alternative warm up/down due to privacy issues


Jun 29, 2013
hey guys,im having some trouble regarding the warm up/downs,because in my current house and situation warming towels,or using hot water in bath is kind of undo able due to privacy restrictions,so i would like to know from you guys,are there any alternative warming methods?,given that the objective is preparing the ligaments,etc,would edging be an option?,anyways,thanks you for your opinion
i never warm up or warm down, no problems here. but of course i don't recommend doing that.
but what you could do is the rice sock trick. put some rice in a sock tie it up at the end with a peice of string or something and put it in the microwave for about 1min then wrap it around your penis tightly.
hey guys,im having some trouble regarding the warm up/downs,because in my current house and situation warming towels,or using hot water in bath is kind of undo able due to privacy restrictions,so i would like to know from you guys,are there any alternative warming methods?,given that the objective is preparing the ligaments,etc,would edging be an option?,anyways,thanks you for your opinion

I never used warm water or towels for my warmups. What I do is, I start my session gently and stretch lightly for the first 5 minutes. This is how I always did it.
could bed fowfers work too?
As brother HG said, if you can't use any media to heat up, gentle stretches create sufficient frictious hearing for the sessions to come. Bed fowfers are merely reflecting your body heat back at you unless you decide to heat it up using a heating unit. Higher heat concentration means more tissue relaxation. As long as you can loosen the tissues before starting, you are good. Very little benefits working out with cold muscles and tissues.
Privacy issue is a big concern. Red light glowing in the room may flag the brother as a vampire in training.
I used a hairdryer when I started manual stretches. The hair dryer pretty soon died (It was not new, and not made for it).

Then I made a stand for my car interior heater. And in the final months of lengthmastring, I bought another heating fan at 2kW in order to both have a heating fan for warm-ups (Doing: Ball & Lig Stretches), rest periods between sets, and during my stretching sessions. I was able to keep my tissue heated up before, during and after my session (MOS RED) with this setup. I always had a heating fan blowing at me during stretching sessions, even during stretching.

Just light stretching as warmup would not work for me, when I was aiming for ~ 2 cm temporary elongation after sessions.

These are my heating fans.
A car interior heater strapped on a laptop cooler stand, with an eyewear case strapped under it in order to get an optimal angle of the heating fan.

A gigantic 2kW heater that can push warm air throughout a space, and on my body when I'm stretching. This heating fan was a game changer in order to maximize elongation during sessions with LengthMaster 3.

I was able to keep the indoor temperature at ~27-28°C in the winter, and over 30°C in the summer. I was forced to use heating fans because I could not change the thermostat in my apartment.

Heating up your tissue is essential for elongation.

But I don't think my setup are useful when you have no privacy. But my belief is that you need a private area and private time, in order to maximize penis enlargement for yourself. Find a space and time where you can be 100% private and not be bothered by anyone.
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And I thought I'm the crazy one with the heating units. You beat me. Mine is 1.75kW verticle tower. I was tempted to use the 2.5kW heating gun but thinking that I would burn my penis right off.
And I thought I'm the crazy one with the heating units. You beat me. Mine is 1.75kW verticle tower. I was tempted to use the 2.5kW heating gun but thinking that I would burn my penis right off.
Yes! Apparently I'm doing everything for gains.
Sometimes it feels that I have put to much money into my penis, but should be worth it in the end.
Hahahaha! Think about this brother:
- Liposuction to shape the body: $7K to $12K
- Breasts job: $12K to $60K
- Butt lift/shaping: $5K to $18K
- Facial plastic surgery: $11K to $100K
- PE: $500 to $1.5K. I believe I'm something around $4k.

Every item above requires costs for maintenance. Nothing is one-time-done-deal.

I think we're the least costly. (xd)
Hahahaha! Think about this brother:
- Liposuction to shape the body: $7K to $12K
- Breasts job: $12K to $60K
- Butt lift/shaping: $5K to $18K
- Facial plastic surgery: $11K to $100K
- PE: $500 to $1.5K. I believe I'm something around $4k.

Every item above requires costs for maintenance. Nothing is one-time-done-deal.

I think we're the least costly. (xd)
Okay I was lucky. :confused:lol2:(y)
Hahahaha! Think about this brother:
- Liposuction to shape the body: $7K to $12K
- Breasts job: $12K to $60K
- Butt lift/shaping: $5K to $18K
- Facial plastic surgery: $11K to $100K
- PE: $500 to $1.5K. I believe I'm something around $4k.

Every item above requires costs for maintenance. Nothing is one-time-done-deal.

I think we're the least costly. (xd)
I need all of them😄
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