Okay the thread title is a bit harsh, buts this is my personal idea, tell me what you think.

Women of today are being told since they can talk that they have been the victim of the world since time began. They are told that for centuries they have been oppressed by men.

The result is women of today have this sense that the world owes them. Even if they arn't consciously aware of this sense, it still effects them. They have no independence.

Every problem that arises they have this victim attitude, where they think that they are not responcible for the griefs of their lives, they might not even think it, they might just have it as an innate condition. More so they don't try to fix the problem, they are the victim and someone owes them to fix their lives. This does not necessarily happen on a conscious level.

Women of today have no creativity, no imagination, no passion, no desire. They expect that someone will lay this out for them, not so much that they expect someone to do it for them, but rather if someone doesn't they are dumbfounded as what to do. For example, i have never met a girl who is adept on any musical instrument, i've seen good players and great, but their ability always seems so robotic, and they only know what they've seen or been taught. Their ability if any seems to be a result of genetic predisposition.

There is absolutly nothing stopping a women acheiving just as much as any man in the western world. I wish equality would set in. You are alone in the world, independent, responcible for everything in your life.

Thats my ideas anyway, but note that i in no way mean this is EVERY women on earth, this is a generalization and doesn't apply universally. There are some beautiful creatures out there, mind and body.
not all women are selfish, I hope you know that and are not directing it at everyone. Judging women is no way to gain respect from them. Sorry but this goes both ways.
Shithead said:
Women of today have no creativity, no imagination, no passion, no desire. They expect that someone will lay this out for them, not so much that they expect someone to do it for them, but rather if someone doesn't they are dumbfounded as what to do. For example, i have never met a girl who is adept on any musical instrument, i've seen good players and great, but their ability always seems so robotic, and they only know what they've seen or been taught. Their ability if any seems to be a result of genetic predisposition.

There is absolutly nothing stopping a women acheiving just as much as any man in the western world. I wish equality would set in. You are alone in the world, independent, responcible for everything in your life.

Thats my ideas anyway, but note that i in no way mean this is EVERY women on earth, this is a generalization and doesn't apply universally. There are some beautiful creatures out there, mind and body.
I dont know where you come from or what kinda women you are hanging with,
but generalizing women this way is nonsence.
I'm with them on this one. You're way off dude. I can see how you can see sometiems in pop culture women are automaticaly made out to be victims. But I can't see how you are doubting their talent/creativity etc. You should watch the way you talk about stuff like this because you almost sound like a biggot. I'm not judging you, just a warning becasue some people might not like hearing what your saying.
your opinion is just as valid as anyones...however it is a bit too general. There is some truth to what you say, its just hindered by presumptions. Be more specific plz :)
KiTTie8695 said:
not all women are selfish, I hope you know that and are not directing it at everyone. Judging women is no way to gain respect from them. Sorry but this goes both ways.

I did say...
Thats my ideas anyway, but note that i in no way mean this is EVERY women on earth, this is a generalization and doesn't apply universally. There are some beautiful creatures out there, mind and body.

This is just my opinion, i have seen very few women in my life that don't fit this mold. I'm not saying women are any less equal than men. Men and women are equal IMO.
Men and women are very different. Thank God. Failure to accept responsibility for ones circumstance is widespread in both genders. Believing oneself to be infallible is borderline sociopathy.
I agree with Rod in that we are actually very different....to think we are equal is crazy...well...equal how? Socially? Is our purposes equal? It is obvious that we are physically different...how else, and is it right? Why? There is a reason for everything.
I understand what Shithead is saying, and I agree for the most part. Since I'm a musician, I do come across many very talented and creative females, but I think it's safe to say that your average female musician is not on par with your average male musician. It may not be "PC" to say that there are differences between guys and girls, but there are plenty. I must say though, when you come across a talented female, she generally blows the guys out of the water (in my experience, anyway).

