Please advice - routine and progress

So i tried your suggestion of rolling the black tape over the corners in the upper and down chambers.
I might over did it a bit. It feels better, but i still can't close it all the way.
Here is the reason i think.
So on the middle of this chamber you have this curved space you supposed to put your dick in while at the sides it's flat - not suitable to put the penis there.
The thing is when i put my penis in the designated space and starts to close it, my penis is wider than this designated space (and i don't have great width at all), and the width is coming out of it to the flat space from both direction and when i close it up to the point that the flat space starts to push on my penis on the sides. (Attached photo with arrows).
Am i doing something wrong here?

Another question i have is lately when i push it down (dbs) i feel that my skin is very streched at non expected location around the sides of my penis base around the twisted spots on both sides (attached photo with arrows). And it feels like the skin strech is somewhat limiting me as it's painful. But It subsides gradually as i keep pushing.. Is it normal?
Have you looked at this video instruction?
🔗 Short video on clamping down in the chamber of the LENGTHMASTER 3.
🔗 Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view.

You need to hold on your glans thorough your attachment procedure. Also it's important to be 100% flaccid. If you get an erection, you need to re-wrap.

Also it is normal that your skin gets pressed together and gets pushed outward. This was the case for me as well.
You should not add to much padding inside the chamber. Look at the pictures I linked to you before. The PENIS WRAPPING TAPE, should just be enough that you cover the sharp corners.

Do this as well!
🔗 Slippage solutions (LM3).
And it feels like the skin strech is somewhat limiting me as it's painful. But It subsides gradually as i keep pushing.. Is it normal?
There is a fine line between pain and discomfort, learn to love the discomfort. Making your penis grown will not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but with time you will learn to love the discomfort. There are many tricks you can use to optimize everything.

I was once where you are now, but I made it work.
In the beginning I even experienced panic in my body from stretching my penis with LengthMaster 3.
But with time I learned to love it all.
Have you looked at this video instruction?
🔗 Short video on clamping down in the chamber of the LENGTHMASTER 3.
🔗 Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view.

You need to hold on your glans thorough your attachment procedure. Also it's important to be 100% flaccid. If you get an erection, you need to re-wrap.

Also it is normal that your skin gets pressed together and gets pushed outward. This was the case for me as well.
You should not add to much padding inside the chamber. Look at the pictures I linked to you before. The PENIS WRAPPING TAPE, should just be enough that you cover the sharp corners.

Do this as well!
🔗 Slippage solutions (LM3).
I think i mainly doing it right.
Need little adjustment to make it bit better.
Thank you
There is a fine line between pain and discomfort, learn to love the discomfort. Making your penis grown will not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but with time you will learn to love the discomfort. There are many tricks you can use to optimize everything.

I was once where you are now, but I made it work.
In the beginning I even experienced panic in my body from stretching my penis with LengthMaster 3.
But with time I learned to love it all.
There is pain and there is soreness, pain is not wanted but soreness should be expected. If you are suffering from fatigue it may be a good time for a day off, especially girth.
I'm just saying that discomfort and pain is closely related.
I know because I'm working in the medical field.
Some parable: Some can walk immediately after a hip replacement and some need more time.

The key is to know what is good discomfort and bad discomfort. Also it's important to be able to evaluate the fatigue level, in order to optimize recovery and speed up gains. A typical sign of to much fatigue is that your flaccid hang isn't as long as it used to, it wants to shrink togheter and not hang.

After an intense LengthMaster 3 session, your penis can turtle like a tortoise but:
- MOS RED is a great tool in order to getting the tissue loose again and hanging long again. You want your tissue to heal in an elongated state.
I'm just saying that discomfort and pain is closely related.
I know because I'm working in the medical field.
Some parable: Some can walk immediately after a hip replacement and some need more time.

The key is to know what is good discomfort and bad discomfort. Also it's important to be able to evaluate the fatigue level, in order to optimize recovery and speed up gains. A typical sign of to much fatigue is that your flaccid hang isn't as long as it used to, it wants to shrink togheter and not hang.

After an intense LengthMaster 3 session, your penis can turtle like a tortoise but:
- MOS RED is a great tool in order to getting the tissue loose again and hanging long again. You want your tissue to heal in an elongated state.
Im three months with the LM. (Switched from newbie to Dbs 17 days ago). Mostly one 20min session a day, and one whole month with SS.
So far i might have gained maybe 3-4mm in the last 3 months.

Unfotunately im not fast gainer.. it sucks, but what can i do.
Im three months with the LM. (Switched from newbie to Dbs 17 days ago). Mostly one 20min session a day, and one whole month with SS.
So far i might have gained maybe 3-4mm in the last 3 months.

Unfotunately im not fast gainer.. it sucks, but what can i do.
Try stretching harder, and holding the stretches for 5 minutes each. You want to maximize elongation.

Try to progress into Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches, here you will be able to gain the fastest.
Try stretching harder, and holding the stretches for 5 minutes each. You want to maximize elongation.

Try to progress into Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches, here you will be able to gain the fastest.
Thank you. I will try.
Coming to think about it the only time i gained 1cm fast was after i did over the arm dbs with my hands for 2 weeks.
I tought the gain was the result of 7 months doing extender. But the 1cm was seems like gained suddenly at once. So i wonder if that gain was from manual streches.
Later on i switched to LM.
Today i tried again over the arm dbs, and i must say it felt much better strech over my entire penis and also i felt my inner penis streches really good.
I will try to re add it once a day in the evening.
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I'm just saying that discomfort and pain is closely related.
I know because I'm working in the medical field.
Some parable: Some can walk immediately after a hip replacement and some need more time.

