This is exactly what I have been discussing with my Son. He first said that if any man says that they do not subjugate women they are lying. That made me feel better, or a bit more normal (I think that is what He was trying to accomplish, a base line of normality). Next we discussed women and how I, even after a year of abstinence, I still fall for the same things I always have, just less. I tried to set up rules around myself to curb these things only to find out rules will always be broken in a carnal mind. I think the best thing I heard that day was I will never be able to stop sinning and I need to realize this and stop setting up unrealistic goals and start to accept Christ's love and grace and try my best but never again set up rules or stipulations, if God wants to temp me so be it, and if God see's fit to release me from this, so be it. Either way I am done with the guilt and I am going to continue to pat myself on the back for the progress I have made.