i havn't been posting on this site anywhere near as much as a month ago, and the reason is im not on holidays anymore and im back at uni.

i don't have a large work load, or a gf or anything else that takes a big chunk of time.

you know what i have now that im back from holidays? A LIFE! i hate holidays going back to my home town.

i don't really know my point, umm, either way im gonna fuck off from this site and i wanna do it by saying a few things that would probably normally get me banned.

1.Penis Enlargement is good, i reckon it works, and im now pretty much on 7x6.

2. DLD does not have a 10" dick, christ, i've seen good photo shops and bad ones and DLD's is a REALLY bad one, i have absolutly no fucking idea how the fuck you people can't see that. wimmy wam wam wozzle

3. the mods here are wanks, nar not really, your alright, but christ. i can't call someone a dickhead without you crackin down on it and thinking that i've caused tremendous emotional damage. i call people dickheads 100's of times in a day, NOONE CARES.

4. which brings me to the next point, there are things in life that matter and things that don't, the problem with the world today is that people are confusing the two. umm, its really hard to keep a train of thought coz im talking on msn at the moment. i think i was gettin at this site is full of a whole lotta bullshit, i mean christ, in the time it took to compile all this stuff that doesn't matter, ah getting bored with this point

5. cheeky cherry as far as i remember (havn't been there in fuckin ages) is equal in all ways to this site.

6. im starting to sound like how i usually post on here

7. 6. wasn't really a point

8. million man, if your still posting here, your a whack, i've never seen anyone so crazy ignorant and nuts about the lord, ha, it's so weird typing "the lord". Bill Hicks quote "why do all christians wear crosses on they're necks, ya think when jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a cross". HAA i bet everyones gonna take that serious in a million different ways but fuck, TRY FUCKIN LAUGHING.

9. FUCK i nearly forgot, im actually mooman by the way, i started posting on cheeky cherry about 2 years ago, got banned, came here, got banned a few times then stuck with Shithead. nows who's gonna say "ooh i thought that all along"

10. if your were a smart person you would've stopped reading this post outa bordom half way and gone to do somthing else, you know, somthing productive.

11. im not drunk/stoned etc.

12.oh yeah, fuck Still, you got dam bad taste in music, nar i won't say bad taste, more ignorant taste, keep feeding the system. keep 'em happy keep 'em happy.

13. i almost forgot kong ya big bastard, i dunno mate, i've looked at ya pics a fair bit and nar i just don't reckon your 8", ya got a whole bunch of issues, none of them clinical, and fuck, i dunno, what was i saying.

14. aparantly im a goth, wtf? i love goths, they rock my boat, but i don't really fit into that catagory.

15. this isn't some revolutionary speech like "make the most of your lives, go play sport, love your wife" blar blar bullshit. i hate those speeches, life don't have to mean nothing at all, just a ride.

16. if i don't get banned i'll probably have a few follow up post to this topic maybe and then i doubt i'll post here again, i've just lost interest in this site and i've pretty much evolved as much as internet forums will take me, HA, that sounded screwed.

i should end with somthing impactful, ummmmmmm, fuck i duno, listen to mars volta, they rock.
Shafty said:
You got some issues man.

a person bored talking about nothing inbetween eating and going out.

any ever outa bordom gone into a chat room, like i've had a friend come over and we're mega bored so i go in some random chat room and talk absolute crap that makes no sense. fuck, i'll finish writing that later maybs
Dude, everytime I eat chicken and fart alot, it makes my balls smell like cabbage. Right now, my penis smells like carrots for some reason.
Dingobells, if you weren't smiling when you posted that I have to ask you when you first realized you're a bit off your rocker? In fact no just forget it I don't even know what to say.. that was just the oddest thing I've ever seen in written form. It just like stole my soul or something...my mind stopped...my limbs went numb...my god...keep up the good work though...let us know what the reason behind that smell is...all right?
Yes indeed, I am a whack and completely off my rocker..... But the ignorant part I'm not so sure... I read alot, watch the news, try to stay informed on the days events...I also like to read historical texts, and medical research.... Yeah I really am odd....Ohhh and by the way I still love you shithead...regardless of what you say....