The key is to know what is good discomfort and bad discomfort. Also it's important to be able to evaluate the fatigue level, in order to optimize recovery and speed up gains. A typical sign of to much fatigue is that your flaccid hang isn't as long as it used to, it wants to shrink togheter and not hang.

After an intense LengthMaster 3 session, your penis can turtle like a tortoise but:
- MOS RED is a great tool in order to getting the tissue loose again and hanging long again. You want your tissue to heal in an elongated state.
Amen my brother 🙏🏽
Hi @oldandlively how you doing?

I have bruises on my glans i think mainly from the sili strecher, is it safe to continue? This is how it looks like today after 3 hours use, after massage. Yesterday was a day off PE and SS.


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Hi @oldandlively how you doing?

I have bruises on my glans i think mainly from the sili strecher, is it safe to continue? This is how it looks like today after 3 hours use, after massage. Yesterday was a day off PE and SS.
Yes. Bruises are common. I have them quite a bit when starting out. You can still keep going, or just take a day or two off. Bruises are indicators of high pressure and too much tugging into high intensity zones too often. Nothing to worry about. The bruises go away in a few day. Good old massage through jelqing will take care of it faster.
There is a fine line between pain and discomfort, learn to love the discomfort. Making your penis grown will not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but with time you will learn to love the discomfort. There are many tricks you can use to optimize everything.

I was once where you are now, but I made it work.
In the beginning I even experienced panic in my body from stretching my penis with LengthMaster 3.
But with time I learned to love it all.
So i think i nailed it.
I started to pay attention and i realized that my skin inside the chamber is painful when pushing the lm.
Long story short i tried to replace the theraband with new one and that was it. No scraching in my skin anymore. Just very good penis strech. Huge difference.

I was even able to do 3 twists (or 1.5 full twists)
Maybe as i used it it became less and less protective.

Thank you
So i think i nailed it.
I started to pay attention and i realized that my skin inside the chamber is painful when pushing the lm.
Long story short i tried to replace the theraband with new one and that was it. No scraching in my skin anymore. Just very good penis strech. Huge difference.

I was even able to do 3 twists (or 1.5 full twists)
Maybe as i used it it became less and less protective.

Thank you
You are welcome.
Happy to help.

@trustr1; With time it will become really easy for you to use 🔗 LengthMaster 3.
I know this because it was very hard to me to get used to it all in the beginning, but with time with a good wrapping method and clamp down method, everyone will make it work.

Here down below are some more tricks and tips to the brotherhood (not just to, @trustr1).

Perfecting the wrap
and making sure the 🔗 TheraBandⓇ (Do not use a substitute to the original brand: TheraBandⓇ.), are smooth and not wrinkled are a good start. Yse a roll to apply it on your penis will make this so much easier.

I also recommend to put MgCO₃ (Magnesium Carbonate, from solid blocks, that is: not liquid) on your penis under the first layer of TheraBandⓇ this will also protect your skin and make it less abrasive to your skin when you bundle HARD.

You don't need that much of MgCO in order to create the protective layer, that you are looking for. Before I started to apply MgCO₃ under my TheraBand layers (I used 2 pieces), I would from time to time bleed from my foreskin (picture in my progress thread).
You may think the bleeding comes from the ureter, but that was never the case for me. The blood pools on the glans, due to the wrap and it will look like the blood is coming from the ureter, but in fact the small bleeding are coming from the foreskin (if no foreskin, the skin on your penis).

More information about the TheraBand.
New pieces of TheraBand comes with some kind of white powder applied to them, my suggestion is to remove that before the first use.
Wash the pieces of TheraBand® in lukewarm water (at least not super hot water) to remove this powder on new pieces. You can also use a mild liquid hand soap on them to wash them, in order to clean them from time to time. This will keep your LengthMaster 3 clean and odor free.

Here are some things I wrote about the TheraBand in the past:

/ Hope this information helps someone.
Update on my srt 5x5x3 routine

I am now mostly playing around between 6-7 inHG. Slowly trying to progress while listening to my penis.
In the last two days i started having some swellenigs at my base only on the right side. Its painful a bit to touch and squize. It feels like something under my skin but part of it.
Is it what is called edema? Is it dangerous in some way?
I had already sessions that i came out with some fluffy fat skin but it was equal on all my shaft and no pain.
But now its only single 2-3 cm long area that is also painful. Yesterday it subside after some hours. I guess it will be the same today.
How can i avoid it? Im doing ssj as part of routine.
Attached photos altough its not very visible on photos.



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My friend you should buy MOSRED.
I am pushing everything to it's limits. It's just a genius device. Trust me on this. Use before and after.
Thank you for your help.
My current size is around 18.6 BPEL
And 10.5cm erect girth.
I want to get to at least 20cm BPEL in 6 month. And to 11.5cm erect girth in 6 month.
My final goals would be aroung 23cm BPEL, and at least 13cm erect girth.
Sorry for the late response.
I think I need to convert these numbers.