I also agree with the whole victim thing. Many females at least go through a stage where they become borderline feminazis because they take the "independent" and "equality" thing way out of proportion. Obviously they have equal rights though. I've seen this feminazi thing with many of my friends, and things just don't work that way. I like the way AC puts it: complementary, not equal.
I know women and men are different, but i still say their equal. I must have mis conveyed my message, but by equal i mean women and men are of equal value and of equal potential.
I'm 20 and most girls I know are either generic as hell or simple minded. There's a big college where I live too so I see and talk to plenty of them. They all dress, act, and care about the same things. Most of them are boring. All they care about is MTV and shopping. It's cute sometimes to see one of them attempt to talk about an issue that's going on in the world. Usually you can't bare listening 2 seconds to this garbage before feeling like throwing them into Jupiters orbit.

There seems to be an unusually high ammount of "attention whores" around here. This ties into the self image and girls gone wild thing. Any asshole could run around with a film camera with a GGW sticker on the side and a couple t-shirts, and litterally get hours of girls boobs, just becuase the girls want the attention and think that it's a cool thing to do. Sometimes I question half the things girls do, if they really want to do them, or if they just do it becasue it's the "right" thing to do, and if they dont they will be outcasted from the cool people.

Not to mention they see shows like sex and the city and desperate housewives and think its ok to get away with that shit. The womans not happy with something in the marriage. The man cant please her or something so all of a sudden poor me im the victim let me go cheat on my husband. Now look at the oppisite of what happens. Man cheats on wife, and loses everything he ever owned or worked for in court. It's ok though for the woman to cheat, because her needs wern't met. There's a lot of social allowance for women to get away with shit these days. The feminization of america. It cant just be me that thinks this either or shithead. You see male comedians talking about it all the time , friends family etc. Hell I even know women who hate women.
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thefranchise said:
I'm 20 and most girls I know are either generic as hell or simple minded. There's a big college where I live too so I see and talk to plenty of them. They all dress, act, and care about the same things. Most of them are boring. All they care about is MTV and shopping. It's cute sometimes to see one of them attempt to talk about an issue that's going on in the world. Usually you can't bare listening 2 seconds to this garbage before feeling like throwing them into Jupiters orbit.

I agree, this is good, its a little different to what i was saying though. When it comes to people following trends, being sheep, and just looking for the quick fixes, that accounts for 90% of the western world, male or female.

I'm more about the integrity, or thoughtfullness. There are just as many sheep men out there as there are sheep women, but even then the men seem to have a different thought process about it. It's hard to explain, im not providing an argument here, its just my observations and opinions.

But thefranchise, your exactly right about trying to talk to a women about any worldly debate, war, the enviroment, sexism, racism, religion, anything, i've found only a very small few women who could carry that kind of conversation, it's weird, its like they don't have their own thoughts.

Another example of the passive nature of women... Men always have to make the first move.

(once again this is all a generalisation and doesn't apply universally)
What I hate is all this shit about how they need to be treated different, yet still expect the same rights etc as men. I mean what's with all this ladies first shit and holding the door open for them? It's like seen as extremely rude by some people if you don't do it. I say fuck those people up there red raw anus.
Women are no way victimized or victims, in this day and age men are by far. Women have way more "Double Standards" and I think all this is bull shit to the core.
With all this shit in the world that is fucked up, one mans opinion is as good as any other, so I say fuck the world and its ethics, let's get high.
The real problem is inequality at the most fundamental cultural level here in the United States. We've allowed ourselves to be flip-flopped by the women's equality movement to an inferior social status by... I don't know, laziness or guilt or political correctness...whatever... but we need to take the reigns of our own destiny again by addressing these basic issues.

MenHealth – Men die on average over 4.5 years earlier than women, commit suicide 4 times more often than women, for all 10 leading causes of death, have higher death rates than women, yet our government focuses on women’s health and ignores men. We have 4 offices of women’s health in the Department of Health and Human Services, and none for men. Prostate cancer receives only a third of the funding of breast cancer from the National Institutes of Health, but kills as many men as breast cancer kills women. Funding for male specific health research is less than one half of the funding for female specific research. We need equity. Our government needs to help both men and women.