I think it would be interesting to me to hear what you have to share to refute what I believe though....since all you say is I'm a whack....support what you believe...I know I can...
Last edited:
millionman said:
Yes indeed, I am a whack and completely off my rocker..... But the ignorant part I'm not so sure... I read alot, watch the news, try to stay informed on the days events...I also like to read historical texts, and medical research.... Yeah I really am odd....Ohhh and by the way I still love you shithead...regardless of what you say....

I think it would be interesting to me to hear what you have to share to refute what I believe though....since all you say is I'm a whack....support what you believe...I know I can...

good way to handle it man
augusts booty said:
does any1 agree with him on dlds dick,photoshped or not?

i don't think it is. i'm a graphics major and i know photoshop inside and out, from what i see it's not photoshoped. DLD just worked his ass off and got his gains. same thing i did, worked my ass off and got my gains, also anyone else on this site who got some great gains. that's what happens when you sit down and Penis Enlargement for 1.5 - 2 hours straight every day or every other day. give DLD his dues and just let it rest.
Shithead said:
i havn't been posting on this site anywhere near as much as a month ago, and the reason is im not on holidays anymore and im back at uni.

i don't have a large work load, or a gf or anything else that takes a big chunk of time.

you know what i have now that im back from holidays? A LIFE! i hate holidays going back to my home town.

i don't really know my point, umm, either way im gonna fuck off from this site and i wanna do it by saying a few things that would probably normally get me banned.

1.Penis Enlargement is good, i reckon it works, and im now pretty much on 7x6.

2. DLD does not have a 10" dick, christ, i've seen good photo shops and bad ones and DLD's is a REALLY bad one, i have absolutly no fucking idea how the fuck you people can't see that. wimmy wam wam wozzle

3. the mods here are wanks, nar not really, your alright, but christ. i can't call someone a dickhead without you crackin down on it and thinking that i've caused tremendous emotional damage. i call people dickheads 100's of times in a day, NOONE CARES.

4. which brings me to the next point, there are things in life that matter and things that don't, the problem with the world today is that people are confusing the two. umm, its really hard to keep a train of thought coz im talking on msn at the moment. i think i was gettin at this site is full of a whole lotta bullshit, i mean christ, in the time it took to compile all this stuff that doesn't matter, ah getting bored with this point

5. cheeky cherry as far as i remember (havn't been there in fuckin ages) is equal in all ways to this site.

6. im starting to sound like how i usually post on here

7. 6. wasn't really a point

8. million man, if your still posting here, your a whack, i've never seen anyone so crazy ignorant and nuts about the lord, ha, it's so weird typing "the lord". Bill Hicks quote "why do all christians wear crosses on they're necks, ya think when jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a cross". HAA i bet everyones gonna take that serious in a million different ways but fuck, TRY FUCKIN LAUGHING.

9. FUCK i nearly forgot, im actually mooman by the way, i started posting on cheeky cherry about 2 years ago, got banned, came here, got banned a few times then stuck with Shithead. nows who's gonna say "ooh i thought that all along"

10. if your were a smart person you would've stopped reading this post outa bordom half way and gone to do somthing else, you know, somthing productive.

11. im not drunk/stoned etc.

12.oh yeah, fuck Still, you got dam bad taste in music, nar i won't say bad taste, more ignorant taste, keep feeding the system. keep 'em happy keep 'em happy.

13. i almost forgot kong ya big bastard, i dunno mate, i've looked at ya pics a fair bit and nar i just don't reckon your 8", ya got a whole bunch of issues, none of them clinical, and fuck, i dunno, what was i saying.

14. aparantly im a goth, wtf? i love goths, they rock my boat, but i don't really fit into that catagory.

15. this isn't some revolutionary speech like "make the most of your lives, go play sport, love your wife" blar blar bullshit. i hate those speeches, life don't have to mean nothing at all, just a ride.

16. if i don't get banned i'll probably have a few follow up post to this topic maybe and then i doubt i'll post here again, i've just lost interest in this site and i've pretty much evolved as much as internet forums will take me, HA, that sounded screwed.

i should end with somthing impactful, ummmmmmm, fuck i duno, listen to mars volta, they rock.

you need a hobbie. seriously.
i havn't been posting on this site anywhere near as much as a month ago, and the reason is im not on holidays anymore and im back at uni.

i don't have a large work load, or a gf or anything else that takes a big chunk of time.

you know what i have now that im back from holidays? A LIFE! i hate holidays going back to my home town.

i don't really know my point, umm, either way im gonna fuck off from this site and i wanna do it by saying a few things that would probably normally get me banned.