10.5 cm = 4.13 Inch
11.5 cm = 4.5 Inch
13 cm = 5.1 Inch

18.6 cm = 7.3 Inch
20 cm = 7.87 cm
23 cm = 9 Inch

Okay. Now we have the goals.
I would suggest to do only length first with LengthMaster 3. I suggest this because I personally can't do both effectively. Girthwork and the temporary expansion would interfere to much in my ability to attach to LengthMaster 3. But that is just me.

Remember that you will get width/thickness from doing intense bundled stretches as well.

I see you have only 4.4 cm to gain in length. That would be possibly within 1 year if you go hard with LengthMaster 3 with manual bundled stretches. It can be done faster as well, so do not put limitations on yourself.

My belief is that if you do both length work and girth work at the same time, it will not be as efficient as if you do one first and then the other later. I say that because I believe you are like me and can't do penis enlargement all day long. Time is limited.

These are just my thoughts. There are many ways to program your penis to grow. But length first would be what I would do.
I am now mostly playing around between 6-7 inHG. Slowly trying to progress while listening to my penis.
In the last two days i started having some swellenigs at my base only on the right side. Its painful a bit to touch and squize. It feels like something under my skin but part of it.
Sounds like two things:
  1. Ingrown hair growths. Those things hurt like a devil's pitch fork and you can't do anything until the hair tips come out, or at least you can force it to come out. Shaving with the growth of the hair is one way to prevent this. Using scrubs after a few minutes of exposure to shampoo will help as well. This is @DLD technique that works. For me, I do a bit of scubbing using baking soda and an Asian moderate scrubbing pad like this1717274079595.png or a loofa 1717274151043.png with gentle body wash. Dove soap helps quite a bit, and scrubbing in the circular motion.
  2. The other is pumping skin-overfolding. I hate this quite a bit. When using the pump with the opening way too large, your skin at the base of your penis gets pulled up into the cylinder. What you may not see is there may be more than just one layer of skins being pulled and folded together. This is the skin-overfolding. Arrrgg..Under high pressure, the folding causes a bit of friction, and may also cause a bit of fluid build-up. After that, it hurts for a few days until it goes away. The only trick for this warm liquid Vit E or Coconut oil and do a deep shiatsu massage in a gentle but pressured motion. Allow at least 8 hours before the next pumping.
Is it what is called edema? Is it dangerous in some way?
No, it's not edema, and no, it's not danger. Just painful blistering if it's over-foldering.

I had already sessions that i came out with some fluffy fat skin but it was equal on all my shaft and no pain.
Fluffy fat skin is merely expanded skin that caused by intrusive fluid during pumping, and you managed to reduced and remove the fluid during the jelqing period. Nothing to worry about. This is why we use skin recovery lotion, ointment, and liquid to keep the skin nice an tone. I believe a few brothers here use the scraping method with a gua sha. I've done this in the past, which truly works, but you can only limit yourself to a scraping session every 2, 3, and 4 days. Too much scraping pressure by accident causes bruising, and that delays your routine work.

But now its only single 2-3 cm long area that is also painful. Yesterday it subside after some hours. I guess it will be the same today.
How can i avoid it? Im doing ssj as part of routine.
You can use a smaller cylinder for the first pumping session(s), and as your penile shaft expands, go for larger one. You can also pull your scrotum skin downwards to create a tight and skin surface to preven the pump from pulling up into the pump. There are many tricks, and each person's approach yields different results.

We're here to provide more insights if needed.
Sounds like two things:
  1. Ingrown hair growths. Those things hurt like a devil's pitch fork and you can't do anything until the hair tips come out, or at least you can force it to come out. Shaving with the growth of the hair is one way to prevent this. Using scrubs after a few minutes of exposure to shampoo will help as well. This is @DLD technique that works. For me, I do a bit of scubbing using baking soda and an Asian moderate scrubbing pad like thisView attachment 1836283 or a loofa View attachment 1836284 with gentle body wash. Dove soap helps quite a bit, and scrubbing in the circular motion.
  2. The other is pumping skin-overfolding. I hate this quite a bit. When using the pump with the opening way too large, your skin at the base of your penis gets pulled up into the cylinder. What you may not see is there may be more than just one layer of skins being pulled and folded together. This is the skin-overfolding. Arrrgg..Under high pressure, the folding causes a bit of friction, and may also cause a bit of fluid build-up. After that, it hurts for a few days until it goes away. The only trick for this warm liquid Vit E or Coconut oil and do a deep shiatsu massage in a gentle but pressured motion. Allow at least 8 hours before the next pumping.

No, it's not edema, and no, it's not danger. Just painful blistering if it's over-foldering.

Fluffy fat skin is merely expanded skin that caused by intrusive fluid during pumping, and you managed to reduced and remove the fluid during the jelqing period. Nothing to worry about. This is why we use skin recovery lotion, ointment, and liquid to keep the skin nice an tone. I believe a few brothers here use the scraping method with a gua sha. I've done this in the past, which truly works, but you can only limit yourself to a scraping session every 2, 3, and 4 days. Too much scraping pressure by accident causes bruising, and that delays your routine work.

You can use a smaller cylinder for the first pumping session(s), and as your penile shaft expands, go for larger one. You can also pull your scrotum skin downwards to create a tight and skin surface to preven the pump from pulling up into the pump. There are many tricks, and each person's approach yields different results.

