Hey guys, Dld asked if i had any information on this subject so here it is. I have read through some interesting articles on adult entertainment and its effects on your brain and ultimately your penis. Here is a great site that explains a whole lot. If you constantly look at adult entertainment and have some erectile issue i suggest you read through this. I hope this helps you because i once had this problem with too much adult entertainment consumption. I finally read up on this subject and found that when I was watching and jacking off to adult entertainment it was rewiring my brain and pretty much screwing it up. I have quit and i no longer have any sexual issues in this department. Feel free to add any additional comments or questions if you like. Also, when i quit watching adult entertainment my nighttime erections started slowly coming back, for some of you I hope this might help.
How long will it take to recover from adult entertainment-Induced Sexual Dysfunction? | Your Brain On adult entertainment
How long will it take to recover from adult entertainment-Induced Sexual Dysfunction? | Your Brain On adult entertainment