Girlfriend and I had sex earlier. I had taken 25mg of Silagra (generic V) with 800mg of Tagamet (also generic) about an hour before hand on an empty stomach. We had sex for over an hour. Nothing unusual there...I have done that before. I came before she did...hey, it happens ya know....BUT, unlike usual...I was able to stay ROCK HARD!! I got her off twice after that, could not cum again myself so, we stopped, cuddled for a while (I'm so sensitive) then I took a shower. Got out of the shower...had not touched my penis for over 20 minutes and was still pretty darn plump. Now I know what it feels like to be a adult entertainment star! I cant wait to go for more girth now that I know how well this stuff works. If youre not using it for your girth workouts ....you need to ask yourself why. It's soo much easier to stay erect with it!