We're here to provide more insights if needed.
I guess more chances its the second. As its occured only after pump. Maybe the fact i shaved down there and pump have more effect on the skin. About the cylinder. Since i have only this one. Would you say an alternative would be to use this plastic gate that comes with the BM? So it makes it bit more narrow at the base

As always thank you for your wisdom and for sharing from your vast expirience.
Sorry for the late response.
I think I need to convert these numbers.

10.5 cm = 4.13 Inch
11.5 cm = 4.5 Inch
13 cm = 5.1 Inch

18.6 cm = 7.3 Inch
20 cm = 7.87 cm
23 cm = 9 Inch

Okay. Now we have the goals.
I would suggest to do only length first with LengthMaster 3. I suggest this because I personally can't do both effectively. Girthwork and the temporary expansion would interfere to much in my ability to attach to LengthMaster 3. But that is just me.

Remember that you will get width/thickness from doing intense bundled stretches as well.

I see you have only 4.4 cm to gain in length. That would be possibly within 1 year if you go hard with LengthMaster 3 with manual bundled stretches. It can be done faster as well, so do not put limitations on yourself.

My belief is that if you do both length work and girth work at the same time, it will not be as efficient as if you do one first and then the other later. I say that because I believe you are like me and can't do penis enlargement all day long. Time is limited.

These are just my thoughts. There are many ways to program your penis to grow. But length first would be what I would do.
Thank you.
For sure its tempting and would be much more easy for me as the PE stuff is really time consuming.. on the other hand im so driven that i can't miss a day of anything.

I would give it a thought and self convincing :)
I guess more chances its the second. As its occured only after pump. Maybe the fact i shaved down there and pump have more effect on the skin. About the cylinder. Since i have only this one. Would you say an alternative would be to use this plastic gate that comes with the BM? So it makes it bit more narrow at the base
For the first few pump sets, yes, use the comfort inserts to prevent the skin from being sucked up until your penile shaft expands enough. The moment your penile shaft skin expands and touches the comfort insert, remove it and further expand the tissues. This is the method in going from small to precondition the expansion, to medium to further expand using isolation, to larger expansion to max out any restriction.

PE is as time consuming as physical workout at the gym. It's only one part of your body, but it's the part that you are forcing to grow against the DNA's designs. We are challenging our DNA's. For the young bucks that have yet to have a family, your hard work now will transfer this to your future children as you are reprogramming your brains to transfer a unique message to the genetic makeups for boys you may have. Just something to think about.
Thank you.
For sure its tempting and would be much more easy for me as the PE stuff is really time consuming.. on the other hand im so driven that i can't miss a day of anything.

I would give it a thought and self convincing :)
Remember that I did 3 days on 1 day of with LengthMaster 3. At the highest intensity it will not in my experience, be realistic to do every day without rest. The tissue need rest as well to grow. But it is all about to balance the intensity versus. rest and SRT healing.
Remember that I did 3 days on 1 day of with LengthMaster 3. At the highest intensity it will not in my experience, be realistic to do every day without rest. The tissue need rest as well to grow. But it is all about to balance the intensity versus. rest and SRT healing.
I try LM3 in high intensity but my penis escapes the place and I can't use full force. Any tips on this issue? Have you experienced it ?
I try LM3 in high intensity but my penis escapes the place and I can't use full force. Any tips on this issue? Have you experienced it ?
Use brother SIM's wrapping method. When you have time, read through the Length Master resource page:

Brother SIM's wrapping method is there. I used his, and also added a few things for my own person needs. You may need to practice a bit, but you will achieve it. I have a measured 15 pounds of traction force on this. Can't go higher than this when I'm strapped at the base of glans. I can go higher if I strap the Length Master at the base of my penis. However, I want my entire penis to length and not just pull on my internal tissues and ligament at the base of my penis.
You are welcome.
Happy to help.

@trustr1; With time it will become really easy for you to use 🔗 LengthMaster 3.
I know this because it was very hard to me to get used to it all in the beginning, but with time with a good wrapping method and clamp down method, everyone will make it work.

Here down below are some more tricks and tips to the brotherhood (not just to, @trustr1).

Perfecting the wrap
and making sure the 🔗 TheraBandⓇ (Do not use a substitute to the original brand: TheraBandⓇ.), are smooth and not wrinkled are a good start. Yse a roll to apply it on your penis will make this so much easier.

I also recommend to put MgCO₃ (Magnesium Carbonate, from solid blocks, that is: not liquid) on your penis under the first layer of TheraBandⓇ this will also protect your skin and make it less abrasive to your skin when you bundle HARD.

You don't need that much of MgCO in order to create the protective layer, that you are looking for. Before I started to apply MgCO₃ under my TheraBand layers (I used 2 pieces), I would from time to time bleed from my foreskin (picture in my progress thread).
You may think the bleeding comes from the ureter, but that was never the case for me. The blood pools on the glans, due to the wrap and it will look like the blood is coming from the ureter, but in fact the small bleeding are coming from the foreskin (if no foreskin, the skin on your penis).

More information about the TheraBand.
New pieces of TheraBand comes with some kind of white powder applied to them, my suggestion is to remove that before the first use.
Wash the pieces of TheraBand® in lukewarm water (at least not super hot water) to remove this powder on new pieces. You can also use a mild liquid hand soap on them to wash them, in order to clean them from time to time. This will keep your LengthMaster 3 clean and odor free.

