sweeeet! i love P.E.

i split with me gf around 3 months ago and since then i have been edging and kegaling every night becuase i normally i am a "1minute wonder" but after 2-3 odd months i finally slept with another girl and i lasted for around 30odd minutes and i still hadnt cum! being me i thought yh that was a lucky one off but i did her again about a week later and i lasted over an hour and still didnt cum! it is intense i love my new staying power it has gave me loads of confidence! just wanted to say thanks for everything on this forum that has helped me achieve my biggest goal of lasting longer. and to others that suffer with pre-ejaculation just keep kegaling and edging and you will be able to last a lot longer.

nope p.e. aint all about increasing the size of your manhood!

i aint really on a speicifc routine but for my staying power all i have been doing is kegaling every time i think about it (like now) and every nite i will edge before i go sleep most of the time i will only get close to the "point of no return" twice and then cum! i have been doing this for about 6-8 months didnt see no results till the start of this month.

i will add though when i used to have sex with my ex (when i used to cum quick) i always thought right try and last long this time! but never did, but these last 2 times i just went for it never thought about it once and just got on with it, so i kinda think it is all in the head.
