Yes reason can be a stmbling block for many, because there are some things that can not be explained through reason, science, etc. I mean why is there a planet in our solar system that spins in opposite orbit of all other planets??? Can't be explained through natural means.... Anyway, on to your questions.... It's easy to answer by the way.... In Genesis it reads that Adam was created and he indeed was good.... and he pleased the Lord.... Then The Lord saw that Adam was lonely and decided to create a mate...Eve is created from Adam's Rib....ever wonder why women are thorns in our side, cause we're one rib short....sorry I had to say it.... We fell from God's grace because we did not follow one of the two rules He had laid down for us....We ate of the tree of Life....or I should say Adam willingly sinned against God by defying His law and Eve was deceived by the serpent..... Ok, so we were created for companionship with the Lord, because it says that the Lord walked with Adam in the Graden... Ok, Satan also being created was the most beautiful angel of all....the most beautiful creation, and Satan decided He was going to be greater than the creator and he and some of the other angels sought to over throw the kingdom, the battle was quick and decisive.... and the Lord threw Satan down into a dark....fiery pit as it is written.... Because of Satan's arrogance and power lust he could no longer dwell in Heaven where these things can not exist in the presence of the Lord, as the Word says....The Lord does not posess these things enately....but He allowe Us and Satan to make a choice..,,, and this is true... At the same time we were created so that we may give Him praise and Glory by choice, which can also be said for Satan and 1/3 of the angels in Heaven.... Everything else He has created gives Him praise and Glory because they are created to.... We were reated so that we might Bless Him more than those others because it is our free will that we make these decisions.... The Lord is amazing in all things.... We may not be able to explain all these things of the world or why does this and this happen.... but we can know that it is His plan.... I can't explain it any better than this.... I can try though....