Here are some things I wrote about the TheraBand in the past:

/ Hope this information helps someone.
Brilliant 👏
Starting last sunday. I have decided to take a break from PE since not only i had bruises on my glans from the outside but after doing LM, it seemed i have blood in my urethra. Its not that i saw dripping blood. But looking at the hole tip it seems in blood color.
Since i stopped the color there return to normal until today that i did LM again.. and it was like in the pictures.
That sight really scares me off. As i don't want to harm myself..
It also seemed like i have 2 healing small wounds at the outer up and down side of the hole tip. So maybe it just opened and blood is leaking from it into the urethra.

Last time i thought i just need a rest from PE. But now im thinking it's direct result from the LM. I also thought that in the last two LM sessions i could strech harder since i replaced the faulty theraband but also i twisted the lm 3 times (1.5full) instead of only 2 (altough i also done it in the past)

Do you have any suggestion to what is causing it? And what should i do?


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Yep. This is typical when we all started out and attempted to fine proper adjustments. Two things came into mind immediately:
  1. Make sure to squeeze all the blood out of the glans. When we try to strap on the LM close to the glans, there is that one moment we allow ourselves to get a kegels or two in by instinct. The trick is to squeeze as much blood out of the glans during wrapping, and provide a slightlu higher wrapping pressure during the steps. This is to prevent the instinctive kegels to get blood into the glans. There will still be some blood, but not enought to cause that pinching and overpressurization to cause bleeding.
  2. Too hard on the compression between the plates for the Hanger unit. Try to adjust the plates to only use enough closure traction force to hold onto their penis. Too much closure pressure will act like a vise rather acting like securing device. It also adds a lot of pressure on the glans as well, working against you during a strong pull.
  3. A bonus, but, you may have gone a bit too hard too fast. Most LM users exceed the 5lbs of pull force right out the door. This is like using the pump and go straight up to 8inHg before conditioning. We don't realize that our body can negate the pain to the point where we injured ourselves, seeing we injured ourselves, but out mind creates a blocking mechanism to prevent us from stopping because of our overzealous behaviors. Slowdown, work light, and know where you are at all time in terms of weight loading. You can try to feel it, but we can easily be fooled by our body abilities to cope.
Yep. This is typical when we all started out and attempted to fine proper adjustments. Two things came into mind immediately:
  1. Make sure to squeeze all the blood out of the glans. When we try to strap on the LM close to the glans, there is that one moment we allow ourselves to get a kegels or two in by instinct. The trick is to squeeze as much blood out of the glans during wrapping, and provide a slightlu higher wrapping pressure during the steps. This is to prevent the instinctive kegels to get blood into the glans. There will still be some blood, but not enought to cause that pinching and overpressurization to cause bleeding.
  2. Too hard on the compression between the plates for the Hanger unit. Try to adjust the plates to only use enough closure traction force to hold onto their penis. Too much closure pressure will act like a vise rather acting like securing device. It also adds a lot of pressure on the glans as well, working against you during a strong pull.
  3. A bonus, but, you may have gone a bit too hard too fast. Most LM users exceed the 5lbs of pull force right out the door. This is like using the pump and go straight up to 8inHg before conditioning. We don't realize that our body can negate the pain to the point where we injured ourselves, seeing we injured ourselves, but out mind creates a blocking mechanism to prevent us from stopping because of our overzealous behaviors. Slowdown, work light, and know where you are at all time in terms of weight loading. You can try to feel it, but we can easily be fooled by our body abilities to cope.
I will try that.
I'm using LM for 3months now and never had blood. Thats why i was surprised. I didn't do any significant change or significantly changed the force
I will try that.
I'm using LM for 3months now and never had blood. Thats why i was surprised. I didn't do any significant change or significantly changed the force
Sounds like you increase the intensity without knowing, and possibly a little tighter on the plates than usual. Keep up with the observation
Bleeding seemed to sorted out. Altough i understand what SIM meant by combining LM and girth work.
Sometime the skin still sensitive from girth session make it difficult to do LM efficiently the next morning..

SS gives me a hard time. The twist part is broken now. Waiting for support. And i lose vacuum recently frequently for unclear reason so my dick pulled in and detached from vacuum and stay in the sleeve. Even though i put double sleeve on the top and on the bottom part. The actual sleeve not leaking air. Maybe its related to the issue with the broken twist part. will try to figure it out.


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Use a bit of baby powder, this will relieve some of this.
I understand now that it's nearly impossible to do LM and pumping on same days.
The girth work give me bruises that i can't put LM and strech hard even the next day.
Is that sounds right? Or just me doing something wrong or need to adjust?

In case i have to choose, is it better to start with only length? Or can i start also with girth? (If i do would the Length work after won't take some of my girth?)

I understand now that it's nearly impossible to do LM and pumping on same days.
Yes, you can do both on the same day. I do both back to back.

However, once you do girth, you may not be able to revisit length for 12 to 24 hours.

The girth work give me bruises that i can't put LM and strech hard even the next day.
Looks like you're going too intensely on girth work. Are you placing your penis into a semi to a full erectile state? Are you going to high on pressure? Where are the bruises forming (base of the penis? Shaft? The glans?) that cause the uncomfortableness?

Is that sounds right? Or just me doing something wrong or need to adjust?
Something does sound right. I probably have a suspicion. The LM plates may be pressing too hard on the glans, slipping and sliding during the routines, and the high pressure with little erectile presses on the base causing pain along the entire penile shaft.

