girlfriend's about past lovers sizes or marks in bed, they will make it sound as though it was Casanova and he had a whopper when its the opposite. Why? its a test ... why? because they are women and women like to test. One test is to see how secure/insecure you are over the answer to the question. Just dont ask and do penis enlargement for yourself, never for someone else.
Wait... her story is MESSED UP!! The first guy was bigger and she didn't cum with him... and the second guy was even bigger and she cummed 5 times!? I think REDZULU2003 was right!! She's testing you! More than that she's lying!! I wouldn't put up with the lying myself!!
Who gives a shit about her past, it is now and she is with you. Men act as if the past was real in some way now...It isn't, it is now. Why is she no longer with these guys? Because she is with you. Appreciate her, love her and stop worrying about the past. When you are playing with her tits are you thinking about an ex-girlfriends tits? When you are having sex are you thinking about someone else's vagina? BE RATIONAL, stay in the now and remember she is not her past, she is her now.

Remember this, when you dig up the past your gonna get dirty.
To quote Ray Davies (The Kinks):
"Paranoia will destroy ya."

Pain is physical, suffering; all in your head.
You gotta choose whether this issue will fade to a painful memory, or cause you endless suffering.
Your life, your choice.
And only you can make it.
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