
ive been thinking about trying to raise my test...no steriods or anything like maybe some supplements or this thing i just learned about called rop ( ring of power).

i was wondering if i took a testosterone supplement if it will help me grow more facial hair? cause i have barely any and it sucks. I think it would be good for Penis Enlargement and obviously muscle gain also. Does anyone here take test supplements or use the rop?

anyone have any suggestions or feedback? much appreciated :)
Here is for facial hair
You can take supplements for testosterone sure. If I had another minute I'd search for ya, just go to the search engine at search for "testosterone". Should be there.
Have you had your T- levels checked recently? If so, what is the result?
As men we hold a lot of stored up Test in our legs. SO if you start working out in the gym, and get on a good leg routine and do cardio as well (running or elliptical at a high level because it is also a leg work out) that will naturally increase your Test. Also sprints naturally increase it.

Also please answer truthfully because this question is actually very very important. How old are you?
im 23 and ive never had my t levels checked. I think it would be pretty decent though because i can put on muscle and strength pretty easily but then again i wonder if its low because i dont have much facial hair and i have a very unimpressive dick lol (like 6.25 bpel/ 4.25 girth) i also look very young for my age people think im like 17 and shit. I mean i guess it could just be my genes but im not sure

hell yeah you have to do squats and other anabolic workouts like that if you want to get huge. I only got a gym pass about a month ago and ive taken about a year off due to laziness lol im definitely gonna focus on compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, etc.

im really thinking about taking a test booster or trying that ring of power thing (very skeptical) and i would totally be willing to try hgh if it didnt cost so much money. I want to feel like an alpha!!!

Hydromaxmmm what about an estrogen blocker??
If your 23 then I am sure your test is fine. Facial hair will come in time, and even if it doesnt, some men just dont grow it as well. No big deal.

Yeah get back in the gym man, and work hard. Thats why its called "working out." It involves a lot of hard work and dedication, its a lifestyle. People always want to take the easy way out. I would advise against a test booster for you right now, its bad for your health and then you have to worry about side affects and PCTs (post cycle treatments). Its just not worth it. And even if you were to take a test booster, the test isnt going to put size on you, YOU still have to do the work.

As far as an estrogen blocker, some times you take them with the test, sometimes after the cycle. It depends on the test. Also another thing most people dont understand about working out. Its 80% what you eat! and 20% the work you do! So again, if you take test, but your eating wrong, just forget about it.

Long story short. There is A LOT you need to know before getting into test boosters and pro-hormones and steroids. You cant just jump into it. And there is no way it can all be explained in this forum about penis enlargement haha. Do yourself and your body a favor and just get back in the gym and do it naturally. Eat right and work hard and you'll be fine man.

As far as the Ring of Power. I have heard of it but that is all. Never heard of anyone using it or anything, so I cant really answer that question for ya. Sorry bud.
yeah i feel you...i used to be a gym rat but i took some time off. I have my supplements, routine, and diet on pretty good track the weekends ruin me though lol

im not trying to shoot anything im not gonna need a PCT or anything i just want a mild test booster not only for the gains in the gym but the other benefits that it has (if it even has other benefits?) . Im not gonna jump right into it ive always been interested and if i actually do try it im definitely gonna do it when i plateau in the gym
bonesawiseready;434944 said:
yeah i feel you...i used to be a gym rat but i took some time off. I have my supplements, routine, and diet on pretty good track the weekends ruin me though lol

im not trying to shoot anything im not gonna need a PCT or anything i just want a mild test booster not only for the gains in the gym but the other benefits that it has (if it even has other benefits?) . Im not gonna jump right into it ive always been interested and if i actually do try it im definitely gonna do it when i plateau in the gym

You dont have to "shoot" to need a PCT. Even a mild test booster that can be taken orally (giggidy) is still a pro-hormone. If you take a "supplement" in pill form, you usually should take a PCT to be safe, but again it depends on the "supplement" and it isn't true for every one of them. But just because your not shooting it doesn't mean its not a steroid.

Its just better to be safe with all this stuff man. I'm honestly trying to look out for you, I don't wanna see you f**k your body up, when it could have been easily avoided. Im telling you naturally is the way to go. Get in the gym seriously for a few months, research all this stuff in the mean time, and in a few months you still feel like you want a pro-hormone then at least you'll know enough about it to make your own educated decision.