In case i have to choose, is it better to start with only length? Or can i start also with girth? (If i do would the Length work after won't take some of my girth?)
Focus on length to get the necessary dimension for girth work and for future revisit of length work. If you can get last 5in of good flaccid length to use the LM plates more effectively, your length will elongate faster because of the additional contortion routine you can bundle in.

Girth can be expanded any time and much easier than length.
Yes, you can do both on the same day. I do both back to back.

However, once you do girth, you may not be able to revisit length for 12 to 24 hours.

Looks like you're going too intensely on girth work. Are you placing your penis into a semi to a full erectile state? Are you going to high on pressure? Where are the bruises forming (base of the penis? Shaft? The glans?) that cause the uncomfortableness?
To the BM i enter erect, i use 5min each session (srt 5x5x3). Not im around 5.5-6inHG.
Bruises on shaft, altough my glans also take work hard. Especially in combine with the SS.

If you talk about LM, I enter fully flaccid. Squizing the glans also while closing the chamber.
Something does sound right. I probably have a suspicion. The LM plates may be pressing too hard on the glans, slipping and sliding during the routines, and the high pressure with little erectile presses on the base causing pain along the entire penile shaft.

Focus on length to get the necessary dimension for girth work and for future revisit of length work. If you can get last 5in of good flaccid length to use the LM plates more effectively, your length will elongate faster because of the additional contortion routine you can bundle in.
didn't quite understand what you mean here
Girth can be expanded any time and much easier than length.
Got it. I think I see the picture. Quick question, what comes first: LM routine from a long SS wearing for BM pumping routine before the LM?
Ah..that's what I thought. Looks like your tissues need a bit less intense workout until they can keep up. For now, this is just my suggestion, switch pumping to every other day until your penile tissues can keep up. It happened to me as well when I restarted on my first month. Long wear day, moderate elongation routine in the morning to get the tissues pliable, and pump at night with 5x5x3 routine. Tissues underwent to much stresses in one entire day and started to bruise a bit. I cut back for 3 weeks by alternating one rest day from pump and one on day. Even if that on day happens to be a complete rest day, I still pump 2 sets just to prime my tissues to deal with the bruising. It worked for me. Not sure how well it will work for you.

If you want to take a safety measure, SS all day, but alternate between LM one day and pumping another.

If you feel confident that the bruising is light and fleeting as it goes away in a few hours, LM and SS routine every day, but only pump once every other day to maintain the girth and gain a bit at a time.

Now make sure to test your LM plates' pressure as well. Bruising can also be caused by abrasion that you may not see when you pull and tug on the LM. When there's too much pressure or to little pressure from the too plate, your foreskin can shift quite a bit, causing unexpected abrasion. I got mine this morning after restarting, coming out of a bad cold. I went a bit too rough with the wrapping and strap the plates improperly with slightly higher pressure than usual. Well, a little abrasion formed, didn't pay too much attention, and noticed the bruising after the pumping sessions. I slapped my head for not recognizing the improper LM plate pressure earlier.
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I understand now that it's nearly impossible to do LM and pumping on same days.
The girth work give me bruises that i can't put LM and strech hard even the next day.
Is that sounds right? Or just me doing something wrong or need to adjust?

In case i have to choose, is it better to start with only length? Or can i start also with girth? (If i do would the Length work after won't take some of my girth?)

I recommend to only use LengthMaster 3 first, you will gain so much size and thickness from that. Also it set you up to gain fast with girthwork, since your tissue will be conditioned for intensity.
With mityvac I am not getting much expansion. Like 0.3' or 0.4' at max. Any ideas guys? There is no air leakage. Can someone experienced help me on this ?
With mityvac I am not getting much expansion. Like 0.3' or 0.4' at max. Any ideas guys? There is no air leakage. Can someone experienced help me on this ?

When pumping with air, you'll get great expansion visually, but not the exactly the expansion you want. I'll explain. Any brothers can correct me on this if you like.

When you expand with air, you'll get hot spot expansions, meaning you get vacuum of the epidermal layer (the top penis skin layer) to expand first before the lower internal tissues, the corpa cavernosa and spongiosum. For those who have been pumping for more than a few years with both water and air and also paid attention to both, they see a few things from using air only such as:
  • More fluid retention and faster fluid build up after 5 minutes of consecutive high pressure around 5inHg (dynamic of pressure going up and down in pressure is different).
  • The skin is more irritated because the air vacuum pulls it away from the internal tissues.
  • Top skin is lumpy and soft in some spots.
  • Accidentally go higher in pressure without knowing if the pressure gauge is not observed.
We tend to equate the expansion gain by comparing the visual bloated appearance of fluid retention. To compare the true gain, compare the feeling of hardness all around the penile shaft to the normal erected penis before pumping. The penis should be hard or ridgid, the skin around hte penis should be firm, and the expansion should be roughly 15% to 25% at best. Anything larger than 25% expansion, something is wrong, or you have been very blessed.

Using water, as you know, water cannot be compressed. It holds your external skin from bloating up like a balloon and holds fluid. The water pushes back against the skin from forming lumpy pockets. This allows the internal tissues to expand along with the external skin. What you see as expansion is 90% true expansion. This why water expansion appears less than air. But what you get from internal expansion is the true expansion you're chasing after.