Circumcision – Over a million infant boys are subjected to painful, sometimes dangerous and life altering surgery each year without their consent. The American Medical Association tells us that routine circumcision is not medically necessary, that this procedure is invasive, painful, and is known to diminish sexual pleasure later in life. Our country has laws that protect little girls from this sort of procedure but has nothing to protect our little boys.

Domestic Violence - Although the department of Justice tell us that 835,000 men are victims of domestic violence every year these men have no services or shelters. Actually research clearly indicates that it is women who initiate domestic violence more often than men yet the feminist driven domestic violence industry does its best to make people think that men are but a tiny fraction of the victims. Billions of dollars have been spent for the aid of women who are victims. Don’t you think it is time to care about both men and women?

Paternity Fraud - With the advent of DNA testing we can now easily prove paternity. The shocking truth is that so far, of those tested who were questioning paternity, 33% have found that they were not the father! This indicates that paternity fraud is likely a profound problem which leaves many men paying for and in some cases forced to pay for children which are not actually their own. Up to this point we have trusted the mother's word about paternity. The wisdom of this assumption is now rightly being called into question.

Selective Service – Our young men must register for the draft or face stiff fines and possible incarceration, along with a denial of benefits and opportunities which are available to young women without further requirement. Our boys can be forced to serve their country and die if necessary. Our girls have no such responsibility. Is that fair?

Family Courts – Fathers are being removed from their children and families against their will and through no fault of their own. False accusations of domestic violence or child abuse are commonplace in an effort to insure custody goes to the mother. Men are then subjected to a system that forces them to pay lawyers they didn’t hire and pay child support without any system of gurantee or audit to make sure the money they pay for the benefit of their children is actually used for such. The system then refuses to enforce their ability to see their own children.

Education - After decades of shifting educational environments to help girls our boys are left to school environments that are hostile to their nature. Their more active nature is being pathologized and medicated. A striking example of this is that the recess period is now being eliminated from schools all over America. Our schools are becoming more and more unfriendly to boys. While the girls are encouraged to claim their power the boys are getting the message that they are defective. They are responding by dropping out at higher percentages than girls, failing more often, graduating less often, less likely to attend college, and, sadly, committing suicide six times more often. Our boys are very bright, traditionally outscoring girls on both math and verbal parts of the SAT’s. Their intelligence is excellent; it’s the anti-male environment that is causing the trouble. Our boys need our attention and help now!

Criminal Bias - Gender is the most significant biasing factor in determining whether or not someone will be charged, prosecuted, indicted and sentenced, as well as determining the severity of the sentence. Simply put, men get longer sentences for the same crime and are 20 times more likely than women to receive the death penalty when convicted of murder. If you are a man you will be treated more harshly by our court system.

False Accusation – 270,000 men and fathers are victimized each year across America by unfounded and false child sex abuse reports. This number is pushed much higher when you include false accusations of rape and domestic violence. Being accused of any of these crimes is often decimating to a man’s life. Even though he is proven innocent (which is often required for him not to be found guilty, in contradiction of the right of presumed innocence) he will still carry the scars of this false accusation and the damage to his reputation and psyche. The false accuser is often allowed to remain anonymous and usually is permitted to remain without responsibility for her false accusations after the fact.

Reproductive Rights - Men have no reproductive rights. Women can choose to have the baby, or an abortion, or put the baby up for adoption. The man has only one option if the woman chooses to have the child: pay child support. If a woman has the right to "opt out" of a pregnancy via abortion or adoption why shouldn’t a man also have this right? Many are suggesting "paper abortions" as a means to give men a similar right.
I'm more talking about the thought processes and psychology of women, not so much the physical problems out there like men in the court room. Those kind of thing are a society problem due to both men and women.
My point is, where can a drive for self-improvement and understanding come from when our whole culture is set up to pamper and protect them? There's no need for it. From health care straight through to military service, it's all provided for them by law. Perhaps its a kind of reverse oppression, meant to make things too easy for them.
Originally posted by thefranchise:
Im suprised no one is coming to the defense of women.

