Ok boys, this is REALLY random! Last year (the summer of 2014) I bought me a Kamagra 100mg oral jelly (recommended from a pall of mine). I haven't used it to date. But now I am going to take it and see what effects it has on me. This is a very quick experiment, for the rest of the day I will post the effects and how it works on me, I will also be masturbating and see how it effects my ejaculation and erection. Ready, set, GO!

P.S- 4000 posts special edition! rofl!!!!
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I've NEVER before used viagra in my life. I am just curious, I want to see what the difference would be. And- for later on, I want to know how long it takes till it starts working. So far, it's been 2 hours and a half and still- no effect, all the same. :(
Ok, reporting, I got my libido increased. I just came, and I came hard! It was a strong orgasm (but I think it was mostly due to the fact that I hadn't masturbated in a 2-3 days and was horny since morning), I came a lot and the first squirt was VERY strong. Now I am going for round 2 and 3 after a couple of hours to see if the Kamagra has any effect (cause to be honest, I saw no difference till now, and it's been 3 hours since I took it).
Ok, my libido is very good, I went for a 2nd one and I had a strong orgasm, my balls are hurting and my Pelvic Floor is burning. Round 3 would finish me off! rofl!

Commodore, I have abslutely no idea! I went to the sex shop and I asked for something that would keep me hard for a long period of time, even after I cum. They gave me this. rofl!
3rd round- I got a good erection (usually, my 3rd one always has a bad EQ, today it was good). I feel like I can go on for more.
Wow this stuff sounds amazing, I got to try it.
Haha! To be honest, I saw no difference :(. It is true that my libido has improved, but I expected some real good stuff to happen- Absolute INSANE erections, Going on for hours after I cum etc. I need something better. DLD, can you link me something better, I will do a testominal thread where I report what I experience as effects and side effects. I just don't know where I can get me the good stuff from...
I have no experience with a suspension based viagra product like this. Only pills so far. In theory, they should all work the same. However, factors such as your own metabolism, when you ate last and how much, how soon after eating did you take the stuff, personal expectations, etc can all have an influence. I would also be curious if there's a manufactured and "expiration" date on the product you used? I would tend to believe a suspension like this would potentially be less stable, IE: Expire sooner than a pill and lose effectiveness. What "dose" did you take? How is it dosed? Some kind of small packet? 50mg of a generic tablet works well for me. Viagra will not "turn you on", or cause desire, or a libido increase. It is only for improving blood circulation to the genitals. There's more science behind it than my simple explanation, of course.

My typical experience when I take 50mg of a pill (generic V) goes something like:

Take on an empty stomach.

Within around 30 minutes I can tell I'm slightly stuffy, or congested in my sinuses. That's when I know it's starting to get into my system.

I can get erect much more easily, however, I still have to have the desire to do so.

I get no extra staying power, or delayed ejaculation (I have heard some men report they can supposedly take longer to ejaculate). However, after I do ejaculate, I can get hard again within minutes and multiple times.

I'm not trying to be mean, but keep in mind guys you can't base how something like this 'may' work for you based on one guys' feedback. He took it once for the first time so far, and again...maybe the product he took was not even what it was supposed to be, may it was expired, maybe he just ate a big meal and/or was intoxicated, etc. A 2.5 hour or longer window before you noticed any sort of difference with your erection strength makes me suspect something was off with the product itself.

Just my feedback.
Zambrodom3;644146 said:
Haha! To be honest, I saw no difference :(. It is true that my libido has improved, but I expected some real good stuff to happen- Absolute INSANE erections, Going on for hours after I cum etc. I need something better. DLD, can you link me something better, I will do a testominal thread where I report what I experience as effects and side effects. I just don't know where I can get me the good stuff from...

You honestly haven't seen me mention alldaychemist?? That's the only place. Look HERE IN THIS THREAD AT MY REPLIES!
Thanks a lot SWM! Well, it is true that I had eaten 30-60 minutes before I took the product (its exp date was 2016, produced:2013). I took the jelly (100mg). I want to get some more of this to give it a chance, a mate of mine told me it worked great for him. :)

P.S- Thanks for the link! :)
I took viagra twice. Once before f=hooking up with a girl and once just b/c I had it and jerked off. By myself I didn't experience much difference. With the girl though was great. 110% hard erection it felt like and after cumming the first time I didn't lose my erection at all. I usually need at least a few minutes before I am ready to go again.
zam i think you should try it will a girl.......i think the feeling is different when u masturbate and have sex....sex makes u damm horny compared to masturbation accordign to me lol
Zambrodom3;644572 said:
Thanks for the comments boys! I will try it with a girl, yea. :)

Maybe at some point in my life I will too!
Well it seems I am not the only one who does not have access to the dick eaters (girls rofl!). Don't worry boys, we'll get ourselves some good, young, open to new things, innoscent girls (specially for you DLD!)! rofl!! :)
Zambrodom3;644691 said:
Well it seems I am not the only one who does not have access to the dick eaters (girls rofl!). Don't worry boys, we'll get ourselves some good, young, open to new things, innoscent girls (specially for you DLD!)! rofl!! :)

i cant wait to get laid ZAm lol.......to get laid i need to reach my desired size goal....so indirectly i need to gain size first which automatically motivates me to do PE..;)
Zambrodom3;644691 said:
Well it seems I am not the only one who does not have access to the dick eaters (girls rofl!). Don't worry boys, we'll get ourselves some good, young, open to new things, innoscent girls (specially for you DLD!)! rofl!! :)

yeah, got a couple of them young chicks ready to go:) 19 and 25:) All I hear is "You so old you could be her Daddy"
Zambrodom3;644831 said:
Well, that's who you are- doublelongDADDY! :)

Yup:) they gotta be half my age to go on this ride:)