this might help penis enlargement!

golarge said:
And how do you get it to affect the penis solely and specifically?
You can't with this product as it is an oral. You may have better lucj with injectables. Look for a thread on IGF that Supra started last year.He actually injected IGF into his dick. If i recall the thread, he didn't really experience any significant gains from it. Typically IGF works systemically... some believe that it offers localized effects but that is questionable until more studies have been done.
It's a scam. It is impossible to get intact protein drugs into the blood circulation via oral dosing - they even admit it, all the way at the bottom of their webpage.

Also, IGF-1 is a tumor promoter. Taking it while you have a pre-cancerous cell or cells in your body will promote tumorgenesis. Since most of us develop pre-cancerous cells every day (that the body normally can destroy before they can form a tumor), this stuff could be the death of you.

Priapologist said:
It's a scam. It is impossible to get intact protein drugs into the blood circulation via oral dosing - they even admit it, all the way at the bottom of their webpage.
That has always been the school of thought but there's something to IBE's cell mediated technology as the results from their product has been overwhelmingly positive. Just go to most bodybuilding boards and do a search. My understanding is that they are planning to release an oral GH product in the future.

Also, IGF-1 is a tumor promoter. Taking it while you have a pre-cancerous cell or cells in your body will promote tumorgenesis. Since most of us develop pre-cancerous cells every day (that the body normally can destroy before they can form a tumor), this stuff could be the death of you.
This makes alot of theoretical sense, but i've also read where some doctor's in France have used IGF in cancer patients to help mitigate muscle wasting without accelerating their existing cancer. I'll try to dig up that study if you're interested. Also, alot of the benefits from HGH supplentation is derived from increased IGF levels... if that was truely the case, then HGH supplementation is just as bad and should be frown upon, but it's not and IGF is. Just a thought...
Priapologist said:
I wonder if "mister Kong" is now hanging out at [words=]MoS[/words] under a new screen name?

Who knows, I wish I would have been around to see the action as it first took place. From the posts I did read in the section seems like he was quite a drunk dillusional fat bastard (No Offence).

But who knows maybe FR is the cure for everything bad you could have and maybe you can gain 2 inches in a month. Maybe my cock is 12 inches long and 10 inches around. How would you ever know?
Priapologist said:
I can find no scientific references on their site, nor any scientific literature that supports the notion of a therapeutic blood level from enterally administered protein drugs. If you have any such references, I'd love to read them.

If a vehicle were developed that protected proteins from enteric digestion and allowed the whole molecule (versus the free amino acids) to be absorbed in the gut, it would be huge scientific news and it would be immediately snapped up by one of the major pharma companies for use with insulin and other protein hormones and drugs. Since this hasn't happened, I am skeptical of their claims.
There is no reference on their site and they've actually taken alot of criticisms for this, and rightfully so. What they've claimed is that this was not their discovery but that of a large Pharmaceutical company. They are merely a middleman that was allowed to offer this product as a proof of concept. Once the actual developer has receive their patents and approvals from the medical and other communities, they will be releasing several other oral products like oral gh and such. IBE has alluded to how the process works on several BB boards and has been challenged by several authorities on the subject, but they clain they are bound not to disclose the actual process.

Based on anecdotal evidence so far, it does apprear to work. I have personally tried injectible L3 IGF-1 and would like to test this product side by side to see if it is indeed as they claim, but it's tough to justify the cost.

Yes, please. Given that cancer patients are on chemotherapeutics to block cell-cycle progression, as well as radiation therapy to decrease tumor mass, I doubt that an IGF-1-induced, tumor promoting effect would be seen.
I'll look for the study, but it may be moot as you make a good point...

HGH is also a cancer promoter, acting through IGF-1, at supraphysiological doses, i.e. those required to gain lean-tissue mass. It's indicated use is for people, generally children, who produce insufficient HGH, to bring them up to a physiologically normal blood level.
What do you consider supraphysiological doses?? I would venture to say that most bodybuilder do not typically exceed 6iu's per day. The gererally accepted dosing scheme of BB purposes is:

2-3iu's per day - effects are primarily fatloss and general well being
4-6iu's per day - anabolic effects
7-10iu's per day - greater anabolic effects but cost prohibitive

Thanks for the info. I'd want to see some clinical trial evidence before I plunked down hard currency, but I'm just that kind of person :)

As for the HGH, it appears that a standard dosage range is ~0.5 to 2 units per day for insuficiency therapy. I'll check my textbooks later to see what normal physiological levels are.

It is impossible to get intact protein drugs into the blood circulation via oral dosing - they even admit it, all the way at the bottom of their webpage.

Saw that. It's not quite accurate.

IGF-1 is a really large molecule ... it can be absorbed through the intestine but in adults you almost need a permeability disease for that to happen. It'd work better on children (who should stay the heck away from it.)

There's no way it could be anywhere near 100% though. Studies on the IGF-1 component of rBGH milk shows the IGF-1 remnant, when protected into the gut by galactose and milkfat, to be in the 10% range. 90% loss through the gut even when buffered.

What Ergopharm had done with 1AD is build the molecule 'backwards' so to speak so that the liver was decimating it -into- 1AD. THat's the functional model. Don't try to survive the gut, have the body -make- the target molecule.

Anyway, .... agree definitely very poor way to get androgens into your unit.

I think supplements have their place in Penis Enlargement but the majority of size gains will come from the exercises themselves. I always wanted to try different things but I never could afford it and in spite of this I have made incredible gains. Some of the supplements available that help with blood flow to the penis would be interesting to mess with but the price is way too high.
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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