You sound like an obnoxious drunk at a work Christmas party.

1.Penis Enlargement is good, i reckon it works, and im now pretty much on 7x6.

Glad to hear that. Maybe now that you feel like your dick is big enough, you'll evolve past the bitter little dick syndrome you seem to suffer from.

2. DLD does not have a 10" dick, christ, i've seen good photo shops and bad ones and DLD's is a REALLY bad one, i have absolutly no fucking idea how the fuck you people can't see that. wimmy wam wam wozzle

Nice. I know DLD has taken a lot of time personally to help your whiney ass. Wah, DLD, my penis is too small. Penis Enlargement doesn't work! Wah! Now that you have a good size, it's stab in the back time. What a loser!

3. the mods here are wanks, nar not really, your alright, but christ. i can't call someone a dickhead without you crackin down on it and thinking that i've caused tremendous emotional damage. i call people dickheads 100's of times in a day, NOONE CARES.

We do.

4. which brings me to the next point, there are things in life that matter and things that don't, the problem with the world today is that people are confusing the two. umm, its really hard to keep a train of thought coz im talking on msn at the moment. i think i was gettin at this site is full of a whole lotta bullshit, i mean christ, in the time it took to compile all this stuff that doesn't matter, ah getting bored with this point

Do you dump your girlfriends after you get what you want from them, too?

5. cheeky cherry as far as i remember (havn't been there in fuckin ages) is equal in all ways to this site.

Yeah, right...

6. im starting to sound like how i usually post on here

You always sound like a shithead.

7. 6. wasn't really a point

We know.

8. million man, if your still posting here, your a whack, i've never seen anyone so crazy ignorant and nuts about the lord, ha, it's so weird typing "the lord". Bill Hicks quote "why do all christians wear crosses on they're necks, ya think when jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a cross". HAA i bet everyones gonna take that serious in a million different ways but fuck, TRY FUCKIN LAUGHING.

It's easy to laugh at someone else. Not so easy to be laughed at.

9. FUCK i nearly forgot, im actually mooman by the way, i started posting on cheeky cherry about 2 years ago, got banned, came here, got banned a few times then stuck with Shithead. nows who's gonna say "ooh i thought that all along"

You get banned alot. Do you ever learn from your mistakes?

10. if your were a smart person you would've stopped reading this post outa bordom half way and gone to do somthing else, you know, somthing productive.

It's kind of like seeing someone piss their pants in public. You don't want to watch, but you just can't help it.

11. im not drunk/stoned etc.

"I'm not drunk, I'm just an asshole."

12.oh yeah, fuck Still, you got dam bad taste in music, nar i won't say bad taste, more ignorant taste, keep feeding the system. keep 'em happy keep 'em happy.

His dicks still bigger than yours.

13. i almost forgot kong ya big bastard, i dunno mate, i've looked at ya pics a fair bit and nar i just don't reckon your 8", ya got a whole bunch of issues, none of them clinical, and fuck, i dunno, what was i saying.

You really shouldn't obsess about other penises. Be happy with what you got, even if you want to improve it. It's not a contest.

14. aparantly im a goth, wtf? i love goths, they rock my boat, but i don't really fit into that catagory.

That explains alot.

15. this isn't some revolutionary speech like "make the most of your lives, go play sport, love your wife" blar blar bullshit. i hate those speeches, life don't have to mean nothing at all, just a ride.

So enjoy the ride.

16. if i don't get banned i'll probably have a few follow up post to this topic maybe and then i doubt i'll post here again, i've just lost interest in this site and i've pretty much evolved as much as internet forums will take me, HA, that sounded screwed.

i should end with somthing impactful, ummmmmmm, fuck i duno, listen to mars volta, they rock.

"I'm done with you guys, so fuck you all."

BTW, enjoy the bigger dick. We'll still be here when you feel like you need another inch or two.

