Penis smells bad??

Hey guys,

I have a problem. It's kind of embarrassing to admit this, but I feel I've gotta do something about it.

It's really not that severe, but occassionally my penis will smell really, really bad. I don't know what it is, but the first thing I think of is smegma because the smell has this cheesy smell to it. hahaha. I don't think it really is smegma, but my friends and I used to use that word a lot to describe genitalia that smelled bad. Before there was no smell, but it starts coming up every time I get heavy into my routine, and I don't know what it is or where it's coming from.

Here's my routine:

I start with a shower to warm up, I jelq using regular old body lotion, I warm down using water and a towel (getting all the lotion off my dick in the process), I dry up, and then I massage my dick with a Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks lotion (This is great shit btw! It's got Vitamin E, Collagen & Elastin in it).

After the routine, my dick gets really plump and juicy, which is great! And there's no smell. The smell starts to come in the next day.

I can't tell if it's because of one or both of the lotions I use or because of just regular ol' Penis Enlargementing and the hormones are going crazy or whatever.

It can't be bacteria or smegma or anything, because I wash my dick nearly every day and I'm a really clean person.

Also, I'm a virgin, and I've heard of pussy having a bad smell, too, but I don't know if the smell I have and the smell of pussy is the same, because I've never smelled pussy before.

I would hate to be recieving a blowjob from a girl and have it smell really bad, because the smell at its worst really is unbearable and disgusting.

I'll play around with the lotion by using it one night and then not using it the next and see if that makes a difference, but I'd like to know if this smell is normal? Do you guys get it too? Or am I a special case?
Sounds like you need to wash it more often. Could be those ingredients in the cream getting clogged up. If you uncut than I can understand this.
Thats pretty gross man. Being un cut has nothing to do with it. Im uncut and cleanliness is an easy thing for someone who is un-cut. Cheese!? wtf? that is pretty raunchy man go see a doctor.
Some guys dont clean properly when they pull the skin back and being cut helps allot to get the area clean and being cut the region isnt as sensitive, so when us uncut guys give it a good rub it can become sensitive and possibly puts some guys off cleaning it thoroughlly.
Nice, but no i think as long as you pull the skin back and scrub well there is no problem. I see where your coming from though. The area can be sensitive while cleaning in and around.
Sounds like a fungal infection. Comes from creating a wet environment in folds of skin. Get some antifungal cream, such as Lotrimin AF and apply 2 times a day for 3-4 days (one day after the smell stops). Cleanliness has nothing to do with the situation, however, not keeping everything dry does (perhaps your new lotion is causing this?)
Thanks very much for the replies guys!

I am cut, actually.

lol yeah - cheese - it is very gross. I have a feeling it could be a fungal infection and could be from one of the lotions I use and leaving it on over night. I'll experiment with it and I'll get some of that antifungal cream and experiment with that too.
take a shower & scrub the area and after rub balmex/diaper rash cream in the cracks of your groin and a little on the shaft and gooch (area between asshole and ballsack)

problem solved. you dont need to go see a doctor as your 100% fine.
too much moisture. if you're uncut it helps if you keep the glans exposed after showering to let it dry properly and air out (yeah i speak from experience) and using lotions and soap that have moisturisers and scents in them is bad. a doctor will tell you that. :)