We have been impressed with love which implies absolute possession which has been "ingraved" in our minds by thousands of years of fear and anguish. In those days, one would attack a village to get ahold of their gold, their horses, and... their women. All these things were considered to be goods capable of being exchanged without arguement.

After having recognized that if 'man" had a soul, then "women" must have one too.,(the church doubted it for quite some time) after having given them the right to vote, (barely a century ago, and still not everywhere) we still do not recognize women's right to freely do with their body as they see fit, by refusing them the right to not give life if they don't want to (condemnation of abortion and contraception by the church).

And more if a women "sleeps around", she is labeled things like "slut", "whore", and so forth. How can a person who meets another among the billions populating the planet suddenly say to himself, "Here is the only individual with whom I shall have intimate relations, and even if I meet others who appear to correspond to my tastes, I shall stay faithful to the first girl, for the one and only reason that luck had it that they were the first." That in a nutshell is "fidelity".
Kal-el said:
(condemnation of abortion and contraception by the church).

Another generalization on the church. Many denominations oppose abortion, and IMO rightly so (but I don't want to get into that), but the only one I'm aware of that opposes contraception is Roman Catholicism. At least they're the only ones that are outspoken about it. However, Catholics aren't the only group that make up "the church."
Kal-el said:
And more if a women "sleeps around", she is labeled things like "slut", "whore", and so forth. How can a person who meets another among the billions populating the planet suddenly say to himself, "Here is the only individual with whom I shall have intimate relations, and even if I meet others who appear to correspond to my tastes, I shall stay faithful to the first girl, for the one and only reason that luck had it that they were the first." That in a nutshell is "fidelity".

A woman is a slut if she sleeps around, becasue she holds the power of sex. She is the one that determines of the sex happens or not. Take a girl and have her try adn pick up 10 guys in a row to have sex with. Likely she'll get 10/10. Have a guy try and pick up 10 girls in a row, hes more likely to get 5/10 at the MOST. Thats why girls who sleep around are considered sluts, becuase it takes no effort for a girl to get sex, while a guy who sleeps around is considered a "pimp/player/stud", becuase a considerable more ammount of work is needed to get a woman to sleep with you. As far as the fidelity thing. Yes it is natural to sleep around. That's what people are hardwired for, but if you want to use that case then we all might as well be doing whatever our urges desire. Becoming animals if you will. Monogamy I think is a rational agreement between two people. Going around sleeping with other people just completly complicates things. Emotions are generally involved and as logical as someone may try and reason it. No one wants to see their mate go and sleep with someone else.
originally posted by thefranchise:
A woman is a slut if she sleeps around, becasue she holds the power of sex. She is the one that determines of the sex happens or not. Take a girl and have her try adn pick up 10 guys in a row to have sex with. Likely she'll get 10/10. Have a guy try and pick up 10 girls in a row, hes more likely to get 5/10 at the MOST. Thats why girls who sleep around are considered sluts, becuase it takes no effort for a girl to get sex, while a guy who sleeps around is considered a "pimp/player/stud", becuase a considerable more ammount of work is needed to get a woman to sleep with you. As far as the fidelity thing. Yes it is natural to sleep around. That's what people are hardwired for, but if you want to use that case then we all might as well be doing whatever our urges desire. Becoming animals if you will. Monogamy I think is a rational agreement between two people. Going around sleeping with other people just completly complicates things. Emotions are generally involved and as logical as someone may try and reason it. No one wants to see their mate go and sleep with someone else.

That first comparison might not hold. For example, lets just say a less than good looking, or "ugly" female picks up 10 guys. She's probably lucky to bump 1 or 2.

As for fidelity,freedom of doing something and obligation are two different things which must'nt be confused. A couple who love eachother deeply, where both partners do not wish to "share" eachother, should stay together. If they are happy being with eachother without the need to expierence others, fine. As far as sexual contacts are concerned, everything is possible, and permitted. I insist on the word Penis EnlargementRMITTED for it dosen't mean MANDATORY.
That first comparison might not hold. For example, lets just say a less than good looking, or "ugly" female picks up 10 guys. She's probably lucky to bump 1 or 2.