Why even bother with making the post in the first place if the only point seems to be a bunch of nothing? Saying I have bad musical taste. LOL, what's that all about. So, my tastes may appear different than your own. Wow, theres a revilation. Most of us have different tastes in everything. Nobody is going to ban you. That might make you happy in some odd way. Saying you cant call someone a dickhead without one of the mods coming down on you....youre right. It's a general, basic rule of this forum. Personal attacks arent allowed. What you do in your personal life vs. how you act on an online community with rules established to help keep the place a friendly environment...are different things. If you dont like that, post elsewhere.

Penis Enlargement has worked for you, that's great. You have obvious issues or conflicts with this forum though, so I dont know why you keep coming around. Usually when something bugs me enough, I just move on, go somewhere else. Nobody cares ( I know I dont) what you or others think about the size of another mans' penis.

The only penis you, or any other man should ultimately really care about is your own.
When he was mooman, he cut people down to feel better about himself. As shithead, he cuts people down to feel better about himself. Shithead, just feel better about yourself and leave us out of it!
stillwantmore said:

Saying I have bad musical taste. .

No....thats uh......the only thing he was right about...:D
But then again so does 99% of the world.....

And Kong being too subconscious about himself....and Im not insulting you Kong its just I've sorta got a bit better mental health than I did a bit ago, AND YOU SAYIng the things you do had a VERY negative effect on me, like if this 40 year old feels this way, damn how should I fuckin feel......You understand
Id give you a fuckin frenulum for christmas if I could..... rofl

Sorry for the rant......................................OOoooooh yeeeah :D

About DLD, I dont know what the fuck is wrong with people, the responses to Shitheads remark shouldnt have been, well I think its real, it should have been WHO GIVES A FUCK, and im starting to think more and more everyone but me really does......I got a ton of respect for the guys MIND, Not a hanging meat basket.....

Shithead, I dont know how it got into your head to write such a worthless post, cuz I was startin to think you were alright, but you really are a dickhead (<----right about that though)....er....I mean, Pussyface :D

ha, fuck i never thought people would've got so worked up about it. haha

i feel good about myself, very good, not in a up-my-self way, but good, and it has nothing to do with this site.

honestly, you guys really really need lives, a lot of you keep a healthy level of disattachment from the site and keep things in perspective. but i honestly think that this site takes up the majority of some peoples lives.

nar bugger it, im through with it, lost cause.
Shithead......You ARE FUCKED!!!!

you're the one that started that obsessively long post all about ......nothing, and if that doesnt spell "get a life" ....i dont know what does

The fact your stating the people of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] "a cause" means you are very much involved, and in my opinion, much more obessed that the average individual......

So I guess your only option is to be set forth on your wonderful life of putting others down cuz your deep down insecure......And leave the people of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to our lifeless loserish ways......
you cant do that, cuz the only reason your here is because an internet forum is the only place, YOU Shithead, Can be be noticed........

Because mentally secure people really dont make posts like that. :D.....am i right or am i right
I wonder what's worse; that I actually replied to this thread originally or that I was stupid enough to read it through since I replied the first time and then replied to it again.

~shakes head~
I think this whole thread is really amusing. :D

I'm surprised I didn't get a mention. lol
Shithead said:
nar bugger it, im through with it, lost cause.

Lost cause? As in you've tried to exert your teachings to us and failed? What is is, oh great master, that we can glean from your infinite wisdom and marvelously profound life's philosophy that we seem to be missing here? Oh yeah, I got it- we aren't cynical and self serving.. at least not enough. Teach us to better our ways, I beg of you! We want to become just like you so that we can be equally "happy" and "enlightened"!
i'll make it kinda simple, especially for the people who insist on going way off topic and attacking me at irrelevant notions. YES, im above [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], everyone, (if capable), take a step back and realise what [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is; it doesn't take much at all to be above [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

Even the very second i post makes me below [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. think about that, a single post makes you below [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. (yet i guarantee stupid rebutals) SP.

yes im aware of the contradiction of myself, and am also aware of the resolutions of it. though the impossibly insecure minds always searching for acknowledgment of non actions/poor actions will find fault and point out "nothings" in order for their own ignorant happiness.

focus your minds on the nothing matters and you'll forever find moreover ignorant solutions.

