SPIKE from Biotech

Hey has anybody heard or tried this product? I sounds cool as fuck. I just got a bottle of it, and will try it and post my experience with it.

Too check it out click here on this link!
Anything and everything from Biotest is the shiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I mean that from the depths of my heart. I'm using Alpha Male, Hot Rox, Surge (pre and post W/O), and I just got in some Power Drive. Low Carb grow is incredible to taste, and it goes well with Oatmeal and makes into some really interesting shakes. Spike does what it says it does, and it's a great preworkout boost and it does help with focus and contractile force during workouts. I'll let you know about Power Drive, as they are similar but very different in mechanisms in which they operate through. Have a good one.
Spike ROCKS. I don't use it for workouts usually, but for studying and such, or when I didn't get any sleep and need a boost. It's an amazing supplement. I agree with millionman, anything Biotest makes is awesome.
millionman said:
Anything and everything from Biotest is the shiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I mean that from the depths of my heart. I'm using Alpha Male, Hot Rox, Surge (pre and post W/O), and I just got in some Power Drive. Low Carb grow is incredible to taste, and it goes well with Oatmeal and makes into some really interesting shakes. Spike does what it says it does, and it's a great preworkout boost and it does help with focus and contractile force during workouts. I'll let you know about Power Drive, as they are similar but very different in mechanisms in which they operate through. Have a good one.

Wow you have the whole product line just about man! Everything I've heard about Biotest is good. The seem to be the leader in supplements when it comes down to the performance of them.

Alpha Male?

Would you thing Alpha Male might have some benefit in Penis Enlargement gains? Would boosting ones Test levels aid in Penis Enlargement? Do you have ant thoughts on this?

9cyclops9 said:
Spike ROCKS. I don't use it for workouts usually, but for studying and such, or when I didn't get any sleep and need a boost. It's an amazing supplement. I agree with millionman, anything Biotest makes is awesome.

I took 1 yellow pill tonite before work and was definitely feeling the effects.
I was walking through the warehouse where I work at and had a smirk on my face for no reason at all. Conversation was way better, my walk felt different, and I noticed a feeling of euphoria, things that normally bothered me at work had no impact at all. Great product, very clean, and clear.

I can't wait until I get to play some Handball on Spike, man I have a feeling I will dominate!
Interesting. I've always been turned off by Biotest because of their overhyping of their shit and the high price, so much that I've never even tried them. But if you guys are getting results to back it up I'd like to hear. Especially about Alpha Male.
quijjiboo said:
How long did you guys notice the effects of one dose of Spike?

One pill of Spike and I was feeling the effects for about 8 hours. Right now I getting ready to drop 2 pills and go the the Girlfriends house and fuck. I let you know how that went as well. Also I am going to be in a Handball tournament on Dec 10th and 11th. I'll pop 2 pills before the event to see how much better my concentration levels are while playing.

Yes millionman I'd like to know about alpha male as well, fill us in please!
Give me another week and I'll let you know. I've only been on three weeks now, and I'm giving it the full four week treatment, as it says allow four weeks to take full effect. I'll get back to you guys on Friday of this next week. I'm actually going to place an order for Methoxy 7 and ZMA this Wednesday to go 12 weeks with M7, AM, ZMA, and Max Strength Hot Rox. I'm going 12 weeks to get shredded, and then into a "mass" phase using Carbolin 19, Methoxy 7, ZMA, and AM. The only things that have to change for the mass phase is the Hot Rox, as you can't take Carbolin 19 and Hot Rox at the same time, or I should say it's not reccomended as both use C-AMP pathways and they could counteract each other negatively, basically cancelling each other out or overloading the system.

I will let you guys know what's up with AM this Friday, and that's a promise. I can report so far only good things.
millionman said:
Give me another week and I'll let you know. I've only been on three weeks now, and I'm giving it the full four week treatment, as it says allow four weeks to take full effect. I'll get back to you guys on Friday of this next week. I'm actually going to place an order for Methoxy 7 and ZMA this Wednesday to go 12 weeks with M7, AM, ZMA, and Max Strength Hot Rox. I'm going 12 weeks to get shredded, and then into a "mass" phase using Carbolin 19, Methoxy 7, ZMA, and AM. The only things that have to change for the mass phase is the Hot Rox, as you can't take Carbolin 19 and Hot Rox at the same time, or I should say it's not reccomended as both use C-AMP pathways and they could counteract each other negatively, basically cancelling each other out or overloading the system.

I will let you guys know what's up with AM this Friday, and that's a promise. I can report so far only good things.

Thanks man!
MM you might want to get some blood work done mate if your planning on taking all that,i was watching a documentory a couple of day ago and it had this guy who was using OTC supps that were supposed to be safe,he had blood work done before then a month after and his liver values had gone through the roof,scared the shit out of him.
PA, it depends on what he was taking. Alpha Male is meant to support T-production, as it is going to increase endogenous T-levels which should not have an adverse effect on the kidneys or liver. I appreciate the warning though, but there are more than a few guys that have used this particular arrangement to get really lean and gain LBathmate at the same time with no negative effects. So far I haven't been having any trouble, but I may still have the blood work done to see how far my levels increase. That way the change could be documented. That might be the best plan of action.
Yeah chances are you will see no negative sides and i no you research your stuff,just thought it was worth a mention,i no in the uk there are a couple of products that have got quite bad sides but a lot of guys are unaware because they are available OTC and assume they are therefore totally safe.
If you are that hardcore about bodybuilding, why not do the research and take 'roids. The obvious defense to that is "whoa, that shit will fuck you up!"