BUT, if you want more expansion using water, there's indeed a trick. I've been looking for a way as well because I want that greater expansion. It takes a few more sets to activate it. You can try and see if it works for you. I'll use myself as an example:

Using Length Master routine for at least 10 minutes, bundled stretches as much as you can, by twisting and pulling behind the cheeks to prime the tissues for girth.

My pumping lower presusre baseline is 5inHg.
My middle pressure is 7inHg, feeling very comfortable without any pain.
My upper pressure is 10inHg, with a feeling of light dull internal expansion, without pain.
My upper dangerous pressure is 12inHg, with feeling very heavy dull internal expansion, with slight pain.

I normally to do a 3x3x10, but this is to modify it to 5x5x3 for the brother to see the truth behind the 5x5x3 routine in action. Use your own routine to match your needs.

Pumping Set 1:
  • Use slightly warmer to hot water, hot to the point where you burn your penis. Warm enough just below the uncomfortable feeling. This is to max out tissue expansion without causing injuries.
  • Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 3 minutes, then reduce down to 4inHg for 2 minutes. See how low this is? Don't disregard 5inHg as too low. It's not. It's the starting point of expansion. The trick is, get as stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be at 80% erected. It must be 100%.
  • SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. But for SSJ, get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 2 minutes before releasing. This is the trick to get that massive internal expansion.

Pumping Set 2:
  • Use warmer to hot water. Your penis should be adaptive to the slightly higher temperature now. Be careful not to burn your penis. This is to max out tissue expansion without causing injuries.
  • Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 1 minutes, then reduce down to 4inHg for 1 minutes. Increase pressure to 10inHg for 2 minute, and drop back down at 5inHg for 1 minute. Stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be less than erected. It must be 100%.
  • SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. Get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 2 minutes before releasing.
Pumping Set 3:
  • Use warmer to hot water. Your penis should be adaptive to the slightly higher temperature now. Be careful not to burn your penis.
  • Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 1 minutes. Increase pressure to 10inHg for 2 minute, and drop back down at 5inHg for 1 minute, but, the last minute, increase back up to 10inHg, BUT slowly creep up to 11inHg for that last minute. Stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be less than erected. It must be 100%.
  • SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. Get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 3 minutes before releasing.
What you are doing is inducing dynamic pressure expansion. Phalback attempted this based on the videos posted by users. Phalback uses air, but water is much better in providing the internal expansion without the blob-fish appearance at the end. For me, the expansion lasts more than 8 hours, with 20% reduction in size beyond 10 hours if I don't use a cock ring. With a cock ring all day, I notice the expansion continues on for as long as I have it on, and at times, bigger expansion overall.
When pumping with air, you'll get great expansion visually, but not the exactly the expansion you want. I'll explain. Any brothers can correct me on this if you like.

When you expand with air, you'll get hot spot expansions, meaning you get vacuum of the epidermal layer (the top penis skin layer) to expand first before the lower internal tissues, the corpa cavernosa and spongiosum. For those who have been pumping for more than a few years with both water and air and also paid attention to both, they see a few things from using air only such as:
  • More fluid retention and faster fluid build up after 5 minutes of consecutive high pressure around 5inHg (dynamic of pressure going up and down in pressure is different).
  • The skin is more irritated because the air vacuum pulls it away from the internal tissues.
  • Top skin is lumpy and soft in some spots.
  • Accidentally go higher in pressure without knowing if the pressure gauge is not observed.
We tend to equate the expansion gain by comparing the visual bloated appearance of fluid retention. To compare the true gain, compare the feeling of hardness all around the penile shaft to the normal erected penis before pumping. The penis should be hard or ridgid, the skin around hte penis should be firm, and the expansion should be roughly 15% to 25% at best. Anything larger than 25% expansion, something is wrong, or you have been very blessed.

Using water, as you know, water cannot be compressed. It holds your external skin from bloating up like a balloon and holds fluid. The water pushes back against the skin from forming lumpy pockets. This allows the internal tissues to expand along with the external skin. What you see as expansion is 90% true expansion. This why water expansion appears less than air. But what you get from internal expansion is the true expansion you're chasing after.

BUT, if you want more expansion using water, there's indeed a trick. I've been looking for a way as well because I want that greater expansion. It takes a few more sets to activate it. You can try and see if it works for you. I'll use myself as an example:

Using Length Master routine for at least 10 minutes, bundled stretches as much as you can, by twisting and pulling behind the cheeks to prime the tissues for girth.

My pumping lower presusre baseline is 5inHg.
My middle pressure is 7inHg, feeling very comfortable without any pain.
My upper pressure is 10inHg, with a feeling of light dull internal expansion, without pain.
My upper dangerous pressure is 12inHg, with feeling very heavy dull internal expansion, with slight pain.

I normally to do a 3x3x10, but this is to modify it to 5x5x3 for the brother to see the truth behind the 5x5x3 routine in action. Use your own routine to match your needs.

Pumping Set 1:
  • Use slightly warmer to hot water, hot to the point where you burn your penis. Warm enough just below the uncomfortable feeling. This is to max out tissue expansion without causing injuries.
  • Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 3 minutes, then reduce down to 4inHg for 2 minutes. See how low this is? Don't disregard 5inHg as too low. It's not. It's the starting point of expansion. The trick is, get as stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be at 80% erected. It must be 100%.
  • SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. But for SSJ, get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 2 minutes before releasing. This is the trick to get that massive internal expansion.