(in a nutshell, your a moron (to the majority only))

who's gonna be the first to say "wank" in other terms???
Why should you want to feel above or below [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]? Yes, we understand that it is "just" and internet forum. Still, many of us enjoy reading and contributing to it. It is sometimes helpful, informative, and thought-provoking, and also silly, irrelevant and funny. It is what it is, and your feelings that we should see ourselves above it (like you) actually suggest some type of resentment. You should really be honest with yourself and admit that you do not like yourself, not [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], because we're just who we are...nothing more, nothing less.

Happiness is not ignorance. Happiness is acceptance. We as human beings are only unhappy if we do not accept ourselves and our lives. I'm what I am and that's okay. This acceptance doesn't preclude the desire for self-improvement, but it does take away the sting of resentment, the feeling that you've somehow been cheated of something you deserve to possess.

You strike me as someone who obsesses about values, trying to shimmy up poor self-esteem by comparing yourself to everyone else. I have a better job than him, therefore I am better than him. He has more money than me. If I can get more money, I will be as good as him. By worrying about the size of everyone else's cocks, you base your own sexual self-worth on something that is meaningless. I have never worried overmuch about whether DLD was a fake, or whether guys like swank or still were bigger than me. It doesn't make me better or worse in bed with my wife, nor will it get me gains or help restore my foreskin. If you could prove that DLD was a fake or that I am a liar, would it make your penis "measure up" better in your mind?

Instead of ranting at us, maybe you should take a better look at yourself and decide what it is you want to accomplish and need to have to be a happier person.
REDZULU2003 said:
ShitHead, I sense you have a Psychological background? are you qualified or studying?

Red, anyone can suBathmateit a post on any internet forum and manipulate the responses almost to their exact liking. The thing about a rant is it does indeed bring about things a person really thinks. But I took this thread as just that a damn rant. It was amusing to me, but fuck he didn't attack me personally in any way and even if he did I'd have to laugh even more.
For a while I thought shithead and kausion were the same people. It was during that flame war where I pissed off the Canadians, Europeans, and that guy from Finland. Those were good times :-)
9cyclops9 said:
I think this whole thread is really amusing. :D

I'm surprised I didn't get a mention. lol

Yeah i know right...me neither. if he wants to though he can mention the rest of us. It would make everything all the more enjoyable. I'm getting a good laugh only cus it's funny how someone could waste all that typing for nothing. :P
kong1971 said:
Why should you want to feel above or below [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]? Yes, we understand that it is "just" and internet forum.
no you don't
Still, many of us enjoy reading and contributing to it. It is sometimes helpful, informative, and thought-provoking, and also silly, irrelevant and funny. It is what it is, and your feelings that we should see ourselves above it (like you) actually suggest some type of resentment.
why the hell would i resent [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]? honestly.

You should really be honest with yourself and admit that you do not like yourself
HA HA HA, i hate myself? your perception is amazing kong. your doing EXACTLY what i predicted in my last post, so i really think you don't/can't comprehend the matter.
Happiness is not ignorance.
never said it was
Happiness is acceptance.
no its not.
We as human beings are only unhappy if we do not accept ourselves and our lives.
once again, acceptance is in no way the be all and end all of happiness, and don't say "i never said that" because its clear, your just babbeling nonsense at the moment.
trying to shimmy up poor self-esteem by comparing yourself to everyone else.
you have insecurity problems and your analysis of me is a really pathetic attempt. you analyse people/situations a lot, and they're nearly always a very poor attempt.

But im only saying that to feel better about myself right? i couldn't be possibly giving an objective opinion.

If you could prove that DLD was a fake or that I am a liar, would it make your penis "measure up" better in your mind?
my dick has nothing to do with DLD, your making all kinds of stupid connections.
Instead of ranting at us, maybe you should take a better look at yourself and decide what it is you want to accomplish and need to have to be a happier person.
this is just stupid, a 5min rant on a penis enlargement forum will prohibit me from accomplishing my goals or even planning them...

why do you always go way off topic, lets think for a minute that i do have insecurity problems, i resent a whole lot of crap, and i have problems accepting myself... does that change anything i've said? NO

REDZULU2003 said:
ShitHead, I sense you have a Psychological background? are you qualified or studying?
yes, but that has nothing to do with the content of my posts here, i don't need a degree to make my replies/analysis'/arguments on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], its usually just common sense.