But the truth is, if you grab a needle and just start injecting 500mgs a day, then yeah you're on a quick road to destruction. Check out Mick Hart's guide if you are really interested. It will save you money most likely, and it is actually more healthy than taking all these stimulants and such. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] is right, it fucks up your blood work, I can attest to that.
mick harts laymans guide is pretty old school to be honest but worth a read,ive got a few ebooks i could probably be able to email them to anyone thats interested.

laymans guide 1+2
chemical muscle enhancement
chemicalwizardry complete
GM, I have no interest in taking AAS at all. The reason for taking Hot Rox and AM is to maximize my efforts. The Hot Rox will keep T-3 prodution high while also helping to maintain lean body mass because of the nitrogen sparing effect of A-7E. The AM is to keep natural test levels high, if not improve them into the high normal range. Methoxy is something that I have wanted to try and is something that will fit well into this regimen, and ZMA is something most men should take regardless, as we don't get enough Zinc or Magnesium in our diets and what we do get in some cases does not have a high bioavailability.

If I were in any danger of overdoing it then I wouldn't consider it at all, but as I have said there are more people that have used this very same configuration and saw great results with no side effects. With steroids there is always the chance you're not getting what you paid for, and in other cases you don't use them properly. As it has been noted the art of taking steroids has been lost, and understanding how to "bridge" from a mass phase to a leaning phase has been totally lost on these mass freaks now considered to be professional bodybuilders.

Of all the companies that I've done business with or have used their products Biotest consitently puts out very high quality researched products. Between Biotest and Beverly International there is no conern when taking anything from either of them, as the only put out the best highest quality products bar none. With some of these "labs" where certain steroids are produced you have no idea what you are getting, purity, and safety.
Hey Guys
Will or does spike make your dick and ball shrink up? Like ephedera? also does it giiive you the need to wana wack off all the time? :s <:( ?:(
manboi said:
Hey Guys
Will or does spike make your dick and ball shrink up? Like ephedera? also does it giiive you the need to wana wack off all the time? :s <:( ?:(

No spike does neither of these things you talk about, to me it is a mood enhancement supplement. I feel really good when I take a pill or to, I can concentrate better, I just feel like I'm in a good mood, plus I have extra energy.
I received 4 sample packets of Spike and just finished taking them and I didn't feel much if at all any energy gain.

The best thing that worked best for me was Leanfire.
prince Albert said:
MM you might want to get some blood work done mate if your planning on taking all that,i was watching a documentory a couple of day ago and it had this guy who was using OTC supps that were supposed to be safe,he had blood work done before then a month after and his liver values had gone through the roof,scared the shit out of him.
The elevated liver counts are likely due to residual solvent and other trace impurities left in the supplement. Many solvents are toxic in minute quantities and so are some trace impurities left from side reactions. Some common organic solvents include ethanol (cleanest), methanol, methylene chloride, ether, toluene, ligroin/petroleum distillates, hexane, acetone, ethyl acetate, cyclohexane, dimethyl sulfoxide and acetic acid. Depending on the quality of the lab, it can be very easy to leave traces of these solvents in the supplement. Don't forget the potential toxicity of fillers and binders, especially glycols, which are particularly toxic to the kidneys. Propylene glycol is very common as a binder in tablets.

Don't think that just because the supplement you are taking is from a high-quality company that it is 100% pure (even if they make that claim!). The resolution power of analytical instruments isn't high enough to pick up some trace impurities. Usually HPLC is the standard in purity testing, whereas some companies use GC or the cheaper IR. Who knows what is allowed to pass those screening tests; afterall, a very small amount of impurity won't show an easily detectable peak in even a HPLC printout. GC is even less likely, and IR is less likely still.

I have also heard of many herbs being tainted with E. Coli, as the herbs are collected from the wild and sometimes grazing animals with a dirty ass graze the herbs. If the herb is prepared as a raw powder, the risk for E. Coli contamination is considerably higher than extracted compounds. Small companies such as those that make penis pills and such often use raw powders.

Some supplements by themselves could be responsible for the elevated liver counts as well. Many compounds that are OTC can be toxic. Don't be naive. Choose your supplements wisely, try not to stack supplements haphazardly (this increases toxicity, sometimes even synergistically) and do research on the supplements you plan to take, especially if you are going to stack. I would recommend a detox after a heavy supplementation program to clean your liver and kidneys.
I agree with being cautious about what you put into your body. The biggest issue I have with supplement companies is when their products are tested and they don't meet label claims. In most instances Biotest and Beverly International are industry leaders in this regard. Biotest actually makes it a point to let their customers know what to use and what not to sue in conjunction together. Spike for instance is not supposed to be used along with ANY fat burners.

All in all I'm a fan of Biotest because their products meet label claims, and they do what they say they will do. It's not smoke and mirrors, or in the supplement industries case bodybuilders and 30 page advertisements.
SWM, Biotest has recently released Spike in a liquid form called the Spike Shooter, and it's 8oz of pure T-max and it hits you in about minutes. Spike has a very clean feel and it doesn't cause jitters nor does it drop you like a ton of bricks as caffeine and sugar will do. This is a great supplement that not only improves focus but can increase strength 5-20% in a given workout. It causes your CNS to fire more rapidly and efficiently. It really is an awesome supplement and I use it regularly.

There are better products out there much cheaper not knocking on Bio. They do have a few good products

T-nation is huge on them. I know guys that have used bio products and they say they blow and others say its good