Unless she goes after "ugly" men. Hey, us ugly people like fucking, too! It not just the Beautiful People who screw.
originally posted by 9cyclops9:
Another generalization on the church.

It is the church, which devises infamous plans to ruin the poor so that those who are unable to understand, will remain faithful to it through the fear of "sin", or excommunication, or other such stupid things.While the poor try to plead their case, those who don't have the intellect to seize the truth stand up for the lies of the church at the church's bidding.

Let me point out some common mistakes of the Church:

When you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the pagans do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Matthew 6:7

The Church makes humans feel guilty and making them pray without seeking to understand.

Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves.
Matthew 10: 9-19

How dare they, these men who are only men, indulge themselves in the wealth and luxury of the Vatican when the Gospels tell them to posess "neither gold, nor silver"- not even a spare coat.

I say unto you, that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19: 23

They make up heavy packs and pile them on men's shoulder's; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of by men...and love the uppermost rooms at feasts...and greetings in the markets...For you have one master, and you are all brothers. Do not call any man on earth "Father", for you have one father, and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called "teacher", you have one teacher, the Christ. But the greatest among you must be your servant.
Matthew 23: 4-11

That is all written in their own Gospels. So how dare the Church burden people with their so called "sins", which are basically different concepts of morality and lifestyles; how dare they speak of goodness while living it up in the Vatican when people are dying of hunger. Lastly, how dare they ask people to call them "Father", or "Your Holiness", when their own Gospels expressly forbid these things?
It is not "the Church." It is Roman Catholicism. I'll say again, you're lumping all of Christianity into one denomination. Catholicism is the only denomination I know of that refers to their priests/pope/whatever as "father." Catholicism is the only denomination I know of that dictates to it's followers what to believe rather than encouraging them to decide for themselves based on the Gospels and the teachings of Christ. I don't know of many legitimate Protestant pastors that are living a life of luxury. The ones that do, I have serious doubts about, not just because of their wealth, but other things I see in their teachings and behavior (one obvious example of this would be "televangelists").

It's so obvious that you're referring to Roman Catholicism (many mentions of the Vatican), so why not clear that up instead of throwing the baby (all of Christianity) out with the bathwater (Roman Catholicism)? I, along with most other Protestants, am completely against the idea of the papacy and Catholicism, including their rites and their rules and nearly every other doctrine espoused by the Roman Catholic church. To assume all of Christianity is like Catholicism is chosen ignorance on your part (because I'm pretty confident that you know better).
Originally posted by 9clyclops9:
It's so obvious that you're referring to Roman Catholicism (many mentions of the Vatican), so why not clear that up instead of throwing the baby (all of Christianity) out with the bathwater (Roman Catholicism)?

I'm refering MOSTLY to Roman Catholicism, as I believe if not for the Vatican, we would have already found the cures to all ills.

At the time of the end...if they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; and they shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall get well.
Jesus as quoted by Mark 16:18

I believe this quote by Jesus refers to humanity discovering anti-venom serums and antidotes, and developing surgery and so on.

As for Christianity, I think all organized religion is just nothing but society-sanctioned brainwashing. Eventually, I believe the Church will collapse. In scientifically developed countries people are already consumed by a kind of cluelessness because they have nothing left to believe in. Nobody can believe in a "Supernatural God" any longer, perched upon a cloud with a white beard , omniscient and omnipotent, which is basically the same as believing in "Santa Claus". Neither can anyone believe in delightful little guardian angels, or in a devil with horns and hooves.
Going back to the topic... I hate the arguement "if women sleep around they are sluts, if men do they are studs"

In my experience, if a girl does sleep around, she was usually the most popular girl in the school (and not because she put out), or she was considered a slut.

If a man sleeps around he is instantly blacklabeled by every women in a 300km radius, every single girl has talked about him and told each other to not go near him because he will use you and kick you to the curb.