i bet someone will say, "how about you use common sense and...". but now they probaly won't say it coz i've just said that.
KiTTie8695 said:
Yeah i know right...me neither. if he wants to though he can mention the rest of us. It would make everything all the more enjoyable. I'm getting a good laugh only cus it's funny how someone could waste all that typing for nothing. :P

ok this could be fun, i get to nit pick and tell everyone what they're problem is and then have replies saying "haha, ah dear, that shithead, he's such an angry insecure person"

Kittie - ummmm, get your atreyu avatar back, and, umm i really don't think i've read many of your post, i think i remember you being overly emotional on things that matter squat... umm yeah.

9cyclops9 - i don't know who you are, i can't remember a single post you've made or a single conversation we've been in.

copper_handshak - i can't remember you either.

this is really dumb, i never really look at usernames when i read posts, i guess thats a good things though so i don't get a biased opinion when replying. so yeah, i can't rememeber specific things about each person.
You sure do seem to enjoy pointing out everyone's flaws, but if anyone comments about you they are either trivial or stupid or deluded. Whatever, shithead. It's useless to communicate with you, because your view of the world is hopelessly skewed. Hey, the whole world's fucked, not you, right? Well, whatever it take to make it through the day, I guess.

About me faking my stats:--

I may be wrong from time to time, but I am not a liar. It's kind of funny, you accusing me of being dishonest. I've always posted under the same name, have posted countless pictures (a couple with rulers) and have even posted my real face. You have disputed my honesty from the first day I posted, even though I think 99% of the folks here understand that I have good BP but lousy NBP because of my weight. Why do I bring this up? To point out the fact that your every post as "shithead" has been a deception. Why should we care one bit what you think? You have been deceptive from day one. Oh wait...you're not a liar, are you? Everyone else is!

ok ive been readin this discussion for a while and havent said anything. my take on it is this....shithead said in his first post that he's only gonna have a few follow up posts and then hes outta here. the way i see it the faster u guys stop respondin to him and givin him attention the faster he's not gonna have anything to "follow up" on. if no one posts anything after this, shithead will, if he sticks to his word, be gone and everyone will be happy.
You sure do seem to enjoy pointing out everyone's flaws
but if anyone comments about you they are either trivial or stupid or deluded.
not many people do make specific comments about me, its mainly just you with a few others, and the comments (if they are attacking me in some way or another) are usually very stupid.

Whatever, shithead. It's useless to communicate with you, because your view of the world is hopelessly skewed.
i call it as i see it, i only abide in the truth.

I may be wrong from time to time, but I am not a liar.
never said you were a liar, just deluded.
It's kind of funny, you accusing me of being dishonest. I've always posted under the same name
ah, i don't think i had a choice in the matter, so i can't really see how that makes me a lier. noone asked my previous usernames, so i never lied, and i fail to see how my previous user names have absolutly anything to do with anything at all???
99% of the folks here understand that I have good BP but lousy NBP because of my weight.
whether you believe me or not, but i've seen a few people who reply to your pictures with posts like "looking huge, keep up the good work", then later on in a completly unrelated incident i have PM's from the very same people which say things like "kong's pics are nowhere near his claims"
Why do I bring this up? To point out the fact that your every post as "shithead" has been a deception.
ah,yeah i guess it is a sort of deception kong, but really your dramatising it hugely, my username has absolutly nothing to do with the content of my posts.
xxxyamzxxx said:
shithead said in his first post that he's only gonna have a few follow up posts and then hes outta here. the way i see it the faster u guys stop respondin to him and givin him attention the faster he's not gonna have anything to "follow up" on.

Common sense isn't always so common.

So yeah.
Yeah shithead, you seriously need to find a hobbie or something. lol you're amusing me though so whatever :D
Shithead. at the begining of this rant you said that it was probably going to be your last post because you wanna move on with your life, or something along those lines. so why aren't you? just GO!

and why the bashing on kong? or pickin on DLD? there isn't any need for that, so i say that you put in your two cents, so now just leave.
okay this thread is USELESS here, so I'm going to trash it.
I aint gunna sit here and listen to more trash on these forums.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!