I'd like to discuss some supplements that can be used to alleviate mental disorders and afflictions over time and the reasons that they are effective. I'll focus mainly on depression but a lot of these supplements are good for a range of disorders.
Having suffered from depression myself I can understand how difficult and nightmarish mental health difficulties can be.
Here's a bit about how our brain works. The brain is basically a huge mass of interconnected neurons i.e. nerve cells. The tiny connections between neurons are called dendrites and where one neuron meats another neuron via a dendrite there is a small gap which is called a synapse and this is where 'messages' are sent between the different neurons. Neurons have both sending and receiving stations that are located where the dendrites meet and these are called receptors and are built out of essential fats, phospholipids and amino acids. The message that goes across the synapse is called a neurotransmitter and is usually made out of amino acids. Each neurotransmitter is made out of different amino acids.i.e. the neurotransmitter seretonin, which helps to keep you happy, is made out of the amino acid tryptophan. Adrenalin and dopamine, which help to keep you motivated are made from the amino acid phenylaline. Turning these amino acids into neurotransmitters is done using various vitamins, minerals and special amino acids.
Fatty acids.
Fatty acids work by improving receptor sites in the brain as well as improving reception. This leads to more seretonin absorption to mention only one benefit. As a result Omega 3 oil is a fantastic supplement for any mental affliction but remember that it has an accumulative effect meaning that it takes time to build up in the system. In a recent study in England by Dr Basant Puri, a 21 year old student who was depressed and had been on a variety of different anti depressants to no avail was given ethyl-EPA. Before treatment the student had been experiencing low self-esteem, small appetite, sleeping problems, suicidal thoughts as well as finding socializing difficult. After one month of supplementing omega 3 fats he was no longer having suicidal thoughts and after 9 months he no longer had depression of any kind.
Here are a few more beneficial supplements for the brain:
L-Phenylalanine = an amino acid that is a building block for the amino acid L-Tyrosine which is in turn a building block for the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is again in turn a building block for noradrenalin and adrenalin. Adrenalin deficiency is associated with depression and a general lack of motivation or energy.
5-HTP = 5-hydroxytryptophan. Tryptophan is the building block for seretonin which is a neurotransmitter that helps to keep you happy. 5-hydroxytryptophan is basically one step up the chain closer to seretonin than just tryptophan itself. A 5-HTP supplement is amazing at combating any form of depression and it has been well documented at outperforming any standard SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants in various studies.
SAMe and TMG = respectively stand for s-adenosyl methionine and tri-methyl-glycine. These two nutrients work by donating methyl groups and sometimes taking them away. i.e. noradrenaline turns into adrenaline by having a methyl group added. People with schizophrenia very often have serious problems doing this properly which, coupled with other symptoms, leads to their mental disorder.SAMe and TMG help the brain in many different ways and SAMe is one of the most documented supplements used to fight depression. In all cases it has worked faster than standard medical anti depressants and also more effectively. In the studies a high dose was used and it must be done under supervision.
The best combination of supplements to help treat depression would be:
2g Phenylalanine or Tyrosine.
150mg 5-HTP.
And 200mg of SAMe.
These should be taken along with good multivitamin and fatty acid supplements. The best way to get everything you need fatty acid wise is to supplement: for Omega 3 Hemp Seed oil, for Omega 6 Safflower oil, for EPA and DHA Cod Liver oil (or eat unfried eggs) and for GLA Evening Primrose oil. All the supplements work together and often one is no good without the others.
The main other areas which really help in depression are sunlight and exercise. Both reduce stress and sunlight directly creates seretonin in the brain. For agoraphobics who also suffer from depression it is possible to benefit hugely from a light box that is made to emit roughly the same spectrum of light as the sun. Nothing is as good as the real thing though.
Hope this helps someone out there.
Having suffered from depression myself I can understand how difficult and nightmarish mental health difficulties can be.
Here's a bit about how our brain works. The brain is basically a huge mass of interconnected neurons i.e. nerve cells. The tiny connections between neurons are called dendrites and where one neuron meats another neuron via a dendrite there is a small gap which is called a synapse and this is where 'messages' are sent between the different neurons. Neurons have both sending and receiving stations that are located where the dendrites meet and these are called receptors and are built out of essential fats, phospholipids and amino acids. The message that goes across the synapse is called a neurotransmitter and is usually made out of amino acids. Each neurotransmitter is made out of different amino acids.i.e. the neurotransmitter seretonin, which helps to keep you happy, is made out of the amino acid tryptophan. Adrenalin and dopamine, which help to keep you motivated are made from the amino acid phenylaline. Turning these amino acids into neurotransmitters is done using various vitamins, minerals and special amino acids.
Fatty acids.
Fatty acids work by improving receptor sites in the brain as well as improving reception. This leads to more seretonin absorption to mention only one benefit. As a result Omega 3 oil is a fantastic supplement for any mental affliction but remember that it has an accumulative effect meaning that it takes time to build up in the system. In a recent study in England by Dr Basant Puri, a 21 year old student who was depressed and had been on a variety of different anti depressants to no avail was given ethyl-EPA. Before treatment the student had been experiencing low self-esteem, small appetite, sleeping problems, suicidal thoughts as well as finding socializing difficult. After one month of supplementing omega 3 fats he was no longer having suicidal thoughts and after 9 months he no longer had depression of any kind.
Here are a few more beneficial supplements for the brain:
L-Phenylalanine = an amino acid that is a building block for the amino acid L-Tyrosine which is in turn a building block for the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is again in turn a building block for noradrenalin and adrenalin. Adrenalin deficiency is associated with depression and a general lack of motivation or energy.
5-HTP = 5-hydroxytryptophan. Tryptophan is the building block for seretonin which is a neurotransmitter that helps to keep you happy. 5-hydroxytryptophan is basically one step up the chain closer to seretonin than just tryptophan itself. A 5-HTP supplement is amazing at combating any form of depression and it has been well documented at outperforming any standard SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants in various studies.
SAMe and TMG = respectively stand for s-adenosyl methionine and tri-methyl-glycine. These two nutrients work by donating methyl groups and sometimes taking them away. i.e. noradrenaline turns into adrenaline by having a methyl group added. People with schizophrenia very often have serious problems doing this properly which, coupled with other symptoms, leads to their mental disorder.SAMe and TMG help the brain in many different ways and SAMe is one of the most documented supplements used to fight depression. In all cases it has worked faster than standard medical anti depressants and also more effectively. In the studies a high dose was used and it must be done under supervision.
The best combination of supplements to help treat depression would be:
2g Phenylalanine or Tyrosine.
150mg 5-HTP.
And 200mg of SAMe.
These should be taken along with good multivitamin and fatty acid supplements. The best way to get everything you need fatty acid wise is to supplement: for Omega 3 Hemp Seed oil, for Omega 6 Safflower oil, for EPA and DHA Cod Liver oil (or eat unfried eggs) and for GLA Evening Primrose oil. All the supplements work together and often one is no good without the others.
The main other areas which really help in depression are sunlight and exercise. Both reduce stress and sunlight directly creates seretonin in the brain. For agoraphobics who also suffer from depression it is possible to benefit hugely from a light box that is made to emit roughly the same spectrum of light as the sun. Nothing is as good as the real thing though.
Hope this helps someone out there.