__________ is my new inspiration!


Dec 23, 2003
I just downloaded this movie with him in, and GEEZ, this guy is massive, in this movie, he looks bigger than I have ever seen John Holmes looking!
I think I am gonna try and find some very early footage of John Holmes (before he was on the drugs, when he had decent erections) 'cause I wanna know who is bigger!
Originally posted by LeeJunFan
I just downloaded this movie with him in, and GEEZ, this guy is massive, in this movie, he looks bigger than I have ever seen John Holmes looking!
I think I am gonna try and find some very early footage of John Holmes (before he was on the drugs, when he had decent erections) 'cause I wanna know who is bigger!

Very tough to make a distinction. In most movies __________ is filmed with an Ultra Wide Angle Zoom which makes him appear much bigger than he really is. By the same token, John Holmes was not afforded that luxury. A good way to compare the two is with a picture that is taken straight on with some sort of object of comparison. I have seen __________ look as small as 8" and as big as 13. I have always seen John Holmes as right around 9.
Who knows who cares about those �naked people movies� guys. If DLD and SWM and myself went into �naked people movies� do you have any idea how big we would look. FUCKING HUGE!
I will when I am 10X7 and I have a monstor Glands.
In fact I am going to make a pact with myself, when (or should it be if?) I get to about 11"nbp, I am gonna do some cheap �naked people movies�'s!
�naked people movies� fucks with the users visual and btw madingo is not tall at all ive noticed besides the hand roatios and such but anways hes no bigger then 9 girth adds more to the scheme cuz most �naked person� are thin but i doubt hes magnum xl anyway or else the small girls wouldnt be able to dome him up
Yeah that size is definitely not for me, its more of a weapon.
Kaanman;596066 said:
Yeah that size is definitely not for me, its more of a weapon.

Mass Destruction!
Who knows who cares about those �naked people movies� guys. If DLD and SWM and myself went into �naked people movies� do you have any idea how big we would look. FUCKING HUGE!

I will also look huge too if I go into �naked people movies�. I will be a famous �naked people movies�star because I'm very good in bed.
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