I am new here and new to Penis Enlargement.
I've been doing the Phase 1 routine for about a week now, and yesterday during the jelq session, my penis suddenly went limp. It's like it deflated. I attempted to do a few more jelqs, but I wasn't able to get erect again, so I stopped with the jelqs and finished the Penis Enlargement session with testicle massage and warm down.
Today I noticed it is somewhat difficult to get an erection, and when I do get one it's weaker than usual. I also feel like I lost sensation on my penis; it doesn't feel good or a turn on when I touch it. It just feels like I'm touching it. There is some pain along the top of the penis, especially on the top about a half inch to an inch behind the head, where the foreskin fold area begins.
During the stretching part of the Phase 1, I would get some pain on that part of the penis too. I would adjust how I gripped the penis, but it is hard to get a good stretch in without somehow squeezing that part of the penis I mentioned.
I read something about the dorsal nerve being susceptible to injury during jelqing. Could I have damaged it? What can I do about it?
Is there something I should adjust with my jelq grip to avoid damaging this area further, assuming I haven't just ended my penis' career?
How about during stretching?
Thoughts appreciated.
I am new here and new to Penis Enlargement.
I've been doing the Phase 1 routine for about a week now, and yesterday during the jelq session, my penis suddenly went limp. It's like it deflated. I attempted to do a few more jelqs, but I wasn't able to get erect again, so I stopped with the jelqs and finished the Penis Enlargement session with testicle massage and warm down.
Today I noticed it is somewhat difficult to get an erection, and when I do get one it's weaker than usual. I also feel like I lost sensation on my penis; it doesn't feel good or a turn on when I touch it. It just feels like I'm touching it. There is some pain along the top of the penis, especially on the top about a half inch to an inch behind the head, where the foreskin fold area begins.
During the stretching part of the Phase 1, I would get some pain on that part of the penis too. I would adjust how I gripped the penis, but it is hard to get a good stretch in without somehow squeezing that part of the penis I mentioned.
I read something about the dorsal nerve being susceptible to injury during jelqing. Could I have damaged it? What can I do about it?
Is there something I should adjust with my jelq grip to avoid damaging this area further, assuming I haven't just ended my penis' career?
How about during stretching?
Thoughts appreciated.