When pumping with air, you'll get great expansion visually, but not the exactly the expansion you want. I'll explain. Any brothers can correct me on this if you like.
When you expand with air, you'll get hot spot expansions, meaning you get vacuum of the epidermal layer (the top penis skin layer) to expand first before the lower internal tissues, the corpa cavernosa and spongiosum. For those who have been pumping for more than a few years with both water and air and also paid attention to both, they see a few things from using air only such as:
- More fluid retention and faster fluid build up after 5 minutes of consecutive high pressure around 5inHg (dynamic of pressure going up and down in pressure is different).
- The skin is more irritated because the air vacuum pulls it away from the internal tissues.
- Top skin is lumpy and soft in some spots.
- Accidentally go higher in pressure without knowing if the pressure gauge is not observed.
We tend to equate the expansion gain by comparing the visual bloated appearance of fluid retention. To compare the true gain, compare the feeling of hardness all around the penile shaft to the normal erected penis before pumping. The penis should be hard or ridgid, the skin around hte penis should be firm, and the expansion should be roughly 15% to 25% at best. Anything larger than 25% expansion, something is wrong, or you have been very blessed.
Using water, as you know, water cannot be compressed. It holds your external skin from bloating up like a balloon and holds fluid. The water pushes back against the skin from forming lumpy pockets. This allows the internal tissues to expand along with the external skin. What you see as expansion is 90% true expansion. This why water expansion appears less than air. But what you get from internal expansion is the true expansion you're chasing after.
BUT, if you want more expansion using water, there's indeed a trick. I've been looking for a way as well because I want that greater expansion. It takes a few more sets to activate it. You can try and see if it works for you. I'll use myself as an example:
Length Master routine for at least 10 minutes, bundled stretches as much as you can, by twisting and pulling behind the cheeks to prime the tissues for girth.
My pumping lower presusre baseline is 5inHg.
My middle pressure is 7inHg, feeling very comfortable without any pain.
My upper pressure is 10inHg, with a feeling of light dull internal expansion, without pain.
My upper dangerous pressure is 12inHg, with feeling very heavy dull internal expansion, with slight pain.
I normally to do a 3x3x10, but this is to modify it to
5x5x3 for the brother to see the truth behind the
5x5x3 routine in action. Use your own routine to match your needs.
Pumping Set 1:
- Use slightly warmer to hot water, hot to the point where you burn your penis. Warm enough just below the uncomfortable feeling. This is to max out tissue expansion without causing injuries.
- Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 3 minutes, then reduce down to 4inHg for 2 minutes. See how low this is? Don't disregard 5inHg as too low. It's not. It's the starting point of expansion. The trick is, get as stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be at 80% erected. It must be 100%.
- SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. But for SSJ, get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 2 minutes before releasing. This is the trick to get that massive internal expansion.
Pumping Set 2:
- Use warmer to hot water. Your penis should be adaptive to the slightly higher temperature now. Be careful not to burn your penis. This is to max out tissue expansion without causing injuries.
- Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 1 minutes, then reduce down to 4inHg for 1 minutes. Increase pressure to 10inHg for 2 minute, and drop back down at 5inHg for 1 minute. Stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be less than erected. It must be 100%.
- SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. Get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 2 minutes before releasing.
Pumping Set 3:
- Use warmer to hot water. Your penis should be adaptive to the slightly higher temperature now. Be careful not to burn your penis.
- Pump up to 5inHg and stay there for 1 minutes. Increase pressure to 10inHg for 2 minute, and drop back down at 5inHg for 1 minute, but, the last minute, increase back up to 10inHg, BUT slowly creep up to 11inHg for that last minute. Stimulated and erected as you can. You cannot be less than erected. It must be 100%.
- SSJ for the next 3 to 5 minutes. Go longer if you can. Get as hard and erected as you can. Hold the blood while doing the SSJ up to 3 minutes before releasing.
What you are doing is inducing dynamic pressure expansion. Phalback attempted this based on the videos posted by users. Phalback uses air, but water is much better in providing the internal expansion without the blob-fish appearance at the end. For me, the expansion lasts more than 8 hours, with 20% reduction in size beyond 10 hours if I don't use a
cock ring. With a
cock ring all day, I notice the expansion continues on for as long as I have it on, and at times, bigger expansion overall.