Alternative to BTC?


Dec 26, 2023
Is there an effective alternative to BTC with the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging? I have a bad back and neck and BTC will make those problems much worse. Is there something else I can do that will be as effective or close to as effective as BTC? I've been doing downward bundle stretches for the last three months. The month before that I was conditioning by stretching in front of my body in all directions. So, I have only been at this for four months. Idk if that's relevant or not but I thought I'd include it just in case.
The DLD Blasters is a very good alternative. I've sent it to you.
Is there an effective alternative to BTC with the LengthMaster? I have a bad back and neck and BTC will make those problems much worse. Is there something else I can do that will be as effective or close to as effective as BTC? I've been doing downward bundle stretches for the last three months. The month before that I was conditioning by stretching in front of my body in all directions. So, I have only been at this for four months. Idk if that's relevant or not but I thought I'd include it just in case.
There is not really an alternative to BTC, due to the anatomy of your penis. But you can try doing them standing up.
Have you been in an accident?

Why are BTC superior?
Look at the Suspensory ligament and Fundiform ligament in these picures and imagine, that you pull your penis down and back behind your ass (BTC - Behind The Cheeks Stretches).

View album 81
I have also a video instruction where I do BTC on the bed lying down on stomach. There are so many possibilities.
Hard to explain.
The realization is that your ligaments gets in the correct position, so it doesn't matter how much elongation you do (maybe 2 cm temporary elongation after session).

You will in this position still have all the lavarage to stretch your entire penis in one go with full force. Important to relax fully into the stretch == reverse Kegel. You can hold a stretch for 5 minutes for fastest growth.

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There is no comparative exercise than bundled stretches
Gotchya. @huge-girth is my coach and he has me doing DLD Blasters instead of BTC. I'm going to take BPEL measurement again in 6 months. Thanks for all the info!
Gotchya. @huge-girth is my coach and he has me doing DLD Blasters instead of BTC. I'm going to take BPEL measurement again in 6 months. Thanks for all the info!
Another great exercise but as soon as you can get in bundled stretches behind the cheeks
My advices above are really important. This is how you grow your penis fast with minimum time. 20 minutes x 2 times per day (including rest days) are enough with LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging.

The effort is extremely high with this approach, even if the time isn't much. Imagine squeezing 5 hours of manual stretching work into just 40 minutes. The SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory healing are essential for growth. Passive/healing penis enlargement is as important as active penis enlargement (Read SRT).

But it's important to use the proper intensity in an exponential increasing strategy to the upper limit. If you don't increase your intensity progressively there
is a risk that you get yourself into a plateau.

Why stretching 5 hours per day or something, when 20 to 40 minutes are enough? If you don't implement reverse Kegels your gains will be slow.

I recommend this progression.
>> Beginner routine.
>> DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches).
>> BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches).
>> 5D-BTC-BS (5 minutes Dynamic-Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches).
>> Penis Exterminator.

There are many approaches and strategies and methods in penis enlargement this approach is what I recommend, and this approach is one of the fastest ways to grow your penis both in length and thickness/width.

Hope this helps anyone.
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