Should be as long as it is cemented, just like in physical penis enlargement.
It's been a longer while and I've really gone to deeper end with subliminals, binaurals, hypnosis tracks and so on.
In my experience there are plenty of interesting ones that surely wake something up inside of me.
I'd say binaurals would be the safest start point, such as Quadible Integrity. (I won't put up any links ...)
There are several / many good content creators but there has been some very bad subliminal content around.
In my personal experience certain files do provide a better sensation. There's a big part of concentration of the mind in play, I'd say, especially with hypnosis.
I still use pumping as my main go-to when it goes to enhancing myself but I feel that the audio files help a lot, in a way that my thoughts are more locked and consistent with gaining.
But as with physical side of things, the audio files while being more on the mental aspect, it does take time to get the most out of certain files.
Several creators suggest putting subliminals in the background while you're doing stuff, if that's a possibility. Surely not a suggestion if there's any heavy machinery operating etc., or other labor intensive processes. But for certain office work etc., sure, headphones on and some subliminals on play.
Some might see gains with these mentioned audio files, especially if there's no physical enlargement history prior.
For any of the Brothers on board, I'd say you could give binaurals a try.
Even though being on this forum one should likely believe in the process / possibility of gaining more size but as society and media have touted it being not doable, it might be beneficial to use binaurals / subliminals / hypnosis as a tool to break those beliefs deep in the subconscious mind.
That's all for now, it's a touchy and even more taboo subject than physical enlargement regimes, at least that's how I feel.
But overall I'd say the files are a part of the tool set of making gains.