Had to write this as I do this lol. I have my PF on and doing kegels. I'm wearing it with the strap over my shoulder straight up. Good stretch up and I kegel and the resistance I am getting feels great. I haven't done resisted kegels in years. I'm holding my base and can feel the tug on my base as I kegel. It's definitely something I am gonna start doing when I get home as I don't have enough room in my uniform to do this. I have it at yellow and can kegel it to the top of red on the gauge. Feels frickin awesome. I'm fatigued after 50 reps of hard squeezes. Very nice. I forget about kegels all the time lol. If only they could be done with a machine lol.
Longth will like this since he is the kegel guru. Big ups to brother Longth.
Longth will like this since he is the kegel guru. Big ups to brother Longth.