Pumping Set 2:
  • Use warmer to hot water. Your penis should be adaptive to the slightly higher temperature now. Be careful not to burn your penis. This is to max out tissue expansion without causing injuries.
  • Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 1 minutes, then reduce down to 4inHg for 1 minutes. Increase pressure to 10inHg for 2 minute, and drop back down at 5inHg for 1 minute. Stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be less than erected. It must be 100%.
  • SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. Get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 2 minutes before releasing.
Pumping Set 3:
  • Use warmer to hot water. Your penis should be adaptive to the slightly higher temperature now. Be careful not to burn your penis.
  • Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 1 minutes. Increase pressure to 10inHg for 2 minute, and drop back down at 5inHg for 1 minute, but, the last minute, increase back up to 10inHg, BUT slowly creep up to 11inHg for that last minute. Stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be less than erected. It must be 100%.
  • SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. Get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 3 minutes before releasing.
What you are doing is inducing dynamic pressure expansion. Phalback attempted this based on the videos posted by users. Phalback uses air, but water is much better in providing the internal expansion without the blob-fish appearance at the end. For me, the expansion lasts more than 8 hours, with 20% reduction in size beyond 10 hours if I don't use a cock ring. With a cock ring all day, I notice the expansion continues on for as long as I have it on, and at times, bigger expansion overall.

I have also a video where I show everyone a type of dynamic pressure set, where I go back and forth between high and low vaccum pressure. High for me are 12 in.Hg to 15 in.Hg and low are 10 in.Hg. *Edit: is in fact to high, I don't think you need it. Be careful.

Using a to tight cylinder and a wide cylinder during the sessions have also been beneficial for me. If I don't use the tight 2" wide cylinder on my first set I don't see as much temporary expansion after my sessions.

We have talked about this many times before but many seams to have missed this information.
I hope everyone are getting this information.
You need a big water trap for this method.
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If I go lower on HG than 9hg, I literally feel nothing. I don't think I can SSJ for 3 minutes. Not yet. Also it's impossible for me to have 100% erection do I need another plan for dry pumping. Also changing cylinders can't understand how that benefits this.
If I go lower on HG than 9hg, I literally feel nothing. I don't think I can SSJ for 3 minutes. Not yet. Also it's impossible for me to have 100% erection do I need another plan for dry pumping. Also changing cylinders can't understand how that benefits this.
Feeling nothing doesn't mean it's not working. When your penis is 100% erected under 5inHg of vacuum pressure, this automatically expand the internal area. Pushing up to 9inHg and 10inHg at full erection, if you don't feel anything at 100% erection, this is where you must start to worry. Nerve desensitization is a source of not feeling the expansion. You try to go even higher because your nerve doesn't send you sufficient signal, this is where injuries will occur. It's like those who hardly feel any pain because of high pain tolerance as they push themselves harder, they suffer horrendously at the end. You just need to be very careful.

If you belive 9inHg is considered as too low for you to feel anything, then set it at 10inHg, and creep slowly into 11inHg. However, do not enter into the 11inHg like it's nothing. You are entering into dangerous territory once you go past 10inHg. Make sure to always, always, always get your erection to 100% during pumping. You can enter your pump flaccid, but once you start your pumping session, get that erection up. A good internal expansion is dependent on your erection state.

For those who have ED, pumping helps with blood circulation, breaking through the blockages and plagues that may form in the dorsal and circumflex blood vessels. But always try to force your penis to get an erection during pumping, even with ED. This is where you're reprogramming your brain to work with your penis to resolve the ED. Brain must work with penis on top of the tool you're using for your penis.
Damn you have so strong mind and willpower.
I enter pump 80% erected and at 10hg is like 100%. Is this you are talking about or do I have to find a way to get a "new" erection inside pump?

Another question: if I enter flaccid and st 10hg it is 100% erect it is okay?

Also how can someone ssj 3 mins in a row...
Feeling nothing doesn't mean it's not working. When your penis is 100% erected under 5inHg of vacuum pressure, this automatically expand the internal area. Pushing up to 9inHg and 10inHg at full erection, if you don't feel anything at 100% erection, this is where you must start to worry. Nerve desensitization is a source of not feeling the expansion. You try to go even higher because your nerve doesn't send you sufficient signal, this is where injuries will occur. It's like those who hardly feel any pain because of high pain tolerance as they push themselves harder, they suffer horrendously at the end. You just need to be very careful.

If you belive 9inHg is considered as too low for you to feel anything, then set it at 10inHg, and creep slowly into 11inHg. However, do not enter into the 11inHg like it's nothing. You are entering into dangerous territory once you go past 10inHg. Make sure to always, always, always get your erection to 100% during pumping. You can enter your pump flaccid, but once you start your pumping session, get that erection up. A good internal expansion is dependent on your erection state.

For those who have ED, pumping helps with blood circulation, breaking through the blockages and plagues that may form in the dorsal and circumflex blood vessels. But always try to force your penis to get an erection during pumping, even with ED. This is where you're reprogramming your brain to work with your penis to resolve the ED. Brain must work with penis on top of the tool you're using for your penis.
Someone need to ease up on the vaccum pressure.
That someone are @squirt_inducer_man

Thanks for an awesome explanation.
But nerve desensitization will heal up I suppose when you let your tissue and nerves fully recover.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...