So pretty much, if a girl sleeps around, shes seen as a slut, if a guy sleeps around, he's seen as just as bad.

Yet chicks always keep saying men get it easy coz they can sleep around, fuck off, thats just a cliche bullshit argument that women throw in anywhere when they wanna take a shot at a man, noones even thought about it.
Here's one for you Shithead,

The only time in my life I've had character assignation attempts put on me was by a woman.

So far, these women haven't been able to actually destroy decades of relationships I've developed over time but have come close.

They prey on the fact that most men are really stupid when it comes to relationships. These women, who have seduced me, fucked like bunnies and let me put my dick in every orifice in their bodies, keep pretending they are the vestal virgins.

Yes they are selfish. It’s a proven fact. Read some history over the last 10 thousand years. It’s always me (the man) that’s the bad guy. I took advantage. They can’t admit even to themselves they are selfish, are human and want the best from life on their terms. Pity the poor guy that isn’t up to speed.

Remember the words, Hell Hath No Fury As A Woman’s Scorn?

If you are stupid enough to not believe it, the burn will follow.

What I say is true.

falcon said:
Here's one for you Shithead,

The only time in my life I've had character assignation attempts put on me was by a woman.

So far, these women haven't been able to actually destroy decades of relationships I've developed over time but have come close.

They prey on the fact that most men are really stupid when it comes to relationships. These women, who have seduced me, fucked like bunnies and let me put my dick in every orifice in their bodies, keep pretending they are the vestal virgins.

Yes they are selfish. It’s a proven fact. Read some history over the last 10 thousand years. It’s always me (the man) that’s the bad guy. I took advantage. They can’t admit even to themselves they are selfish, are human and want the best from life on their terms. Pity the poor guy that isn’t up to speed.

Remember the words, Hell Hath No Fury As A Woman’s Scorn?

If you are stupid enough to not believe it, the burn will follow.

What I say is true.


I totally agree, accept on one point. I don't think women consciously prey on men in any way, i really don't think women are aware of their own selfishness.
Shithead said:
I totally agree, accept on one point. I don't think women consciously prey on men in any way, i really don't think women are aware of their own selfishness.

Absolutely! They don't know the level of their own selfisness, just comes with the gender. Still, I love them all....

Red, not to start an arguement but I'm not the only one on this thread that was off-topic. Why am I being singled out? Treat everyone the same. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Everyone tends to be somewhat selfish from time to time. The problem is that a lot of people give in to others selfish tendencies by getting walked all over. I've seen this time and time again.

Men are the more logical creatures.
Woman are the more emotional creatures.

Men are providers while women are nurturers. Sure some women deviate and try to become more of a provider than a nurturer, but us as men aren't attracted to this. No wonder you see more and more lesbians or bisexual women. This leads me to a post over at sosuave.com that states 95% are worthless. I really believe a lot of women are worthless to me in a direct sense. Maybe not indirectly but surely directly the vast majority of women are worthless to men.

Adopt the mindset that men want women, but women need men. Here's a thread for you people http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19193&highlight=feminism
Wow. M. Your penis is large, but I don't think it has anything to do with shithead's original topic. Please just leave the giant penis pictures in the picture proof section. We'll look. :)
kong1971 said:
Wow. M. Your penis is large, but I don't think it has anything to do with shithead's original topic. Please just leave the giant penis pictures in the picture proof section. We'll look. :)

Split it away from this thread - done.
Women are from a different universe, their needs are alien?????
Hello everone :)

I don't that anyone can say that all women are "whatever". Every women is a single person and has its own strengths and weaknesses..
doublelongdaddy;418526 said:
Women are from a different universe, their needs are alien?????

No their needs are not alien, but they hide them not to be judged by the society which is the same as not having them at all.
It is up to the man to brake all those barriers, and take time for her to relax, in 20-30 years new generations of women will not be shy and the need for seduction will not be needed, they will try to seduce men not being shy or repressed by the norms of society or religion....