So I have weakend my PC muscle, how do I get it back?

I have come to the conclusion that my erection problems are due to my weak PC muscle. Maybe I have weakend it, stressed it, or even injured it but I would like to know if you guys think I have a chance of recuperating my PC strength back, if so then how? Thanks ahead for any replies. I need help!
Hi well in my honest opinion here kegals should not be really needed at all for us younger guys (for example 18-30 something year olds at least). Kegals I have tried them a few times and they can give you incredibly hard erections but you are right flex your PC muscle too much and it will weaken the penis for a while and results in getting weaker erections. My advice is stop doing kegals and in 2 days your erections should come back to normal trust me on this because when my erections were crap I stopped kegaling and in just over a day everything went back to normal.

Seriously unless you have big problems in the first place keeping an erection (this could a venous leak) if you are young kegals should be needed at all for a good erection.

From my knowledge kegals can not damage the penis permanently at all it can just weaken it's strength and rigidness for a short time if you over do them. I see no-one yet reporting serious damage by kegaling. So I think you will be okay.

Hope this helps.:)
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Kegel all the way, hold for 5 seconds and then release, repeat this for about 50 times, I think B.T.B(Behind the Balls) jelqing and jelqing in general can help you. search the forum for B.T.B jelqing which helps circulation to your schlong.

and kegel means holding your PC, like when you're stopping urine, don't go too hard on that in the beginning tho... don't overdo it and it will work wonders, like everything in life.

good luck with your erections mate. :cool:
WBB said:
Kegel all the way, hold for 5 seconds and then release, repeat this for about 50 times, I think B.T.B(Behind the Balls) jelqing and jelqing in general can help you. search the forum for B.T.B jelqing which helps circulation to your schlong.

and kegel means holding your PC, like when you're stopping urine, don't go too hard on that in the beginning tho... don't overdo it and it will work wonders, like everything in life.

good luck with your erections mate. :cool:

Personally I think jelqing is the worst possible thing for erections, best leave it alone if you want to restore erection strength (including pc muscle!) Your body will heal on its own.
Thanks alot for the replies guys. I think im going to rest for a month or so and then go on from there. Maybe then i'll try jelqing but im still a bit confused about them being good or not.
The PC/BC muscles are just like any other muscle in the body... if you want it to get stronger and toned, or if you want it to work better, you must exercize it. This is true regardless of how old you are. If you feel that you've overtrained a particula muscle then you simply give it some time to rest and it WILL recuperate.