Will someone google this new surgery for me?

There is penis surgeon in Serbia who did a study at one of the University of California campuses on 300 men with no bad side effects. I don't know his name or contact info. Good luck finding it. But he uses biodegradable scaffolding and cuts right behind the head of the penis, slices in like a cylinder, and slides the cylinder shaped scaffolding down your shaft under the skin. The scaffolding makes your penis cells start growing out, and the scaffolding breaks down in weeks. It increase shaft girth by 30% on average, with actual penis tissue that erects or gets flacid like normal. The only problem is it makes the penis look like a fat pencil instead of mushroom, since it does not make the head bigger and does not make it longer. It costs about $10,000. I can't find the site again and did not memorize the address.

To read more about scaffolding, read here.
This is not the penis people though. If you find the site, post it here.

Do not get fat injections, or special cell grafting, etc. The fat does not feel hard. The special cells don't get hard or flacid like a normal penis. It won't feel or look right. Yeah, maybe it will make her feel a bit better than your tiny one. But have some self respect and skip it. And the complications which I'm sure will occure. Most people won't admit they had surgery even to have a law suit, so you won't know how bad the docs are. In this wonderful country, any doctor who went through med school may do any cosmetic produre even if it is not up to standards. Many hair transplant surgeans still do scalp flaps and old fashiond huge plugs that look like doll hairs, just because it is easier than doing micro grafts of one or two hairs.

I'm going to try to grow my penis first, so I can get length and a bigger head too. But in case that does not work, I'd like that type of surgery as a backup.
I have spent a lot of time trying to find it, without success. That is why I'm asking for help. Why not help me, since it would help everyone here too?

No, it is not Alloderm. Alloderm takes cadiver (dead person) skin and grafts that into the penis.

It is not fat transfer either.

It is a micro thin artificial scaffolding material which stimulates your penis cells to grow through it. It gradually biodegrades, leaving actual penis tissue behind. Your own penis tissue. It is a third method, and a very recent new method. I only know of one doctor who does it, but I can't find him again.

Check that out. Even has an email address. Someone should email them and see if they know where the procedure is offered.

Perovic SV, Byun JS, Scheplev P, Djordjevic ML, Kim JH, Bubanj T.
Department of Urology, University Children's Hospital, Tirsova 10, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate in a multicenter, prospective study preliminary aesthetic and functional results of autologous ex-vivo tissue engineering for penile girth enhancement. METHODS: From July 1999 to January 2004, 204 men of mean age 26.77 (range 19-54 years) underwent this procedure. Indications for penile girth enhancement were penile dysmorphic disorder and previous failed surgery for penile girth enhancement. Fibroblast cells harvested from 1 cc of biopsied scrotal dermal tissue were expanded in culture until the total cell number of at least 2x10(7) was reached. Suspended cells in culture medium were then seeded on pretreated tube-shaped PLGA scaffolds and incubated for 24 hours. After penile degloving, scaffolds were shape adjusted and transplanted between dartos and Buck's fascia when the skin was compliant or under the neurovascular bundle when the skin was not compliant. RESULTS: A total of 84 randomly selected patients were followed 1 to 5 years postoperatively (median 24 months). The gain in girth ranged from 1.9 to 4.1cm (mean 3.15 cm). Postoperative complications occurred as infection in three, penile skin pressure necrosis in two and seroma formation in five patients and were all treated conservatively. Surgical intervention was appraised by patients on a scale from 1 to 5 as follows: the best mark (5) was given by 44.05%, very good (4) by 36.90%, good (3) by 19.05% and only one patient gave the mark 2 judging general penile appearance as dissatisfactory; mean score was 4.25. CONCLUSION: Autologous tissue engineering by using biodegradable scaffolds as a carrier is a new and safe therapeutic approach for penile girth enhancement. The outcome of this study points out the necessity for its expanded clinical applicability in the future.

PMID: 16310926 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Does that mean they grew penis tissue, which gets errect, or some other tissue? I know those are not fat cells or cadaver cells. It is the patients own cells. Looks like they say scrotal skin cells. But the scrotum does not errect. Any thoughts?
I have searched the hole Web about this subject; but it's difficult to find ex Patients.

But look in this Forum therte are a few thet hat visited Dr.Perovic already and plan to do this suregry in the Future.

Search the Suregry Subforum at :


Shadus;330357 said:
I have searched the hole Web about this subject; but it's difficult to find ex Patients.

But look in this Forum therte are a few thet hat visited Dr.Perovic already and plan to do this suregry in the Future.

Search the Suregry Subforum at :



I had a look. Dermal grafts are just nasty. I saw a pic of a slab of flesh they cut from your but or your back, and use to wrap around your penis under the skin. No thanks. I'd rather have an average sized penis. Guys who do that make themselves disfigured just so women can feel better when they are inside. I'd rather be single. Yep, I'll keep my DHT and IGF1 and pump for now. If I grow 1/2 inch it will be enough. As long as I do PC clamps and exercise my toungue I'll be ahead of most. I'd rather attract women with my muscles than butcher myself.
I might do the scaffolding procedure though. It is my own DNA, but does not require cutting a huge chung of flesh out of me. They just take a few cells and multiply them, implant them, and let them grow under the skin. Only scary part is when they peel the skin back to implant, and then slide it back over. I doubt it will errect and flacate, but if it makes the skin on my penis 1/4 inch thick instead of 1/16 inch thick, then that should still feel better for her.

The lengthening surgery just sounds scary with all the post op procedures needed, and the 90% patients who wish they had never done it.
HairHormoneExpe;330376 said:
I might do the scaffolding procedure though. It is my own DNA, but does not require cutting a huge chung of flesh out of me. They just take a few cells and multiply them, implant them, and let them grow under the skin. Only scary part is when they peel the skin back to implant, and then slide it back over. I doubt it will errect and flacate, but if it makes the skin on my penis 1/4 inch thick instead of 1/16 inch thick, then that should still feel better for her.

The lengthening surgery just sounds scary with all the post op procedures needed, and the 90% patients who wish they had never done it.

That scaffolding looks frightening, it would make a great horror film.
There's just something unnerving about the thought of someone cutting into my penis. I practically tear up when my gf drags her teeth even a little.
Big Al;330494 said:
The thought of having something that radical done to a healthy, functioning penis for the purposes of enlargement when there are so many other options available doesn't make sense!

There's an article about that kind of tissue engineering here: http://mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49298

If you're interested in any kind of Penis Enlargement surgery, read this thread before you consider it: http://mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49247

Plus it is a much better sense of self-accomplishment when it is done through Penis Enlargement...much cheaper and totally safer.